Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Stay Off!

If you read my blog, then you know that my oldest daughter has a wonderful pug named, Bo. Bo has been a God send, and we love him so....but, he has this problem.....he sheds a lot! I find myself forever brushing his hair off of the furniture. So, I got him this cute little doggy bed, put it in the living room....near us....and started training him not to get on the furniture. I found this spray at the store called Stay Off. It is a dog training spray that keeps dogs away from a certain area. I thought I would give it a try.

I brought it home and sprayed the chairs and sofa with it. It puts off no smell, that I can smell...but Bo certainly doesn't like it. It leaves no stain, no odor, no hint that it is there.....but Bo certainly doesn't like it. It seems to be working pretty well. Bo is staying off the furniture...but it doesn't seem to make him love his bed any more. I keep taking him to the bed...and he keeps jumping right back out. I put his favorite toys in it....he will retrieve the toy....and leave the bed alone.

Where am I going with this one you may ask??? Well.....it made me think about witnessing....yes you read it correctly....witnessing! Do you repel folks from God, or do you bring them in? I'm not talking about your intentions or your well meanings.....I'm talking about how others perceive you. You may mean well when you beg them to come to church with you, or when you cry and tell them you don't want to see them go to hell, forever quoting scripture in their ear, preaching to them about how they are living, and how they should be living, but how's that coming across? As you 'spray' your words out, they may have no odor, no stain, and to you, no hint that it was there....but it may be that that sinner or backslider perceives it differently. Although you are praying and beckoning them the best way you know how...that will not make them come, that will not get them saved. You can't see a thing come out of that can when I spray it, only the sound a spray can makes.........but, poor ole Bo, he can! He takes a sniff, snarles his nose and takes off. I want him to go to his bed....but that's not where he goes!

Be careful how you direct others to Christ, you may have the best intentions...but you may be repelling them. As Christians we are to point others to Christ...but don't walk out in front of Him! I can lead Bo to that bed, I can taunt him with his toys are a milkbone, but that won't make him lay down in it. He has to see that it is a soft cozy warm place for himself. He has to see that that awful scent from that can does not get sprayed on his bed. Too often, we are so excited to have someone feel, taste, and see that God is good, we actually do more damage than good.

Stop....look....and listen....listen to your Father. He will direct you. Your main job is to pray for that person and LIVE the life that God wants you to live in front of that person! Stop....pushing and pulling and proding.....look to the cross and remember your salvation....and listen to the Father as He guides you. He is a perfect gentleman, He gives each individual his own free will...we all have a choice. I found that if I just left Bo alone, that gradually, he will check the bed out for himself, sniff it, touch it....and eventually give it a try. Mom always said that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Its true. So the next time you see that friend or loved one that you so desperately want to see saved, back right, in church, living for Christ......stop, look, and listen.........God can move mountains.......but in His time, not ours. He will do and has done His part........and He doesn't need any of us in order to get anything He wants done, done. I promise.....He knows what's best, He knows the desires of your heart.....and He loves them and is beckoning them to Him.....don't hinder His work!

1 comment:

Lora Weaks said...

I absolutely, positively, 100% agree with you!! I just had this conversation with a friend the other day. Love and compassion is what wins lost souls to Christ. It is how He won them....and it still works today. I think sometimes we think their salvation is up to us, but the only thing up to us is living Christ in front of them, being sensitive to the Holy Spirit to say what HE wants us to WHEN He wants us to say it. God help us not to be a stumbling block to your perfect plan.