Monday, December 28, 2009

Grab Your Spoon!!!

Okay, this blog goes along with the previous one, Open that Gift, so read that one first!

When meditating on what an awesome free gift of eternal life that God has given each and everyone of us, all we have to do is accept it....another thought popped into this feeble brain of mine. In II Timothy 1:6 Paul is saying, (amplified version) "That is why I would remind you to stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan the flame of, and keep burning) the (gracious) gift of God, (the inner fire) that is in you by the means of the laying on of my hands (with those of the elders at your ordination)." At church, I also heard the preacher touch on this subject as well.

So this is what God gave to me: We should accept His free gift, and we should put it to use. How? ask....well, by getting into His Word everyday, and learning of Him, being a prayer warrior, a witness, going to His house and worshipping Him.........using whatever talent He has given you........and He has given each one of us a talent...oh, but that's another blog......

So why grab a spoon you ask??? Well, it goes back to what the preacher had mentioned in his sermon...when you are cooking....why do you grab a spoon? To stir things, right?? Work with me......okay, I was making some soup the other day, and as it began to warm I grabbed a spoon. The soup that was nearest the fire gets hotter faster, so I had to stir the pot as to distribute the heat.

As christians we need to be a spoon! Those of us who can reach out to Christ need to stir the pot so that others can feel Him as well. We go to church to worship Him and give of our time to Him, as He has given His time to us all week..........but we are to help our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as well! Sometimes we, ourselves, can get away from the fire, start getting colder, and need to be stirred ourselves!

Who likes a bowl of soup that is hot in some places and cold in others?....grab your spoon and lets all enjoy our Saviour....and get just a little sneek peak of what Heaven is going to be like! Let's rekindle our flame and keep that precious gift of God burning!

Open That Gift!

Okay, Christmas is the meaning and worship of my Lord.....get tired of all the hustle and bustle! But, the tree is down, the decorations are put away, and the house is clean...aaahhh....that's what I'm talking about! I'm sure, as I did, you had a wonderful holiday, and got so much more than you deserve! I am so humbled by how good God is! But, how many of you received a gift that you just aren't so sure you will ever use...or that you even like?

Ephesians 2:8 says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.".....the amplified version says, "For it is by free grace (God's unmerited favor) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ's salvation) through (your) faith. And this (salvation) is not of yourselves (of your own doing, it came not through your own striving) but it is a gift of God." WOW! That is a lot to take in, so meditate on that verse for a while.

I got to thinking about that gift...and gifts I had received in the past. Have you ever received a gift and then just laid it aside, and never used it? My grandmother was a professional gift taker, lol. She had a whole bedroom that was in honor of this quality of hers. After she passed away, we felt like we were at Wal-mart in that room....all the gifts that all the family had given her all through the years, right there...opened....received....but never used! O my goodness....what all kinds of trinkets she could have enjoyed if she had only tried them!!

Isn't that like the gift of salvation? I see so many that have said they believe in God all their lives, but that is as far as it goes. And meanwhile, Satan loves it! He doesn't care that you believe in God, he doesn't even care that you say you want to be saved.....he just wants to keep you busy doing your own thing so you run out of time! What good is that great sacrifice that our Lord gave for us to have eternal life, if we never open His gift and use it??? Romans 6:23 proclaims, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

You believe in God....that's open His free gift and use it....enjoy it! You will never wear it out, and you will never run out of things to learn about it! I praise the name of the Lord, that when I was a 7 year old little girl I accepted that gift.........sad to say I just put that gift in the spare bedroom of my my grandmother did with all her gifts.........but so thankful that I finally realized what I did receive, and opened that free gift and now am using it every minute of every day!!!!! Thank you Jesus, for dying on an old rugged cross so that I would receive eternal life through your horrible pain and sacrifice! I've never been sorry for opening that gift!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Makin' Bacon

Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

We live by our senses, don't we? .....You know, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching ...without them, it would be a rather scary world! We use these senses for everything! We use them to judge whether food is good or not, or if a picture is pretty or not, if something is too loud, or every aspect of our lives........we use our senses. Does Christ shine through you, so that others, by using their senses can see Him in you? Can a sinner see God by looking at you? Can a sinner hear God by what you speak? Can a sinner smell the sweet aroma of our Jesus on you? Can a sinner taste God in you? Psalm 34:8 says, "O taste and see that the Lord is good...". Have you ever met someone, that when you walked away from them, you almost had a bad taste in your mouth because they were so bitter?

Our senses let us know quickly if we like something or not. If something is too loud, or a song out of tune..we know quickly we do not want to hear more. If something looks horrible, we quickly turn away. If something stinks, we hold our noses and run! If something tastes bad, we are quick to spit it out. If something feels rough or gross, we drop it quickly! Our senses guide us to our likes and away from our dislikes. They guide us to our comfort and away from pain and discomforts.

Okay, I see your inquisitive expression, wondering where I am going...talking about senses, and titling this blog "Makin' Bacon"....okay, I'll get to that. My youngest daughter had late basketball practice the other night. As you know with the change in season it gets pretty chilly when the sun goes down, and with the time change, it gets darker earlier now. While I was at home, I began to try to think of what I could cook for dinner. We like to have breakfast for dinner sometimes and that seemed to hit the spot. I started quickly preparing what I could until time to go pick her up. I put the biscuits in the oven, got the grits started, and started cooking the bacon. Well, if you've cooked bacon, then you know that it puts off quite an aroma. It had literally permeated my clothing. And by the way...who doesn't like bacon...or like to smell it cooking?

I look at the time, and it is time to go pick her up. She is always starving after practice, and always jumps in the car asking what is for dinner. Well, this night, she opens the car door....stops for a second, then says, "Oh yummy.....I smell bacon!" The biggest smile came on her face, and she was my cheerleader all the way home, trying to get us home as fast as possible. She reminded me of those puppy commercials were the dog dances with delight over the smell of bacon!

God began working this thought into my does the world perceive Christ when they use their senses and see me? I didn't have a sign on the car door telling my daughter what I was cooking bacon. I didn't call ahead and tell the coach what I was cooking. I wasn't yelling out my car window that I was cooking bacon. My t-shirt I was wearing said nothing about bacon on it. I didn't have the car radio cranked up with songs about bacon sounding did she know??? She used her sense of smell. I had been in close contact with the bacon. I had cut it, cooked it, cared for it....I had a personal relationship and knowledge of the bacon. And because I had, it had rubbed off on me. She smelled the bacon on my clothes. It was such a tantilizing smell, that her saliva glands were on overload before we got home! She was about to die....for bacon!!

I could have changed my clothes before I left, could have sprayed perfume all over trying to disguise the smell...but I didn't. I could've burned the bacon, by being careless, and changed the whole aspect of the smell of bacon. The point is....if you are spending time with Christ, if you crawl up in His lap and learn of Him....then h is going to rub off on you, and one or more of this world's 'senses' are going to notice. They will see Christ in you....and crave for more! you don't have to get in their face and cram Christ down their throats. Christ will be so sweet on you, they will want more of Him!

God help me to spend time with Hm so others will see His light through me. So they will hear Christ through me, so they can taste His goodness and want more, so they can touch the hem of His garment! I want Him to increase and myself to decrease. I don't want to add or take away anything of him and distort His love! I want the true loving Christ to shine through me and point others to the cross! So....the next time you are makin' bacon, soak in the wonderful aroma, and remember the light of Christ that is being portrayed through you!!

Do You Know 'The Way'?

John 14:4-6 "And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Let that soak in for a while. HE IS THE WAY!!! My oldest daughter is 15, and has her learner's license. So therefore, she takes the wheel at every opportunity. That is the way it should be! It is often funny, because often times I tell her where we are going, and this distant look comes on her face. I can tell she is thinking really hard. She then will exclaim, "Oh, okay, I think I know the way!" I have to smile. You see, for 15 yrs. of her life, she was either in the backseat...or as she got the front passenger seat. She was taken everywhere, and never needed to really study the roads to know where to go for herself.

As I studied this passage, I could see myself in ole Thomas, and watching my daughter figure out her way around a town she was born and raised in......these verses hit home for me. You see, the disciples dropped what they were doing and followed Jesus as he asked. They went everywhere with him and saw him perform many miracles and listened to his teachings. Then, as it came time for Jesus to die on the cross......Thomas finally realized.......oh do we know the way???

Just as my daughter has begun to realize that even though she has rode with me all her life to most of these places...she has not had to do it herself. Thomas was also realizing that he had been following Jesus...and now what was he to was he to know the way?

I recently, myself have tasted this new freedom. I have had to break away from my raising, my heritage, my family's religion, if you will........and tested the waters for myself. Not that I have gone astray or changed religions... but I have decided that I have to live for Christ myself, not ride my families coat tails. I had to get into the drivers seat for myself. It is scary, and I know Thomas was nervous.......but once we realize that HE IS THE all falls into place. Trust in Him, get into His Word and learn it for yourself. Now that my daughter has driven herself to several places, she no longer has to ask how to get there or study it out......she knows the way. What an awesome peace and freedom to know......The Way!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Seeing the Big Picture

Our pastor preached a sermon this past Sunday in Matthew 16:13-16. He focused on the answer that Peter gave Jesus when he was asking them '...whom say ye that I am?". Peter answered, "Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God." If we could ever really grasp this sentence, and take it personally....He is the Christ, the Son of the living God!

My husband and I went to a festival they were having just down the road from us. It was held in a nearby pasture that I have passed almost every day since we have lived here....which is going on 7 years now. Both my husband and I commented on how big this piece of land was, and how we never noticed how big it was before...not until we were now walking on it.

I began thinking about that....spiritually, and then Sunday's sermon got me thinking even more. Do you realize all you have through Jesus Christ? The more we learn of Him, the more there is to learn. The more knowledge we obtain of Him, the more we realize there is so much more to learn. You can have been saved a long time....but if you have not tried Him for yourself, then you have no idea how big He is!

Just as my husband and I had seen that pasture for years. We knew it was there, we see it as we pass down the road...and we certainly could drive right to it with no need for directions. But...only when we set foot on the pasture did it begin to really open up for us. We finally could see the 'big picture'.

The same goes for Jesus. He is not your parents religion, or your grandparents....He is not the man in the Bible stories......He is much bigger! You must try Him for yourself before you can ever see the big picture. I challenge you my friends, dig deeper, read more, pray more, worship more, focus more on Him....and you will see the bigger picture! You will not regret it! What a wonderful ride...I am enjoying every moment of Him...and cannot wait until He calls me home!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Small Wonder

Okay, check out these pictures of my aquarium. If you notice the little guy at the top of both pictures........his name is Survivor. He is named this...because somehow, some way...he survived! The second picture shows Survivor on top, and his parents below. If you have an aquarium, then you NEVER get babies! Oh, they will lay eggs, but the other fish always gobble them up. You only get babies if you rescue the eggs some how, and allow them to hatch separate from the other fish. Then, you must allow them to grow big enough so they won't be swallowed by the other fish when you put them in the tank with the rest of your fish!! Okay...our little Survivor there, not only survived by not being eaten while he was yet an egg....but then he survived again when he was too small and could still fit in the other fishes mouths'!! WOW! We were so excited, and just love watching him grow!!
My spiritual eye was so excited as well!!! In Psalm 71, it says, "By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou are he that took me out of my mother's bowels; my praise shall be continually of thee. I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge." Well, praise the Lord!!! I couldn't help but think of our little fish....what a wonder he has been to us, and everyone who comes over for a visit!
Isn't it wonderful to know that we serve a God that not only cares for us before we are born, but also takes such sweet care of us afterwards. What protection, what love, what mercy, He bestowes upon us daily! I don't know how or where that little guy stayed in that aquarium in order to survive...but he did. The world must often look at christians and just wonder how we have survived. I'll gladly tell them about my strong refuge! How about you? Have you thanked God today for His protection..for being your strong refuge?
What an awesome God we serve! Thank you Lord for your blessings on me, for your strong refuge, for your hedge of protection on my life!

Being Prepared (Inspired by Renea;p)

A friend and I were talking the other day, giving God praise for all He has done in our lives, and a thought stumbled into my head. We were talking about never getting too old to stop learning and gaining wisdom of the Father. That is the key....never losing your 'want to'. No matter what it takes, hold on to it with full on passion, grit your teeth and stand your ground! Never get complacant...and when those days come, where you are tired, cold, weak, and worn....shake it up and quickly run back close to the fire! No matter how low your valley gets, no matter how dry your desert feels...keep plodding on!! It is worth it! If God feels a million miles away...keep reading His word, keep praying every matter if you don't feel a thing...keep on doing it..because, while you think you are getting no help are, when that storm have your armour on, you have your protection! YOU ARE PREPARED!!

I bought my girls a small umbrella to keep in their backpacks at all times for school. Our campus is more like a college campus. We have several different buildings, so they have to walk outside a lot. They really don't think about having it with them, they just carry it in their matter what the weather is doing. let the rain come, and they are grabbing that backpack and pulling that little umbrella out! They are prepared, whatever the weather, to stay safe and dry!

Same in the spiritual life..the 'sun' is out, life is good, nothing seems to be going on much..good or bad...but KEEP reading the Bible, KEEP praying every day...because one day that storm will come and you will be won't have to scramble to find God, or His will! You are safe and dry! In times past, sad to say, I have allowed God to be my 'spare tire' and being the perfect gentleman, he didn't push. And when the storms of this life came my way, it was really rough, because I had to scramble to where I needed to be with Him, before I could even think about getting any help in the storm! Just like those students that get caught outside with no umbrella. They are scrambling for cover, they come to class soaked, or get stuck under an awning, with no way to get where they need to go.......but you see, my girls, being prepared, can safely get where they need to go, on time...and safe and dry. Now the rain is still wet, the storm is still going on for them, as well as the other students...but they were PREPARED! We all have to face the storms of will you face them.....prepared, or unprepared?

Don't face things alone, child of is unnecessary! You hold the key to being prepared...your Bible (God communicating with you) and daily prayer life (you communicating with God). Don't get caught out in the rain, where you can get soaked, or get trapped with no way to get where you need to go!!! Let Him be your umbrella......and keep Him close to you at all times.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Stay Off!

If you read my blog, then you know that my oldest daughter has a wonderful pug named, Bo. Bo has been a God send, and we love him so....but, he has this problem.....he sheds a lot! I find myself forever brushing his hair off of the furniture. So, I got him this cute little doggy bed, put it in the living room....near us....and started training him not to get on the furniture. I found this spray at the store called Stay Off. It is a dog training spray that keeps dogs away from a certain area. I thought I would give it a try.

I brought it home and sprayed the chairs and sofa with it. It puts off no smell, that I can smell...but Bo certainly doesn't like it. It leaves no stain, no odor, no hint that it is there.....but Bo certainly doesn't like it. It seems to be working pretty well. Bo is staying off the furniture...but it doesn't seem to make him love his bed any more. I keep taking him to the bed...and he keeps jumping right back out. I put his favorite toys in it....he will retrieve the toy....and leave the bed alone.

Where am I going with this one you may ask??? made me think about witnessing....yes you read it correctly....witnessing! Do you repel folks from God, or do you bring them in? I'm not talking about your intentions or your well meanings.....I'm talking about how others perceive you. You may mean well when you beg them to come to church with you, or when you cry and tell them you don't want to see them go to hell, forever quoting scripture in their ear, preaching to them about how they are living, and how they should be living, but how's that coming across? As you 'spray' your words out, they may have no odor, no stain, and to you, no hint that it was there....but it may be that that sinner or backslider perceives it differently. Although you are praying and beckoning them the best way you know how...that will not make them come, that will not get them saved. You can't see a thing come out of that can when I spray it, only the sound a spray can makes.........but, poor ole Bo, he can! He takes a sniff, snarles his nose and takes off. I want him to go to his bed....but that's not where he goes!

Be careful how you direct others to Christ, you may have the best intentions...but you may be repelling them. As Christians we are to point others to Christ...but don't walk out in front of Him! I can lead Bo to that bed, I can taunt him with his toys are a milkbone, but that won't make him lay down in it. He has to see that it is a soft cozy warm place for himself. He has to see that that awful scent from that can does not get sprayed on his bed. Too often, we are so excited to have someone feel, taste, and see that God is good, we actually do more damage than good.

Stop....look....and listen....listen to your Father. He will direct you. Your main job is to pray for that person and LIVE the life that God wants you to live in front of that person! Stop....pushing and pulling and proding.....look to the cross and remember your salvation....and listen to the Father as He guides you. He is a perfect gentleman, He gives each individual his own free will...we all have a choice. I found that if I just left Bo alone, that gradually, he will check the bed out for himself, sniff it, touch it....and eventually give it a try. Mom always said that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Its true. So the next time you see that friend or loved one that you so desperately want to see saved, back right, in church, living for Christ......stop, look, and listen.........God can move mountains.......but in His time, not ours. He will do and has done His part........and He doesn't need any of us in order to get anything He wants done, done. I promise.....He knows what's best, He knows the desires of your heart.....and He loves them and is beckoning them to Him.....don't hinder His work!

Do You Love Enough to Give Away Your Blue Mechanical Pencil???

Okay, I know you are reading the title and saying to yourself...what is she talking about now? Well, good! It is a good thing to always be thinking! I John 4:19 tell us that, "We love him, because he first loved us." Verse 20 goes on to say, "If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?" And then verse 21 throws in this order, "And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also." Let that soak in a minute....we are commanded to love our brother....those who love Christ, that is. We, too, often get a critical spirit, sometimes a hauty spirit about our fellow man. We must be careful in doing so. Remember the old gospel hymn, "....give me that old time religion.....makes me love everybody, makes me love everybody, makes me love everybody...." Check your love's it reading?

Here is the point to the title: A couple of months back, my Mom was in the hospital. She was pretty sick, and I was doing all I knew to do to help her. The stress level was pretty high. I had tried to think of every possible way I could to help her. I knew she enjoyed doing word searches when she is well, so when my aunt had mentioned she was going to the store, I asked her to pick a couple word search books up for her. When my family and I were there to visit Mom, I saw the books. They were word search books...just not the kind that Mom liked as much, and she didn't have a pencil to work them with.

While at the store a couple days later, my youngest daughter and I looked around, and found the kind of word search book that she likes. The kind that have big print, and do not have a certain theme throughout the I grabbed it. I, then, remembered that she would need a pencil, so we went to that section of the store. My daughter, so sweetly suggested, that we get her a mechanical pencil, that way, if the lead were to break, she would quickly have more lead, and not need a sharpener.....good thinking! Of course, she had another motive as see, my girls love to use mechanical pencils at school, and they usually come in packs of 6 or, that would mean that they would have some as well. Okay, again, good thinking.

As she and I were driving to the hospital, Riley wanted to open the pencils and write her grandmother a message on the book....and pick out a pencil to give her. Well, as most Moms do... I know what my daughter's favorite color I am looking at the other pencils, wondering which of the other ones she may choose to give her. Riley asks me what Mawmaw's favorite color is...and I tell her with a smile that she loves all the colors, she has never had a favorite. Well, that was touching in of its self, the fact that she was wanting to please my Mom as much as possible. But then she said, as she grabs the blue one, "Well, I am giving Mawmaw the blue one, because it is my favorite color, and I want her to have the best, and know that I love her." Then she proceeded to write the sweetest message in the front of the book.

Well, she has no clue, but that blessed my heart so much, and tears started streaming down my face. From the mouth of babes, God can teach us what it really means to have love in your heart toward others! God gave his son with no regard to His own feelings, so that we may have eternal life. What a sacrifice! Sometimes we say we love others...but what do our actions show? Are you willing to give your blue mechanical pencil away without hesitation? Can you love enough, to sacrifice your own wants and desires, your own favorites and preferences? Can you give love away freely without expecting something in return? That's what God did, and that's what God asks of His children. Proverbs 17:17 tells us that a friend loveth at all times...can you say that?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Sunshine Through the Clouds

As I write today, I see the sunshine coming through the dark clouds of my storm. I want to take the opportunity to Praise the Lord for answering prayers, for being faithful, for not forsaking me, for unconditionally loving me, and for getting me through this storm! We have had several days of stormy weather, literally, here. I went for my run the other day, and I looked up into the sky. To the right I could see nothing but dark clouds, gloomy and thick, but as I looked to the left, I could see a break in the clouds, the clouds were thin and weak, and I could see blue sky and rays of sunshine. That was a perfect picture of what I felt in my soul. Thank you, Lord, for your blessings on me!

What a great deliverer God is! I have to say that He didn't just get me by...He got me through this storm. I want to be a witness to each and every one of you to HOLD TIGHT! The storms of life are going to blow, but if you stay anchored in your faith...HE WILL SEE YOU THROUGH!!!! It is not easy, and I won't tell you otherwise. When a boat is out on the ocean and a storm comes through, they do whatever it takes to keep that boat floating. They will start throwing all things that aren't necessary overboard. As I walked through this storm, I began to get down to the bear necessities. All the 'stuff' that I thought were important...didn't seem as important anymore. I had to cut some things loose, in order to stay afloat. What are you holding on to, my friend, that is weighing you down?? When the storms come for you...and they will....will you be too weighted down to stay upright?

You may did you make it through? Well, as I said before, I got rid of some things that I really didn't need in my life, and stayed focus and what I did need. The main thing is the anchor. Without the anchor, you drift anywhere the storm takes you. You are at the mercy of the storm. But, the anchor does you absolutely no good unless you use it. The anchor of which I speak, of course, is Jesus Christ! I am a child of the King...and what do children do when they are frightened? They crawl into their parents' lap. When my storm hit, I crawled into my Heavenly Father's lap. He is the anchor of my vessel. But if I just sit the anchor aside, and not use it...just let it take up space in my boat, then I have no help in the time of need! If I don't put that anchor to use, then it too can become a weight that can harm me when the storms rage.

You see, if we don't keep our prayer life going daily, if we don't read and study His Word daily, then we are not anchored down and ready for whatever may come our way. When the storm can capsize before you go find your anchor, clean it up and get it thrown overboard. But, if you read and pray daily, then your anchor is in use when the storms show up. It is so easy to let the devil deceive you of this, that is his goal. He loves it when you get into a storm unprepared, because then he has more power. Don't drift in your christian walk, my friend....use your anchor!!

Another great help during my storm was the wonderful christian friends I have. It is very important to have a christian friend to help guide you during your storm. You must be careful, not just anyone can help, they must have a testimony that they are walking with Christ, or they may hinder you. Have you ever parked your car in a very tight spot? Trying to get out is terrible. But, if someone that you trust comes along, and guides you out of that tight spot, then it is much easier....right? Same thing in a storm. You are in a storm, you can't see clearly, think clearly, or even hear things clearly. While standing on God's Truths are your main goal....keep a good christian friend close by to guide you through the fog of your storm. I couldn't have made it through without the shoulder, love, encouragement and prayers of my friends. Don't let pride get in your way of asking for help. That is another lie that the devil will use to destroy you. If they are where they need to be with Christ, then they will not judge you, but will love and comfort you..............let them!!! You will be surprised at the strength you will gain through their help!

Many verses in the Bible spoke to me during my storm, many came just at the time I thought my boat was capsizing. Three verses in Habakkuk come to mind now for me, the last 3 verses in that book...chapter 3 says "Though the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vines, though the product of the olive fails and the fields yield no food, though the flock is cut off from the fold and there are no cattle in the stalls, YET will I rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the victorious God of my salvation! The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk not to stand still in terror, but to walk and make spiritual progress upon my high places of trouble, suffering or responsibility." (amplified version). WOW! That sums up just exactly what I went through during this storm.

If you are in a storm, or, like me just came out of a storm, or you are about to go into a storm, my advise is this.....get those little things out of your life that you 'think' are important, and get closer to the Father. Read God's Word, and claim His promises. Even though you will be attacked on everyside in your mind, duck down, and cling to the Truth. Even though you feel a prayer doesn't go through.....pray anyway...because prayer isn't conditioned on how you works no matter your feeling. Find a christian friend to lean on. Let your Anchor work....let go of the ropes, though your boat may be rocking.....the Anchor WILL HOLD!!!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Looking For The Rainbow

As I continue through this storm, I continue to write, as therapy for myself, and in hopes that someone else will see that storms come to everyone, and God is still real. The devil would like me to throw my hands up and say it is over, he would enjoy it if I would say, ''I'm done." His ammunition never runs out, he never gets tired. We must never forget that he is the master mind of ALL lies.

The easy thing to do is to give in and wallow in self pity. You can really get hung up on how bad your storm is if you aren't careful. God is always the perfect gentleman, and He gave us a freewill. We always have a choice. I don't see the storm clearing as of yet.... but, I know it will one day. I am not going to wait until then, I'm going to praise Him in this storm!

He has not left me, not once. His blessings remain. As the song goes, I have food on the table, shoes on my feet, and a good place to sleep. My bills have been paid. I have my health. God has blessed me with the ability to run and walk, which helps me when anxiety is raging. My husband and daughters are well. My daughters are absolutely doing awesome. God has provided wonderful weather. He has taken care of me, when I haven't even realized it. Each new morning, I have had he privilege of waking up, and being able to get up. My car has cranked every time I have needed to go somewhere. God has surrounded me with a few wonderful friends that have kept me lifted up through this storm. I can truly say that God is still good, and His blessings are still real.......and I am STILL blessed.

By choosing to rely on Christ through this storm, God has given some rainbows, just when I've needed them. When life is going well, and you are enjoying living for Christ, you easily see the rainbows. It's harder to see them in a storm, but they are there. I'm grateful that by holding on to Him, He has whispered sweet peace to me. By not staying in the self-pity pool, I have been able to listen to my Father more, and do what He wants me to do through this, and let me tell you.....because of it, the rainbows have been beautiful.

I still have a heavy load, and no answers have come to surface yet. But, I'm going to go ahead and serve notice on the devil..... I am going to thank God for answering my prayers. I don't know yet, how they will be answered, nor how this storm will pass, but I know Who controls it all, and I am safe and sound in His bosom. My feeble mind likes to think of ways my storm could go away, how my prayers could be answered, but He knows best, it has to be done in His will and in His time. I thank Him for the times of comfort and I do not take for granted the times I feel a time of relief in the storm....the time of a rainbow.

I will go on, not by anything I have done, but what the One who lives inside of me is doing. As I continue my christian walk, through this storm, I will continue to look for the rainbow, and I will thank Him for them, and go ahead and praise Him for the day this storm is going to go away.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Continuing the Walk, Though the Rain is Falling

I feel the need to continue to write during my storm. In a way it is a therapy for myself, as well as an example for others that they are not alone. Our mind is the devil's battlefield. If we are saved, he cannot get our soul, nor enter our heart. But, he can destroy our minds and rob us of our joy, if we do not put on God's armor!

The storm in my life has not disappeared, it still remains. The devil still brings thoughts, ideas, and fear my way. One of the lies that the devil tries to tell us as young christians, is that now that we have Christ on our side, we have it made. All days will be sunny from here on out. That is certainly the voice of the devil. Because if you study God's Word, He tells us there are going to be hard times on our journey. The devil tells us this, so that when troubles of this life do hit....he wants us to be caught by surprise, and unprepared.

I am no better than anyone else, I am not stronger....I am no different than any other human being. The devil sees the fire in your life, and he immediately starts to blow and fan that fire to keep you in turmoil. We must stay on our knees and stay in His Word to fight the fire, or we will be consumed.

More than a week into my storm, I don't see much improvement, I don't see much change. I still have disappointments, frustrations, and very often, feelings of being overwhelmed. What keeps me going? My friend, it is nothing on my own, it is all in Him. He is my strength, He is my rock, He is my strong tower. I can feel Him helping me along this journey. I know this because I could not go on unless His hand is reaching down, lifting me up.

We cannot sit back in paralysis. If we do, then the devil will gain the upper hand. We must be still as God moves in...but we must continue our christian walk. I see where God is with me during my storm. I can feel His presence. Whether it be something I get out of reading God's Word, a kind word from a friend, prayers going up for me, or a song.... I know He is there. If I lay down and give up during this storm....which is just what the devil wants......then, friend, I will surely drowned! God provides an umbrella...even when I don't realize it.

When I feel as though this storm is going to swallow me up, I start counting my blessings. As the song says, I name them one by one. I tell ole Lucifer, how while this storm is certainly horrid.... it could definitely be worse. I'm not saying that I am some awesome christian, I am certainly not. I have times as though I feel the devil is certainly going to win. You cannot give in. I still feel as though my prayers are going no where, but I keep on praying. I have wonderful friends who lift me up in prayers, and send words of encouragement. I have a wonderful friend who lets me call her at any time of the day, and lets me say anything I want to, anything I need to, without judgement or criticism. Though God is certainly enough..... He will put someone in your path to help you.....don't try to do it all alone, let your friends or family help bear the load. It helps you, and it helps them. The Bible teaches us to share one another's burdens. The devil tries to puff you up with pride, so you will try to go it alone. Well of course... he has a better chance of knocking you out if you are alone!! Don't fall for it!

I don't know how things will turn out, I don't know when this will end. But, I do know that He loves me, and works for my good, He will not forsake me. I must..... I MUST hold on to the voice of Truth. I'm not saying this is easy, nothing worthwhile is, isn't that what the old timers say? Stay focused. I describe it like this: the devil is like very loud music being can barely hear yourself think. The Lord is like a quiet voice speaking to you, though the music is blaring. It is hard to hear that voice. You have to focus constantly on trying to block out the loud music, and always strain to listen to the quiet voice. It's not easy, and definitely frustrating. But it can be done...if you want to. I have decided that I want to. I want to keep my desire to live for the Lord. I want to keep my success through Christ. I want to deny my flesh and feed my spirit. I want to give my all to the Lord... all the time, not just during the good times. There is nothing to go back to....He gave His all........can I not???

Someone once said, 'This too shall pass..' And it will, I keep reminding the devil of that fact. God will see me through, and in turn, if I remain faithful, I will be stronger for it. Look beyond the struggles of the storm and keep your eyes on the prize! There are going to be some low times....I'll let you in on a secret....we are STILL human.....and God KNOWS this! So don't worry, if you fall or stumble....get right back up and go again..........the sun is coming up in the morning. If I give in now....when God does settle the storm, then I won't be where I need to be to see it!

God will give a song in the time of trouble! A song I sing at church has come to my mind many times during this storm....."Once again, I faced Satan this morning. And I battled him all the day long. But in my weakness, God sent reinforcements, and at sundown, I sang victories song! And the sun's coming up in the morning....every tear will be gone from my eyes. This old clays gonna give way to glory, and like and eagle, I'll take to the skies!"

Stay in the fight, you have to be there in order for the reinforcements to don't retreat!!! God is faithful, Hallelujah! Believe me, I am so ready.... so ready for this storm to be over...physically, emotionally, and spiritually!!!! I am continuing the walk, though the rain is falling......because the sun IS coming up in the morning!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Eye of the Storm

We almost always write about a storm, once it has passed over. We tell of God's faithfulness and wonderful power. In hindsight, we tell of the darkness of that storm, but mainly focus on the glorious outcome. And indeed, we should. But as I sit here this morning, I am smack in the middle of a very dark storm in my life. I feel the need to write about it now.

The specifics of storms won't matter to the reader. We all have storms specific to our lives, and all of our lives are different. But whatever the storm, the effects of it, we share, it may be to different degrees, it depends of the severity of the storm. Nevertheless, a storm is a very difficult and hard thing to bear. Physically it is tiring. My body hurts all over. My muscles seem to stay tense. My throat is constantly dry, and I feel as though I have swallowed a grapefruit whole, and it is forever lodged in my throat. My stomach constantly churns. Food is not a welcome sight to me at this point. It is a chore, but I know I must keep my strength up, so I try to eat. As a result, I have lost some weight.

Emotionally, I am on a roller coaster. It's as though I am on a cliff, hanging by the tips of my fingers, and at any moment, I will fall. My body burns and feels anxious. Usually to the point that I must be moving or doing something at all times to calm that feeling down. There is not too much rest during a storm, I sleep due to exhaustion at the end of the day. My mind welcomes any diversion, no matter how great or small. I find myself taking deep breaths more often, as if someone is squeezing my midsection, and I cannot breathe. I cry at the drop of a hat. And the tears seem to find me at awkward times, and for no apparent reason. For instance, I was mowing yesterday, my mind and body were focused on mowing.... and out of nowhere, as I turned the mower around, I found my face suddenly contorted, and hot tears going down my cheeks. I find myself constantly telling myself to stay calm, to hold on, to only focus on life minute by minute.

Spiritually, I am numb. Heaven has seemingly turned to brass, no prayers seem to be escaping the ceiling of my prayer closet. I don't feel my Father's comforting arm, I don't feel the Holy Spirit that is dwelling inside of me. I force my eyes to read His Word, and I find a constant pleading, begging prayer escaping my lips, under my breath. I feel as alone, as if I were on an island by myself, with only oceans as my view.

I feel at any moment, I could implode on myself, and also, I feel that at any moment, I could explode any one. I constantly am keeping myself in check, so I won't say something I will regret to those I love. Questions of all shapes and sizes seem to fill my head. Scenerios of all kinds... some good, some bad... fill my head, things I should do, or could do, due to this storm. As a child, while playing hide and seek, I remember thinking that a closet would be a good place to hide. I remember the darkness, the stillness, not able to see anything, and feeling the tightness of the small room, and all the clothes pressing up against me. I feel that way now. It must be how food feels in a pressure cooker! The devil is reeking havoc in my mind, which is an enormous battlefield.

So, what keeps me hanging on? How am I still sane, instead of lying in a gutter, drunk or high, or in a psychiatric hospital, or worse, the funeral home due to suicide? Well, I'm standing on the Truth. I know that when I cannot stand, He holds me up. A wonderful friend of mine, describes it in a lovely way. She says that you must pour a foundation in the sunshine. What does that mean? Well, when the storm clouds are no where to be found, life is good, and the sun is shining bright, that's when you stay close to God. That is when you read and study the Bible, hide it's truths in your heart. Pray everyday, and seek God while He may be found. It's real easy not to do this....because we are human, and when things are going good, we tend to leave God behind. But, if I had left Him behind, then I would be standing in a miry mud puddle right now. Because I have stayed faithful to Christ, I am standing on concrete, even though all the world is pouring down on me.

When the anxiety rises, it seems that a peace comes in a pushes it back down. Isaiah 40:28-31, is a favorite of mine, and I keep holding on to it: "Hast thou not known?hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary: there is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall.; But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." I read Psalm 71, and use it as my prayer. Even though I feel nothing.... I must continue to read my Bible and pray.........Christianity does not depend on my 'feelings'... it depends on the truth of His Word.

So, physically, I continue to eat, even though it is hard to swallow something around a grapefruit lodged in your throat, I go on a lot of walks, that helps physically and emotionally. I am relying on some wonderful friends right now, and I am holding on to His truths. He cannot lie, and no matter how I feel, how in the dark I am.. His Word is still the truth! I keep praying and talking to my Father, I don't feel as if He is a million miles around right now.....but, His Word says that he will never leave me nor forsake me.... so even though I cannot see, He is somewhere in the shadows. He says that He will never put more on us than we can bear. Even though the devil tells me that this is it......that is a lie, and he is the father of lies! I have to remain focused, and know that I cannot listen to all the tales spinning in my mind, because my mind is the devil's playground, and he is a liar!

Here I am, in the eye of the storm, I do not know how it will end. But I know it will end. The sun will come out in my life again, and when it does, I will see that Jesus was with me through it all. He doesn't just get us by.... He sees us through. I will lift up my hands, and I will praise Him in this storm! Do I feel like praising? Definitely not. But, He has done so much for me, He went all the way to the cross, and died alone, for me..... for ME! So, I will praise Him, and I will trust Him, for He lifts up my head.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

June Bugs

As I sat in my swing on the back porch reading, the June bugs were buzzing around. As I continued to enjoy the summer morning, one June bug flew straight into the house and landed on his back on my deck. Well, you know my 'spiritual eye', I stopped reading and started watching this bug, waiting on my spiritual lesson.

The June bug was flat of his back, smack in the middle of a plank of wood on my deck. At first he didn't move, I guess he was kind of out of it. Then he began to work his legs and slowly move. I wondered how in the world is he going to get back on his feet. As I continued to watch, he slowly made it to the side of the the crack. As soon as he got to the crack, he was able to flip over, back on his feet. He walked around, in the middle of the plank again, and I thought, whew, the little fellow made it.

But, then here comes my daughter's pug, Bo. He came over and sniffed the poor bug, and slightly tapped it with his paw. The June bug, tried a quick escape, but soon found himself on his back once again, in the middle of the plank. He slowly began to work his legs once again. At first, he seemed to go straight to the crack again, but then he would turn, and go towards the other side. Seemed like a lot of extra work. All the while, Bo kept his eyes on him. Finally he got on the side of the plank, and quickly flipped back on his feet. This time he seemed to align his body directly in the crack of the boards. He stayed low, and slowly moved straight down the crack. Bo, was still there, ready to pounce. But just as Bo thought he had this little bug, the June bug kept creeping down the crack and then went flying off to freedom!!!

Okay, so this is what came to my mind: Matthew 7:13, 14 says, "Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat; because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

As I watched that June bug, I instantly saw myself, out in the world (that plank), completely on my back and helpless. The devil (Bo...sorry, Bo...just as an example) breathing down my neck, ready to pounce. And just like that bug, we may quickly come to Christ for help, but then again venture a walk on the wide open plank on our own. Quickly the devil knocks us right back on our backs again. But, once I started wiggling my legs again, and moving toward the crack, I found a refuge. Psalm 27:5, "For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion; in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock." Once I go to God, my refuge, my strongtower, He will protect me, and get me up on my feet again! The devil might be hanging around, but he cannot touch me! And as that June bug... if I follow the path down that crack, then one day I will fly away and be free!!!!!

What an awesome example of Christ's love that was shown to me through a little June bug! We are no match for this old world, the devil is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour! So, stay off that wide open plank....... it gets you nothing but flat of your back anyway! Stay in the crack of the boards, you'll be on your feet, and your pathway will be straight! Thank you, Jesus, there is safety in You!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I know Him......but best of all....HE KNOWS ME!!!

I 'know' a lot of people. I know my family, I know my friends, coworkers, neighbors, and community. And to different degrees....they all know me. But, we can still fool them can't we??? We can hide things from them, and they wouldn't ever know it. Some can figure things out, depending on how close of a relationship you have with them.....but no one can see your heart!

I 'know' my local mayor, and elected officials, and news reporters on local TV. I even 'know' the president of the United States! I 'know' the actors who play roles on my favorite TV shows. I even 'know' the folks that are seen on reality TV know, Jeff from 'Survivor', or how about Bob and Jillian, the trainers on the 'Biggest Loser'..............hey, I even know Jon and Kate!!!!

But, I could walk down the street and bump into any of them..........and they wouldn't say a word to me.............why.............didn't I just say that I 'know' them?????? Yes..........but the difference is.........they don't know me!!!!

But, there is One that I know................but best of all.........He knows me! How awesome is God! I've grown up in church all my life.....I've heard about Jesus, sang about Jesus, talked about Jesus my whole life........I KNOW Him! But better than all of that.................when I was a seven year old little girl.................He got to know me!!!! You see, in my head, I knew Him.....but under conviction, I went to an altar, and gave my heart to Him.....and He knows me.......for all eternity....He knows me! What a blessing!!!

"I know Him, yes I know Him....I met Him at the cross of Calvary. I know Him, yes I know Him...but best of He knows me!"

Friend, do you know Him today...........but most importantly....does He know you??? Search your heart today, do you know of a time that you asked Him to live there? If not, please let Him know you today. If you are saved, then let yourself go down memory lane, and remember the time that you let Him know you! What a wonderful Savior! I praise the day that I knelt down at the cross and made Him my personal Lord and Savior!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'll Pick the Tractor Every Time!

"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly (gentle and humble) in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

Back in 2002, God granted my husband and I our life long prayer of our dream home. He gave us the opportunity to buy about 7 acres of land, in the perfect location! We had looked for so long. Before, if it was where we wanted the land, it was too expensive, but if we could afford it, then it was too far out from everything. God was working in my husband's career, before we even realized it, and it all was coming together! My husband quit his job, sold his part of the business, and began building our dream that was some faith! But, God holds it all in the palm of His hand! I began working more hours at the hospital to cover the bills, our other house sold, just in the knick of time, and then I received a phone call asking me to take on another job that I had been praying about for so long! Let me tell you, God was moving on the scene faster than our feeble minds could even comprehend!

My husband and father-in-law were building our house, by themselves. It was hard work, and right in the middle of a very hot summer!!!! I don't know how much you know about building a house, but it is very hard work.......and just being the two of was even harder! I stood amazed at all they were accomplishing!

One day, it was time to put up some support beams in the garage. These beams were very heavy. They didn't know how they were going to lift them. As they began to struggle, up the driveway comes an old tractor. Our neighbor, seeing their distress, quietly came on the scene with his tractor. He had fork lifts attached to the front, and he helped them lift the beams into place!

As progress kept moving, it came time to put in the flooring for the upstairs rooms. Well, like I said, it's just the two of them, and you can only imagine, how long and hard it was going to be for them to carry each piece of wood up those stairs. It would take forever!!! Then, as if the heavens opened up..........there was our neighbor at the front of the house, with that old tractor, lifting several pieces of wood up to the second floor window! All they had to do was pull the wood off of the tractor's fork lift from the window! They were finished with the floors in no time!!!

As they kept working on the house, that old tractor seem to show up, just in time and help out! We finally finished the house and moved in. We began the landscaping. We had 8 trees to be planted, not counting the shrubs. Whew! Talk about some elbow grease, but we were so excited to have our new place, we gladly took those shovels out and began to dig. But, somewhere in the distance........I heard a familiar sound...........why, that old tractor was making its way down our gravel drive once more..........and this time it was equipped with a very large post hole digger attachment on the back. In about two minutes, the hole was dug and the tree was neatly in place!

A little while later, it was time to start our garden! We love to plant a garden, and we were excited because this was going to be a garden twice the size we had at our old house! We have a small tiller, and it was going to be quite a chore to dig up all of that ground and get it ready to start planting! With excitement, however, my husband began the task at hand! Before, he could wipe the sweat off of his brow, you guessed it, there's that familiar old red tractor making its way to our backyard. This time with a tiller attached to the back, and in about thirty minutes our garden spot was unearthed, and ready to have something planted in it!

Over the years we certainly have learned to respect and love that old tractor! And now, before we start a task that is too hard for us, we KNOW that all we have to do, is go get that old red tractor, it will certainly get the job done!!! Whether, we are in trouble, or just need some help with a job, we can depend on that tractor! It has cut our hayfields to keep our cows fed, it continues to plow our gardens, it has pulled dead trees up in seconds, it has even pulled stuck four-wheelers out of the mud..........and recently it pulled a concreted basketball goal out of the ground as if it were nothing!

I have certainly learned to appreciate the sound of that tractor, and it's power! Isn't that just like God? We begin to do whatever it is we need to do........and He just steps in, just in time, and makes everything so much easier. Sometimes we pray for Him to come on the scene, and sometimes, He's there before we even know to pray! His yoke is easy, His burden is light! Why, oh, why do we work so hard at trying to 'dig' at our own problems, when He's there, sitting on the old tractor, ready to do it for us?

That old red tractor doesn't look like much. It's paint is faded, it has some rusty spots, it's battered and beaten, but it's always been faithful! Just when you think it can do no more, that tractor, will hit another gear, and you stand amazed! Sometimes we think God has to come in all shiny and new, all sparkling and clean! That's not always the case. Don't limit God, or put Him in a box. Just when you think it's impossible.............God will amaze you! And, He will use the most unusual, most simple tool to do it with.

How much easier life would be if we would always take His yoke, instead of trying to work it all out by ourselves! What takes us a lifetime, only takes Him seconds! Learn from me, when a problem arises, or when your task at hand just seems too much..............pick the tractor!!!!! Your life will be so much easier!!! As the old hymn says, "....come, my yoke is burden's light."

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Deadwood Christians

Well, with spring come changes in the weather! We've seemed to have several storms this spring. Praise the Lord, we've not had any real damage, like some have had. We've had a few power outages with these storms. One storm caused a lot of damage, flooding, and our power was out for 5 hours. Well, that gives you a lot of time to think! And as I watched the storm out the window, I noticed the trees. For the most part as the winds blew harder and harder, the trees swayed and bent, but were okay. Some would nearly break in two, but they survived. After the storm was over the yards and roads were covered with broken dead tree limbs.

You know me and my spiritual eye..........I began to ponder on what I saw. You know, that's how it is spiritually, too. If you are not firmly grounded in Christ, if you are not rooted in His Word, if you are not alive in Him.........then, you better watch out when the winds begin to blow. The storm hits and all the deadwood starts falling out of the trees. They are dry, brittle, ugly tree limbs. Have you ever noticed a poor old dry, dead christian? There's not an ounce of joy in their soul, their all brittle, and dried up! The whole tree can be so full and green, but then you notice that dead limb sticking out like a sore thumb! Same way with a backslidden saint! They get critical and sour towards everyone and everything. Your church may be on fire for God, all full and green........but that backslidden christian will stick out like a sore thumb.

Oh, they may look like they belong. Those dead limbs, before the storm, even though they are noticeably different, they still seem to fit into the tree........and some are so well hidden that you don't even know they are there.........until the storm hits! The wind blows, the rains beat down.......and the first to go is any deadwood! The tree may take a beating, and in the worst, darkest part of the storm, it may even look as though it will break! But, let the storm subside, the tree may look wary for a while, but just hold on. Let the sun come back out, and warm the air, and that tree will perk right back up, and be more beautiful than before!

The church is the same way..........let a storm brew, and the first to go are those deadwood christians! The church may look battered at first, after the storm..........but when the 'S-O-N' begins to shine...........the church will look full and green.........more beautiful than before!

My point is this..........don't be a deadwood christian! It can happen to any of us! In fact, the devil works night and day trying to get you to quit, sit down, and dry up on God! There will be storms that come up all through our ready for them. Stay alive, keep reading His word, praying daily.............when the storms start to blow, you may get tossed around, you may even bend to the point of breaking.............but the Son will shine, and you will be better than you were before the storm! When that critical spirit starts to creep in to your heart, when you've been too busy to read your Bible or pray, when jealousy raises its ugly head..........get those shears out and do some pruning!!! If not, you will soon spiritually die, and the first storm that comes, and you will be dry and brittle, and before you know it, you'll be lying on the ground, destroyed!

The Holy Spirit is to our soul like sap is to the is our spiritual life's blood! Keep exercising your faith! You'll keep your peace and joy, and like those healthy limbs and leaves, you'll be healthy and green.........and ready for whatever storm that comes your way because the Spirit is living in you!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jiminy Cricket Didn't Know a Christian's Heart!

Have you ever watched Pinocchio? I'm sure everyone has....several times. It is a cute movie, and has a good moral lesson. Remember Jiminy Cricket's song, "Give a Little Whistle"? 'When you get in trouble and you don't know right from wrong, give a little whistle! Give a little whistle! When you meet temptation and the urge is very strong Give a little whistle! Give a little whistle! Not just a little squeak, pucker up and blow and if your whistle's weak, yell, "Jiminy Cricket!" Right! Take the straight and narrow path and if you start to slide, Give a little whistle! Give a little whistle! And always let your conscience be your guide.'

There's nothing wrong with that song, it has good moral value. But we Christians have a far better song, don't we? Psalm 36 gives a view of the human heart. Verses 1-4 tell us how wicked the heart of man is. How man flatters himself in his own eyes, how his words are wickedness and deceit, and how he even lies in his bed and plans the evil he is to do the next day! The rest of the chapter describes our Lord, how merciful and what lovingkindness He bestowes on us. He protects us under the shadow of His wings! And yet the world still rejects Him!

Jeremiah 17:9 says," The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked (incurably sick); who can know it?" Matthew 15:19 says, "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies" There is nothing good in the flesh, nothing at all. Because our heart is naturally wicked, then we must never let our conscience be our guide. We must always, let the Holy Spirit be our guide!

Jiminy could only sing about the 'carnal' side of life. It doesn't matter how 'good' we try to be, our heart is wicked. Yes we are to take the straight and narrow path, and we are guaranteed that we are going to slide...............but, as christians (Christ-like), as children of God........we've got something so much better to rely on than our conscience! Our conscience is still connected to our carnal heart, and it may lead us wrong. Christians have something Holy, pure........something incapable of sinning..............the Holy Spirit! Jesus will never lead us down the wrong path. He will never forsake us or leave us. We don't even have to whistle, He is always there!

I'm so thankful that I don't have to rely on anything in me to get me through the day. The Holy Spirit will guide my path...............I've just got to be sensitive to Him, and listen!!!

Salvation is like Alka Seltzer!

My husband's 'cure-all' drug is Alka Seltzer Cold Plus medicine. If he has the sniffles, or the flu, he needs his Alka Seltzer! I think it's the fizzy noise that makes him feel better! Bear with me for a minute, it may sound as though I am jumping around, but it will all come together, I promise! I have a coworker, whom I love dearly, but I also feel sad for her. She is a wonderful person, and loves the Lord with all of her heart. She just has one problem...............she believes that you can lose your salvation! What a horrible way to have to live!!! Everytime I see her, she asks me to pray for someone in her family who has done something wrong, and therefore is now going to Hell again. What a tormented way to believe!!!!

Okay, so here's how I tie those 2 stories together. One night while making my husband an Alka Seltzer, I watched those two disks dissolving into the water.........and it hit me...........salvation is like Alka Seltzer!!!!! Once Jesus Christ comes into your heart......He's there to stay!! When I put those 2 alka seltzer's into the water, they start to immediately dissolve. They change the water in that glass forever! You CANNOT pour the water out of the glass without the alka seltzer going with it. Neither can you pour the alka seltzer out of the glass without the water going with it! It becomes ONE thing! It can NO longer be just water, or just alka seltzer! Oh what a blessing!!! I got the 'holy' chill bumps right there in my little ole kitchen.....................and over alka seltzer nonetheless!!! What a blessed assurance to know that once saved.........ALWAYS saved. Jesus and I can never be separated! The moment I got saved, it changed me and I can never again be lost!! Hebrews chapter 6 is Biblical proof of our eternal salvation! Verses 4-6 say, "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh (again), and put him to an open shame." You are always saved! You can backslide, but you are still saved. Jesus would have to die on the cross again, if you could be lost again!!!

I know this is nothing new to any of you. But it doesn't hurt to get reminded every now and then of what a wonderful Saviour you serve! I pray that one day my coworker will see that if God is great enough to save her...............then He's great enough to keep her!!! So, the next time you fix up a glass of Alka Seltzer for you or a loved that 'fizzy' action, and praise God for your salvation, praise God that NO ONE or NOTHING can separate you from your Saviour!!! Boy, they didn't know what they were saying in the commercial was so true, when they sang, "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz.....ohhh, what a relief it is!" It is true RELIEF to know you have ETERNAL salvation!!!!!

Let Your Fear Produce Faith

Fear can be a crippling thing....if we let it. Fear can prevent us from doing things, from adventuring out of our comfort zone. If we let fear have control.........we can miss out on a lot! But, if we learn to go to our Father during times of fear, we can gain faith! Psalm 56:3-4 says, "What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me." Fear will bring out the faith in your life!! In Psalm 55, David is talking about being betrayed by Ahithopel. Ahitopel had been a dear friend of David's, and he had betrayed him and gone over to Absalom's side. David writes: "For it was not an enemy that reproached me....but it was thou, a man mine, equal, my guide (companion), and mine acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God ..." David is so hurt by Ahithopel's actions. He could see it more if it had been an enemy that had done this, but it was a friend. In vs. 16-17 Davids says, "As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud; and he shall hear my voice." When fear strikes in your will make you pray more!!!

Okay, so here is my newest oldest child is 15 yrs. old, and has her learner's permit. It's not that she is a terrible driver........she's a wonderful driver. I am proud of her, and frankly, very impressed. But, let me tell ole David, I have certainly been praying more! If you are a parent, then you know that with each new phase in your child's life, comes more things to pray about. If you are a parent of a baby or young child, just fasten your seatbelts, honey! Just when you pray through one phase, another one hits with a whole new set of things to pray about!

Kaylea took driver's ed in school before she got her learner's license. She is prepared and knows the rules of the road. But, as we learn throughout life, it is experience that is the real teacher. She could spend years studying all sorts of books about driving, but until she puts it into action, and experiences driving, she will never get any better!

Same with our spiritual walk. We can read the Bible 24 hours a day........and that would be great.........but until we start putting the Bible into action in our lives, we will be weak, inexperienced christians!

Kaylea is fearful when she gets behind the wheel.........and that's a good thing! When you fear something, you respect it, you do your best, you are alert and on top of things! Just don't let fear take control of you, and keep you trapped! Kaylea improves and continues to learn each time she takes my car for 'a spin'. Her fear.........her respect for increasing her faith in what she has learned about driving in class and in the books.

Fear the Lord, respect Him enough to read His Word and pray daily. As you do this, then your faith will increase. It's a wonderful cycle. The more you learn of Christ, the more you want to learn of Him!!! Don't let fear push you into the pit of doing nothing, of bullying you out of your relationship with Christ! Put your trust in God and then, you too, can say, "...I will not fear what flesh can do unto me!"

Monday, April 20, 2009

Jesus Is Our Heartbeat

Revelation 3:20 says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup (dine) with him, and he with me." I am so thankful for that day when Jesus knocked on the door of my heart, and I let Him in! What an everlasting, life changing experience!

Now bear with me as I go 'medical' on you, lol.........after all I am a nurse. Early Saturday morning, I was starting my shift at the hospital, as I always do, by getting report on my patients. I have an 82 yr. old woman, who is very alert and frisky, but had been admitted due to possible gallbladder problems, and she also had been passing out. Her daughters had stayed at her bedside. The floor I work on is a cardiac floor, so each patient has a heart monitor on. At 6am, the night shift nurse noted a couple of long pauses in her heartbeat. She checked on her, she was sleeping soundly, but seemed okay. Then the nurse put a call into the doctor. At 6:45 am, she is now giving me report, but the doctor has not called back yet. While I go down the hall to start my assessments, she places another call into the doctor. While I am in her room, she has another cardiac pause.......this time it lasted 24 seconds! Yes, your thinking correctly, that means that her heart did not beat for 24 seconds.........on the heart monitor.......that registers a straight line!!! All the while, my sweet little lady says she's fine, and her daughters tell me they thought she was just resting good. Yeah, too good! I raise the head of her bed, wash her face, and get the doctor on the line!!! He immediately asks for a cardiologist to consult, and we get that doctor on the line. Of course, he orders her to go to the intensive care immediately and get her prepared for an immediate placement of a temporary pacemaker! The patient, as well as her daughters, were shocked with all of far as looking at her, she looked fine!!! The little lady kept asking why she was being moved to another room, she had no idea about how dire her situation was!

I get her transferred to ICU, and the cardiologist gets there and places a temporary pacemaker on her, and now her heart is beating 83 times per minute, and the monitor is full of those pretty little 'wiggly' lines that we nurses love to see, lol! She is then put on the schedule to have a permanent pacemaker placed (under anesthesia) on Monday morning. She's doing wonderful and as spunky as ever..........not really realizing just how close to death she came.

Well, you know me and my spiritual eye, lol..............I couldn't help but see God all over that one! As far as looking at me before I was saved, I looked fine. I had no obvious signs saying that I was lost and going to hell. Not realizing that I was a heartbeat away from an eternal hell! The world was going on around me with no problems. Just as those daughters were sipping their coffee, talking, and watching the morning news................Mom lay a foot away in a hospital bed with NO heartbeat for 24 seconds..........they had no clue that anything was wrong.

One day, like Revelation 3:20 speaks of.............there was a knock at my door. My 'heart monitor' picked up on something being wrong with my heart! I didn't realize how bad a shape I was in, didn't see my dire situation, but I answered the door. I'm so glad I did! Jesus Christ came into my heart that day and immediately my situation turned around! He became my 'pacemaker'! This old world is temporary, but one day, I'll reach my heavenly home, and live with the 'permanent pacemaker' for all eternity!!!

Now, as far as seeing any sudden changes in this little lady, you couldn't tell any difference. The difference was done on the inside. The heart monitor was the only thing that you could see a change in immediately. But over time, she will gain strength, she won't be passing out anymore, and she'll feel so much better. When I got saved, the world couldn't tell any difference in me.....but if you could monitor my heart, you could see the change..........see that now Jesus was dwelling in me. But over time, as I grew in Christ, I gained strength in Him and you can see a change! I definitely felt better!

Are you having heart trouble today? Maybe it's not noticeable to anyone around you, but your spiritual heartbeat is not beating right. Oh, just answer that door today, He will come in and make you whole! What a wonderful God! It doesn't matter who you are, or what you have or have not's all about Him, and what He did on that old rugged cross! Let Him in, and He will 'pace' your spiritual heartbeat into a wonderful perfect rhythm that you will never have to worry about it ever stop beating again!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This Ain't No April Fool's Joke!

April 1st is always full of jokes and pranks.......but it is a place of endearment in my heart. For you see it is my very dearest friend's birthday! I love her dearly. She means more to me than she will ever know. There are not enough words in the english language to describe what I have with her. She is the sister that I never had. We have known each other since the 7th grade. We have so, so many things in common. Today is a very special day, not only because it is her birthday.........but it is her 40th birthday!!! That means that we have known each other for 28 years! We pretty much know everything about each other...........and yet we are still friends, lol! I would do anything for her.........and I know I could call her anytime, for anything. Our friendship has grown with every passing year. She's an awesome lady!

My daily Bible study is now in 1Samuel, it's no coincidence that I am reading about a wonderful friendship between Jonathon and David as I am celebrating my best friend's birthday! Chapter 18 talks about Jonathon and David's bond, the first verse reads "...that the soul of Jonathon than was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathon loved him as his own soul." Because Jonathon loved David so, he made a covenant with him and took his own robe, his garments, his sword, his bow, and his girdle and gave them to David. I'm sure you know the story of how Jonathon protected David from Saul, and helped him many times. What a friendship!!

Proverbs speaks of friendship, in 17:17 it says that "A friend loveth at all times..." A true friend does love at all times. Through these 28 yrs. I've done some unloveable things, but my friend has never once stopped loving me! And of course in chapter 18:24, it says, "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." You may ask how my friend and I have remained friends all these years. Time has even taken us many miles apart, yet, I feel we are even closer. How can this be?'s simple, really, it is the love of Christ working in both of us!

He is the friend of all friends, He is the one that sticketh closer than a brother! We have grown together through and to Christ! The love of Christ that dwells in both our hearts has knit our souls together, like Jonathon and David! I am so thankful to have her in my life! She is a blessing to me, an encouragement, a source of strength and compassion, a constant, a true joy, and always a place of laughter. We have many buddies, pals, in life, but few true friends. I thank God everyday for putting her in my life!

But she would agree.........most of all I am thankful for us both having that relationship with Christ. When I can't be there for her, or she can't come to me.........we always have our Heavenly Father who can be there anytime, anywhere! Do you have that with Jesus? The key to friendships here on earth is this: ask yourself if that person makes you want to be a better christian, do you want to get closer to God when you are around your friend? That is the foundation to our friendship. Jesus Christ is love, you don't know how to love....really love, until Christ lives in your heart!

So today, April 1, 2009, I want to wish Lora Leah Lawson Weaks a very, very Happy 40th Birthday!!! I love you!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Glimpse of Glory

Our choir sings a beautiful song called, "Glimpse of Glory". It talks about how our wonderful Father will give His children a 'glimpse of glory' while they are on their christian walk. I praise His name for those glimpses! This week, He surely did this for me. We just finished our 11th annual Jubilee at our church, Bible Baptist Church. What's that you may ask?.... Well, it is one of the best meetings you'll ever be in! We always start it on the 4th Sunday in March, then it goes through Thursday evening. Starting on Monday we have 10 am services. We serve lunch and then have another service at 2pm. Then dinner is provided for everyone from 5pm until 6:45, with services beginning at 7pm. We have hotels available, as well as some dorm rooms. We have people from about 9 different states come in for this meeting. Preachers and singers are just called from the floor, so you just never know what may go don't want to miss a thing!! People bring their video cameras and set them up in the back, wanting to capture the services and take them home with them! Our church records CD's of every service as well. It is a time of rejoicing, reviving, rejuvenation! It is a time to fellowship with fellow christians. The atmosphere is undescribable! It truly is a glimpse of glory! It is a small taste of how it's going to be when we reach Heaven!

Our church has truly been blessed by hosting this meeting. It is expensive, and tiring, but so worth it! In these 11 yrs. I have made some wonderful friends. We only get to see each other during these meetings, but it's like we've known each other all our lives! After all, that's the way it is when you are brothers and sisters in Christ!

So, if you ever feel like you are alone in this world, or you desire some fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ........come visit with us! It is truly a glimpse of glory! I am homesick for my Heavenly Home after enjoying these past few days!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

'Well done, thou good and faithful servant!'

This fantastic young lady in red is my wonderful 85 years young mother, Battie Jane Stallings Coleman! March 3, 2009, we celebrated her birthday. And of course, with her in this picture are my beautiful daughters, Riley & Kaylea......and of course Bo.....even with his eyes closed, you have to admit he's a cutie!
Mom is an awesome lady! She lives alone, still grows a garden in the back yard, drives, and takes special care of her 92 yr. old best friend! She is my hero and role model! She married my Dad, Charles Coleman, Jr. at the age of 17. They had the best marriage I have ever seen! They were truly in love........even on that awful day that my dad passed away! They were married 57 1/2 yrs. I never heard them disagree now and then...yes, but never fight. They went everywhere together, they shared everything. People always commented that you never saw one without the other. They were lovers as well as best friends. They both worked outside the home, but he was man enough to also pull his share of the weight with the housework as well!! If she got home first from work, then she would cook dinner, and he would clean it up, or vice versa. They were quite the pair! They never made alot of money or were famous..........but, they have riches untold! They kept Christ first in their lives...........the whole time! I never asked if we were going to church.......why......because if it was a Sunday or a Wednesday, it went without saying......we were going to church!!! Mom is still faithful to her church. She's the sweetest most humble person I've ever known!
She's had her share of hardships...........more than her share if you ask me! We all have our mountains to climb. But, she always, always lands back on her feet and what a wonderful view she has on the other side of that mountain! She has struggled over the years with a chemical imbalance that causes her, without much warning to go into a severe state of clinical depression. I won't go into all the details, but God has performed many a miracle for that lady! Thank you, Jesus!! She's never given up, never quit. She keeps on living for Christ.
I'm reminded of the story in Matthew chapter 25, where the servants were given the talents, one 5, another 2 and the last one 1. The first two did well and doubled their talents. The lord proclaimed in verses 21 and 23, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
It's not about what you's what you do with it! There's no stopping place on your christian walk, folks! Don't give up, it's worth every mile, it's worth every trial! Mom is 85 yrs old, her husband has been gone for 9 yrs now this past January. She could've folded her hands and said, 'That's enough. I've done my share." But the joy and blessings she would have missed out on! If you are tired, if you are weary.........then just look at my mom and say if she can keep on keeping on, then so can I! Yes, she just turned 85, but she's still working for her Lord! She reads her Bible and prays daily, she's at church everytime the doors are open.....that counts all revival meetings as well, morning and/or nights! She is still active in her Sunday school class, and is still the treasurer for it. She cooks and delivers the food for the sick and shut ins. She witnesses to everyone she can, and passes out tracts...........and God bless her heart.........she just a couple months ago, was instrumental in a 68 yr. old man who was dying of cancer, to get gloriously saved before he passed away!!!! His family couldn't thank her enough, for now they know that their father is in Heaven today!
So...........shut your mouth.........when you want to say you are too tired, or too old, or too weary to press on! There is no stopping place, no retirement age for christianity! And if you ask Mom, she'll gladly tell you she doesn't regret a minute of gets sweeter every mile! I know in my heart that God has rewarded her with longevity here on earth, as well as a sound mind and body, because of her faithfulness to Him.
Press on pilgrim, press on! One day let's hear those words from our Heavenly Father ....."WELL DONE, THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!"

Monday, March 16, 2009

Even a Pot Belly Pig Can Be Content!

When you are content, you are satisfied and happy. That's something that this old world desperately tries to obtain, but it can never get it! The richer we get..........the more we want! True contentment can only come through the blood of Jesus Christ! We've all been there; it's human nature. We think if I could just get that new car, that new house, that new outfit........things would be so much better, right? Often times we finally do get that new car, or house........and then the bills start coming in, and we are worse than when we started.

God doesn't want it to be that way for us. I was studying on the topic of 'Service that is well pleasing to God', and He wants us to be content in our christian walk! Hebrews 13: 5-6 says, "Let your conversation (conduct) be without covetousness; and be CONTENT with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee; so that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me." Puts things into perspective, doesn't it?

How does a pot belly pig fit into this picture, you may ask? Well, I just love the Sunday morning drive to church. It is the one time during my very busy schedule that I do not have to drive. It takes us around 20 minutes to get to church. We pass a very large horse farm on the way. I've always loved horses, and by not driving, I can really pay close attention to this farm. Almost every Sunday morning, I've noticed that there is a pot belly pig out there in the midst of all those horses. He's as happy as he can be. He is eating right along with the horses, and his tale is wagging as fast as it can. Apparantly he has been there since he was born, and thinks of himself as a horse. He has a particular horse that he runs with, and plays with. It just makes my day to look through the pastures and see him every Sunday morning!

This study on contentment ran through my head this past Sunday morning as I watched the little pig. He's found contentment, and in a place you would never think he should! He looks nothing like a horse! He's short, and very low to the ground, he doesn't have much hair, and what hair he does have, sticks out everywhere, he has a spindly tail, and a short, chubby neck! He has no majestic mane, or elegant gallop! Why is he so happy then? He's satisified with who he is. It doesn't matter what he has or doesn't have..........the horses love and accept him.........God made him a pot belly pig.........and he's happy with it! What we could learn from him! God doesn't make mistakes, and He gently molded and made each one of us! He loves us! We aren't perfect, but as christians, we have someone on the inside of us who is. We can be content in Him, through Him, no matter what our circumstance is.

I couldn't help but smile as we drove by the farm, bow my head, and pray, 'O God, help me to be content with me, with what I have.....because I have You, and You are my helper! I can boldly say that nothing can harm me, for You will never forsake me!' When I was studying contentment, I never thought that God would use a pot belly pig to drive home the point with me.........but I'm so glad he did! God is an awesome God....................and I am content in Him!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Alone in the Dark

I hate to be scared, don't you? Some love the adrenylin rush from the fear, but I would rather get it another way. Unfortunately, Saturday was one of those times the adrenylin rush was coming straight from the pit of fear. I had worked a very hard shift at the hospital and I was so glad to finally be able to go home. I had driven my husband's Nissan pickup to work. He had errands to run with our children so he would need the bigger car. If you know anything about little straight shift Nissan pickup trucks, then you know that it will do good to hold 2 people.

His truck is always faithful to run and get you anywhere you need to go. On it's last tune up the mechanic said that the engine had plenty of life left in it. The truck is 11 yrs. old. While the engine is faithful, other things are not as faithful. We just replaced a headlight, and the door locks seem to be having some problems. My husband has not been able to unlock the driver's door with the key in a while, and now the passenger side lock is sticking too.

Okay, can you see where I'm headed? It's late, around 7:30 in the evening, and I'm in a back parking lot at the hospital.....alone. Not a good position to be in. My fellow employees have left, and the next shift is hard at work inside. With it being a weekend, and staffing cuts, there are no employees around, and certainly no security patroling. I try the driver's door, but I know it won't open more than likely, it's the one that hasn't opened in a long while. And of course, no luck. So I walk around the truck to the passenger side, feeling in my heart that it will open and 'life will be good'. No luck! Oh boy.........what now? I try, and try, and try again......nothing! I put my jacket and purse........and my full lunch box (I didn't even have time to eat lunch at work) in the back of the truck and begin to do the 'key dance'. You know, jiggle it to the left, then the right, then up, then down, hold tight pressure on the key, hold light pressure, pull on the door handle, release the door handle..............notta, nothing. I can feel that prickly feeling start to run up the back of my neck, my chest starts to feel warm, and my heart begins to pick up speed. I look around, no one is to be found.

Thank God for cell phones!! I quickly call my husband and ask him for the inside trick on how to get into the truck. His answer.................typical male............. "just keep trying the key, maybe it will open." Uh, thanks hon, I'm alone in this dark, scary parking lot, completely worn out, and now hungry since I've eaten nothing all day, and your best advise is to 'try the key'??? What else can he do, though..........really? That's all he can say. Now my mind is starting to turn faster with ideas.............women, you know what I mean! I begin playing all the scenerios in my head. What if someone sees me and grabs me, what if I have to have my husband drive all the way here to pick me up, that'll be at least 20 minutes. What if..... What if..... What if.....

Okay self, calm down!! I whisper a little prayer.........something like, "Jesus, please help me." And, while my husband holds on the line I keep trying the key. A warm breeze begins to blow.........and not outside, I'm talking about the one in my soul! I've been studying in Joshua, and the Lord brought something back into my mind. He began to say....what if....... you trust in ME! I remembered where God told Joshua, just after Moses had died, and he was to lead the people of Israel into the promised land. He said, "....I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Oh, I like those spiritual breezes! The panic that was beginning to rear its ugly head, had to take a step back! God also told Joshua, "Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest." Could it be? YES, my Heavenly Father is right there with me in that lonely dark parking lot!!!

Something seemed to say, 'go try that driver's door again'. It certainly wasn't my husband, he was silent on the phone, wanting to help, but he couldn't. I didn't question the advise, after all, my Heavenly Father was on the scene! I ran over to the driver's side, and inserted the key...nothing. It won't even try to turn. At least the other side wiggles some. I just kept trying and........pop! The door unlocked and I gladly told my husband that I was headed home!!!

Was it just good luck, was it just a chance, or a coincidence? No way! God was faithful to His Word, and He took care of me...........I give Him all the praise and the glory!!! If I let myself think about all that could have happened to's scary! But God was with me the whole time protecting me.........and then opening the lock for me! I could feel a protective arm around my shoulders as I concentrated on opening the door. He said He'd be with us where ever we go.......and He is! My friends were gone, they couldn't help, no one else was available, my husband was limited by distance and could only give support over the phone. Isn't it so wonderful to know that no matter where you are, just call out His name and He will be there! Let me tell you, the ride home was a sweet one!

Next time you are alone in the dark...............just call out His name........somewhere in the shadows, you'll find Jesus!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Belief versus Believing

What's the difference you may ask? I asked myself the same question. To believe is to accept something as true or real. A belief is the acceptance by the mind that something is real, but it is underpinned by an emotional or spiritual sense of certainty. I guess you are saying, "Okay...?" right about now. Let's think about this.

I believe in alot of things, but never give that thing much thought. I believe men walked on the moon in the '60's, I believe that when I flip my light switch, the lights will come on. I accept a lot of things to be true or real. They may or may not have a thing to do with my life, but I believe them. How many folks do you know that you can ask them if they believe in Christ, and they will gladly answer you a definitive, "YES!" But, in no way do you see it change their lifestyle? Just because you believe in Jesus, it doesn't mean you have a relationship with Him! That is just 'head knowledge'. I believe that when I flip the light switch, my light will come on, but don't ask me anything about electricity.........I don't have any knowledge or relationship with electricity, I only have 'head knowledge'. I believe it will turn my light on, nothing more.

Now, my beliefs.........that's a different story. A belief is a seed that has been planted in your heart. It starts out as believing, but runs deeper. One day as a 7 yr. old girl, my believing in Christ changed into my belief in Him. He became my personal Saviour, and I then received 'heart knowledge' of him. Beliefs are 'heart knowledge'. Not only do I believe in Jesus, but I now have a belief in Him!

As you walk your christian walk, you will run into many who will tell you they believe in Jesus. In the meantime they live no different. But once Christ becomes their 'belief''ll start seeing changes in them.........why...........because now, their heart has gotten involved! Like I said earlier, I believe in electricity, I see how it affects my surroundings. But that doesn't mean I know anything about electricity. A deacon at my church, he works for the electric company, he has a belief in electricity. He works with it day in and day out, he knows how it works.........he has a relationship with it!

I praise God for that day that my believing... head knowledge, became my belief... heart knowledge! Matthew 7:21-23 speaks of this. Jesus says, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Dear friend, it is not enough to just believe in Jesus, you MUST have a personal relationship with Him! Believe in Christ, believe that He sent His only Son to die on an old rugged cross, believe that that Son shed His blood gladly for you.............but then make it your Belief! Accept Him into your will NEVER regret it!!