Thursday, November 12, 2009

Do You Know 'The Way'?

John 14:4-6 "And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Let that soak in for a while. HE IS THE WAY!!! My oldest daughter is 15, and has her learner's license. So therefore, she takes the wheel at every opportunity. That is the way it should be! It is often funny, because often times I tell her where we are going, and this distant look comes on her face. I can tell she is thinking really hard. She then will exclaim, "Oh, okay, I think I know the way!" I have to smile. You see, for 15 yrs. of her life, she was either in the backseat...or as she got the front passenger seat. She was taken everywhere, and never needed to really study the roads to know where to go for herself.

As I studied this passage, I could see myself in ole Thomas, and watching my daughter figure out her way around a town she was born and raised in......these verses hit home for me. You see, the disciples dropped what they were doing and followed Jesus as he asked. They went everywhere with him and saw him perform many miracles and listened to his teachings. Then, as it came time for Jesus to die on the cross......Thomas finally realized.......oh do we know the way???

Just as my daughter has begun to realize that even though she has rode with me all her life to most of these places...she has not had to do it herself. Thomas was also realizing that he had been following Jesus...and now what was he to was he to know the way?

I recently, myself have tasted this new freedom. I have had to break away from my raising, my heritage, my family's religion, if you will........and tested the waters for myself. Not that I have gone astray or changed religions... but I have decided that I have to live for Christ myself, not ride my families coat tails. I had to get into the drivers seat for myself. It is scary, and I know Thomas was nervous.......but once we realize that HE IS THE all falls into place. Trust in Him, get into His Word and learn it for yourself. Now that my daughter has driven herself to several places, she no longer has to ask how to get there or study it out......she knows the way. What an awesome peace and freedom to know......The Way!

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