Monday, December 28, 2009

Grab Your Spoon!!!

Okay, this blog goes along with the previous one, Open that Gift, so read that one first!

When meditating on what an awesome free gift of eternal life that God has given each and everyone of us, all we have to do is accept it....another thought popped into this feeble brain of mine. In II Timothy 1:6 Paul is saying, (amplified version) "That is why I would remind you to stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan the flame of, and keep burning) the (gracious) gift of God, (the inner fire) that is in you by the means of the laying on of my hands (with those of the elders at your ordination)." At church, I also heard the preacher touch on this subject as well.

So this is what God gave to me: We should accept His free gift, and we should put it to use. How? ask....well, by getting into His Word everyday, and learning of Him, being a prayer warrior, a witness, going to His house and worshipping Him.........using whatever talent He has given you........and He has given each one of us a talent...oh, but that's another blog......

So why grab a spoon you ask??? Well, it goes back to what the preacher had mentioned in his sermon...when you are cooking....why do you grab a spoon? To stir things, right?? Work with me......okay, I was making some soup the other day, and as it began to warm I grabbed a spoon. The soup that was nearest the fire gets hotter faster, so I had to stir the pot as to distribute the heat.

As christians we need to be a spoon! Those of us who can reach out to Christ need to stir the pot so that others can feel Him as well. We go to church to worship Him and give of our time to Him, as He has given His time to us all week..........but we are to help our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as well! Sometimes we, ourselves, can get away from the fire, start getting colder, and need to be stirred ourselves!

Who likes a bowl of soup that is hot in some places and cold in others?....grab your spoon and lets all enjoy our Saviour....and get just a little sneek peak of what Heaven is going to be like! Let's rekindle our flame and keep that precious gift of God burning!

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