Thursday, May 28, 2009

I know Him......but best of all....HE KNOWS ME!!!

I 'know' a lot of people. I know my family, I know my friends, coworkers, neighbors, and community. And to different degrees....they all know me. But, we can still fool them can't we??? We can hide things from them, and they wouldn't ever know it. Some can figure things out, depending on how close of a relationship you have with them.....but no one can see your heart!

I 'know' my local mayor, and elected officials, and news reporters on local TV. I even 'know' the president of the United States! I 'know' the actors who play roles on my favorite TV shows. I even 'know' the folks that are seen on reality TV know, Jeff from 'Survivor', or how about Bob and Jillian, the trainers on the 'Biggest Loser'..............hey, I even know Jon and Kate!!!!

But, I could walk down the street and bump into any of them..........and they wouldn't say a word to me.............why.............didn't I just say that I 'know' them?????? Yes..........but the difference is.........they don't know me!!!!

But, there is One that I know................but best of all.........He knows me! How awesome is God! I've grown up in church all my life.....I've heard about Jesus, sang about Jesus, talked about Jesus my whole life........I KNOW Him! But better than all of that.................when I was a seven year old little girl.................He got to know me!!!! You see, in my head, I knew Him.....but under conviction, I went to an altar, and gave my heart to Him.....and He knows me.......for all eternity....He knows me! What a blessing!!!

"I know Him, yes I know Him....I met Him at the cross of Calvary. I know Him, yes I know Him...but best of He knows me!"

Friend, do you know Him today...........but most importantly....does He know you??? Search your heart today, do you know of a time that you asked Him to live there? If not, please let Him know you today. If you are saved, then let yourself go down memory lane, and remember the time that you let Him know you! What a wonderful Savior! I praise the day that I knelt down at the cross and made Him my personal Lord and Savior!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'll Pick the Tractor Every Time!

"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly (gentle and humble) in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

Back in 2002, God granted my husband and I our life long prayer of our dream home. He gave us the opportunity to buy about 7 acres of land, in the perfect location! We had looked for so long. Before, if it was where we wanted the land, it was too expensive, but if we could afford it, then it was too far out from everything. God was working in my husband's career, before we even realized it, and it all was coming together! My husband quit his job, sold his part of the business, and began building our dream that was some faith! But, God holds it all in the palm of His hand! I began working more hours at the hospital to cover the bills, our other house sold, just in the knick of time, and then I received a phone call asking me to take on another job that I had been praying about for so long! Let me tell you, God was moving on the scene faster than our feeble minds could even comprehend!

My husband and father-in-law were building our house, by themselves. It was hard work, and right in the middle of a very hot summer!!!! I don't know how much you know about building a house, but it is very hard work.......and just being the two of was even harder! I stood amazed at all they were accomplishing!

One day, it was time to put up some support beams in the garage. These beams were very heavy. They didn't know how they were going to lift them. As they began to struggle, up the driveway comes an old tractor. Our neighbor, seeing their distress, quietly came on the scene with his tractor. He had fork lifts attached to the front, and he helped them lift the beams into place!

As progress kept moving, it came time to put in the flooring for the upstairs rooms. Well, like I said, it's just the two of them, and you can only imagine, how long and hard it was going to be for them to carry each piece of wood up those stairs. It would take forever!!! Then, as if the heavens opened up..........there was our neighbor at the front of the house, with that old tractor, lifting several pieces of wood up to the second floor window! All they had to do was pull the wood off of the tractor's fork lift from the window! They were finished with the floors in no time!!!

As they kept working on the house, that old tractor seem to show up, just in time and help out! We finally finished the house and moved in. We began the landscaping. We had 8 trees to be planted, not counting the shrubs. Whew! Talk about some elbow grease, but we were so excited to have our new place, we gladly took those shovels out and began to dig. But, somewhere in the distance........I heard a familiar sound...........why, that old tractor was making its way down our gravel drive once more..........and this time it was equipped with a very large post hole digger attachment on the back. In about two minutes, the hole was dug and the tree was neatly in place!

A little while later, it was time to start our garden! We love to plant a garden, and we were excited because this was going to be a garden twice the size we had at our old house! We have a small tiller, and it was going to be quite a chore to dig up all of that ground and get it ready to start planting! With excitement, however, my husband began the task at hand! Before, he could wipe the sweat off of his brow, you guessed it, there's that familiar old red tractor making its way to our backyard. This time with a tiller attached to the back, and in about thirty minutes our garden spot was unearthed, and ready to have something planted in it!

Over the years we certainly have learned to respect and love that old tractor! And now, before we start a task that is too hard for us, we KNOW that all we have to do, is go get that old red tractor, it will certainly get the job done!!! Whether, we are in trouble, or just need some help with a job, we can depend on that tractor! It has cut our hayfields to keep our cows fed, it continues to plow our gardens, it has pulled dead trees up in seconds, it has even pulled stuck four-wheelers out of the mud..........and recently it pulled a concreted basketball goal out of the ground as if it were nothing!

I have certainly learned to appreciate the sound of that tractor, and it's power! Isn't that just like God? We begin to do whatever it is we need to do........and He just steps in, just in time, and makes everything so much easier. Sometimes we pray for Him to come on the scene, and sometimes, He's there before we even know to pray! His yoke is easy, His burden is light! Why, oh, why do we work so hard at trying to 'dig' at our own problems, when He's there, sitting on the old tractor, ready to do it for us?

That old red tractor doesn't look like much. It's paint is faded, it has some rusty spots, it's battered and beaten, but it's always been faithful! Just when you think it can do no more, that tractor, will hit another gear, and you stand amazed! Sometimes we think God has to come in all shiny and new, all sparkling and clean! That's not always the case. Don't limit God, or put Him in a box. Just when you think it's impossible.............God will amaze you! And, He will use the most unusual, most simple tool to do it with.

How much easier life would be if we would always take His yoke, instead of trying to work it all out by ourselves! What takes us a lifetime, only takes Him seconds! Learn from me, when a problem arises, or when your task at hand just seems too much..............pick the tractor!!!!! Your life will be so much easier!!! As the old hymn says, "....come, my yoke is burden's light."