Revelation 3:20 says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup (dine) with him, and he with me." I am so thankful for that day when Jesus knocked on the door of my heart, and I let Him in! What an everlasting, life changing experience!
Now bear with me as I go 'medical' on you, lol.........after all I am a nurse. Early Saturday morning, I was starting my shift at the hospital, as I always do, by getting report on my patients. I have an 82 yr. old woman, who is very alert and frisky, but had been admitted due to possible gallbladder problems, and she also had been passing out. Her daughters had stayed at her bedside. The floor I work on is a cardiac floor, so each patient has a heart monitor on. At 6am, the night shift nurse noted a couple of long pauses in her heartbeat. She checked on her, she was sleeping soundly, but seemed okay. Then the nurse put a call into the doctor. At 6:45 am, she is now giving me report, but the doctor has not called back yet. While I go down the hall to start my assessments, she places another call into the doctor. While I am in her room, she has another cardiac pause.......this time it lasted 24 seconds! Yes, your thinking correctly, that means that her heart did not beat for 24 seconds.........on the heart monitor.......that registers a straight line!!! All the while, my sweet little lady says she's fine, and her daughters tell me they thought she was just resting good. Yeah, too good! I raise the head of her bed, wash her face, and get the doctor on the line!!! He immediately asks for a cardiologist to consult, and we get that doctor on the line. Of course, he orders her to go to the intensive care immediately and get her prepared for an immediate placement of a temporary pacemaker! The patient, as well as her daughters, were shocked with all of far as looking at her, she looked fine!!! The little lady kept asking why she was being moved to another room, she had no idea about how dire her situation was!
I get her transferred to ICU, and the cardiologist gets there and places a temporary pacemaker on her, and now her heart is beating 83 times per minute, and the monitor is full of those pretty little 'wiggly' lines that we nurses love to see, lol! She is then put on the schedule to have a permanent pacemaker placed (under anesthesia) on Monday morning. She's doing wonderful and as spunky as ever..........not really realizing just how close to death she came.
Well, you know me and my spiritual eye, lol..............I couldn't help but see God all over that one! As far as looking at me before I was saved, I looked fine. I had no obvious signs saying that I was lost and going to hell. Not realizing that I was a heartbeat away from an eternal hell! The world was going on around me with no problems. Just as those daughters were sipping their coffee, talking, and watching the morning news................Mom lay a foot away in a hospital bed with NO heartbeat for 24 seconds..........they had no clue that anything was wrong.
One day, like Revelation 3:20 speaks of.............there was a knock at my door. My 'heart monitor' picked up on something being wrong with my heart! I didn't realize how bad a shape I was in, didn't see my dire situation, but I answered the door. I'm so glad I did! Jesus Christ came into my heart that day and immediately my situation turned around! He became my 'pacemaker'! This old world is temporary, but one day, I'll reach my heavenly home, and live with the 'permanent pacemaker' for all eternity!!!
Now, as far as seeing any sudden changes in this little lady, you couldn't tell any difference. The difference was done on the inside. The heart monitor was the only thing that you could see a change in immediately. But over time, she will gain strength, she won't be passing out anymore, and she'll feel so much better. When I got saved, the world couldn't tell any difference in me.....but if you could monitor my heart, you could see the change..........see that now Jesus was dwelling in me. But over time, as I grew in Christ, I gained strength in Him and you can see a change! I definitely felt better!
Are you having heart trouble today? Maybe it's not noticeable to anyone around you, but your spiritual heartbeat is not beating right. Oh, just answer that door today, He will come in and make you whole! What a wonderful God! It doesn't matter who you are, or what you have or have not's all about Him, and what He did on that old rugged cross! Let Him in, and He will 'pace' your spiritual heartbeat into a wonderful perfect rhythm that you will never have to worry about it ever stop beating again!!!
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