Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Continuing the Walk, Though the Rain is Falling

I feel the need to continue to write during my storm. In a way it is a therapy for myself, as well as an example for others that they are not alone. Our mind is the devil's battlefield. If we are saved, he cannot get our soul, nor enter our heart. But, he can destroy our minds and rob us of our joy, if we do not put on God's armor!

The storm in my life has not disappeared, it still remains. The devil still brings thoughts, ideas, and fear my way. One of the lies that the devil tries to tell us as young christians, is that now that we have Christ on our side, we have it made. All days will be sunny from here on out. That is certainly the voice of the devil. Because if you study God's Word, He tells us there are going to be hard times on our journey. The devil tells us this, so that when troubles of this life do hit....he wants us to be caught by surprise, and unprepared.

I am no better than anyone else, I am not stronger....I am no different than any other human being. The devil sees the fire in your life, and he immediately starts to blow and fan that fire to keep you in turmoil. We must stay on our knees and stay in His Word to fight the fire, or we will be consumed.

More than a week into my storm, I don't see much improvement, I don't see much change. I still have disappointments, frustrations, and very often, feelings of being overwhelmed. What keeps me going? My friend, it is nothing on my own, it is all in Him. He is my strength, He is my rock, He is my strong tower. I can feel Him helping me along this journey. I know this because I could not go on unless His hand is reaching down, lifting me up.

We cannot sit back in paralysis. If we do, then the devil will gain the upper hand. We must be still as God moves in...but we must continue our christian walk. I see where God is with me during my storm. I can feel His presence. Whether it be something I get out of reading God's Word, a kind word from a friend, prayers going up for me, or a song.... I know He is there. If I lay down and give up during this storm....which is just what the devil wants......then, friend, I will surely drowned! God provides an umbrella...even when I don't realize it.

When I feel as though this storm is going to swallow me up, I start counting my blessings. As the song says, I name them one by one. I tell ole Lucifer, how while this storm is certainly horrid.... it could definitely be worse. I'm not saying that I am some awesome christian, I am certainly not. I have times as though I feel the devil is certainly going to win. You cannot give in. I still feel as though my prayers are going no where, but I keep on praying. I have wonderful friends who lift me up in prayers, and send words of encouragement. I have a wonderful friend who lets me call her at any time of the day, and lets me say anything I want to, anything I need to, without judgement or criticism. Though God is certainly enough..... He will put someone in your path to help you.....don't try to do it all alone, let your friends or family help bear the load. It helps you, and it helps them. The Bible teaches us to share one another's burdens. The devil tries to puff you up with pride, so you will try to go it alone. Well of course... he has a better chance of knocking you out if you are alone!! Don't fall for it!

I don't know how things will turn out, I don't know when this will end. But, I do know that He loves me, and works for my good, He will not forsake me. I must..... I MUST hold on to the voice of Truth. I'm not saying this is easy, nothing worthwhile is, isn't that what the old timers say? Stay focused. I describe it like this: the devil is like very loud music being played....you can barely hear yourself think. The Lord is like a quiet voice speaking to you, though the music is blaring. It is hard to hear that voice. You have to focus constantly on trying to block out the loud music, and always strain to listen to the quiet voice. It's not easy, and definitely frustrating. But it can be done...if you want to. I have decided that I want to. I want to keep my desire to live for the Lord. I want to keep my success through Christ. I want to deny my flesh and feed my spirit. I want to give my all to the Lord... all the time, not just during the good times. There is nothing to go back to....He gave His all........can I not???

Someone once said, 'This too shall pass..' And it will, I keep reminding the devil of that fact. God will see me through, and in turn, if I remain faithful, I will be stronger for it. Look beyond the struggles of the storm and keep your eyes on the prize! There are going to be some low times....I'll let you in on a secret....we are STILL human.....and God KNOWS this! So don't worry, if you fall or stumble....get right back up and go again..........the sun is coming up in the morning. If I give in now....when God does settle the storm, then I won't be where I need to be to see it!

God will give a song in the time of trouble! A song I sing at church has come to my mind many times during this storm....."Once again, I faced Satan this morning. And I battled him all the day long. But in my weakness, God sent reinforcements, and at sundown, I sang victories song! And the sun's coming up in the morning....every tear will be gone from my eyes. This old clays gonna give way to glory, and like and eagle, I'll take to the skies!"

Stay in the fight, you have to be there in order for the reinforcements to come...so don't retreat!!! God is faithful, Hallelujah! Believe me, I am so ready.... so ready for this storm to be over...physically, emotionally, and spiritually!!!! I am continuing the walk, though the rain is falling......because the sun IS coming up in the morning!!!!!

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