Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This Ain't No April Fool's Joke!

April 1st is always full of jokes and pranks.......but it is a place of endearment in my heart. For you see it is my very dearest friend's birthday! I love her dearly. She means more to me than she will ever know. There are not enough words in the english language to describe what I have with her. She is the sister that I never had. We have known each other since the 7th grade. We have so, so many things in common. Today is a very special day, not only because it is her birthday.........but it is her 40th birthday!!! That means that we have known each other for 28 years! We pretty much know everything about each other...........and yet we are still friends, lol! I would do anything for her.........and I know I could call her anytime, for anything. Our friendship has grown with every passing year. She's an awesome lady!

My daily Bible study is now in 1Samuel, it's no coincidence that I am reading about a wonderful friendship between Jonathon and David as I am celebrating my best friend's birthday! Chapter 18 talks about Jonathon and David's bond, the first verse reads "...that the soul of Jonathon than was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathon loved him as his own soul." Because Jonathon loved David so, he made a covenant with him and took his own robe, his garments, his sword, his bow, and his girdle and gave them to David. I'm sure you know the story of how Jonathon protected David from Saul, and helped him many times. What a friendship!!

Proverbs speaks of friendship, in 17:17 it says that "A friend loveth at all times..." A true friend does love at all times. Through these 28 yrs. I've done some unloveable things, but my friend has never once stopped loving me! And of course in chapter 18:24, it says, "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." You may ask how my friend and I have remained friends all these years. Time has even taken us many miles apart, yet, I feel we are even closer. How can this be?'s simple, really, it is the love of Christ working in both of us!

He is the friend of all friends, He is the one that sticketh closer than a brother! We have grown together through and to Christ! The love of Christ that dwells in both our hearts has knit our souls together, like Jonathon and David! I am so thankful to have her in my life! She is a blessing to me, an encouragement, a source of strength and compassion, a constant, a true joy, and always a place of laughter. We have many buddies, pals, in life, but few true friends. I thank God everyday for putting her in my life!

But she would agree.........most of all I am thankful for us both having that relationship with Christ. When I can't be there for her, or she can't come to me.........we always have our Heavenly Father who can be there anytime, anywhere! Do you have that with Jesus? The key to friendships here on earth is this: ask yourself if that person makes you want to be a better christian, do you want to get closer to God when you are around your friend? That is the foundation to our friendship. Jesus Christ is love, you don't know how to love....really love, until Christ lives in your heart!

So today, April 1, 2009, I want to wish Lora Leah Lawson Weaks a very, very Happy 40th Birthday!!! I love you!

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