Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Sunshine Through the Clouds

As I write today, I see the sunshine coming through the dark clouds of my storm. I want to take the opportunity to Praise the Lord for answering prayers, for being faithful, for not forsaking me, for unconditionally loving me, and for getting me through this storm! We have had several days of stormy weather, literally, here. I went for my run the other day, and I looked up into the sky. To the right I could see nothing but dark clouds, gloomy and thick, but as I looked to the left, I could see a break in the clouds, the clouds were thin and weak, and I could see blue sky and rays of sunshine. That was a perfect picture of what I felt in my soul. Thank you, Lord, for your blessings on me!

What a great deliverer God is! I have to say that He didn't just get me by...He got me through this storm. I want to be a witness to each and every one of you to HOLD TIGHT! The storms of life are going to blow, but if you stay anchored in your faith...HE WILL SEE YOU THROUGH!!!! It is not easy, and I won't tell you otherwise. When a boat is out on the ocean and a storm comes through, they do whatever it takes to keep that boat floating. They will start throwing all things that aren't necessary overboard. As I walked through this storm, I began to get down to the bear necessities. All the 'stuff' that I thought were important...didn't seem as important anymore. I had to cut some things loose, in order to stay afloat. What are you holding on to, my friend, that is weighing you down?? When the storms come for you...and they will....will you be too weighted down to stay upright?

You may ask....how did you make it through? Well, as I said before, I got rid of some things that I really didn't need in my life, and stayed focus and what I did need. The main thing is the anchor. Without the anchor, you drift anywhere the storm takes you. You are at the mercy of the storm. But, the anchor does you absolutely no good unless you use it. The anchor of which I speak, of course, is Jesus Christ! I am a child of the King...and what do children do when they are frightened? They crawl into their parents' lap. When my storm hit, I crawled into my Heavenly Father's lap. He is the anchor of my vessel. But if I just sit the anchor aside, and not use it...just let it take up space in my boat, then I have no help in the time of need! If I don't put that anchor to use, then it too can become a weight that can harm me when the storms rage.

You see, if we don't keep our prayer life going daily, if we don't read and study His Word daily, then we are not anchored down and ready for whatever may come our way. When the storm hits....you can capsize before you go find your anchor, clean it up and get it thrown overboard. But, if you read and pray daily, then your anchor is in use when the storms show up. It is so easy to let the devil deceive you of this, that is his goal. He loves it when you get into a storm unprepared, because then he has more power. Don't drift in your christian walk, my friend....use your anchor!!

Another great help during my storm was the wonderful christian friends I have. It is very important to have a christian friend to help guide you during your storm. You must be careful, not just anyone can help, they must have a testimony that they are walking with Christ, or they may hinder you. Have you ever parked your car in a very tight spot? Trying to get out is terrible. But, if someone that you trust comes along, and guides you out of that tight spot, then it is much easier....right? Same thing in a storm. You are in a storm, you can't see clearly, think clearly, or even hear things clearly. While standing on God's Truths are your main goal....keep a good christian friend close by to guide you through the fog of your storm. I couldn't have made it through without the shoulder, love, encouragement and prayers of my friends. Don't let pride get in your way of asking for help. That is another lie that the devil will use to destroy you. If they are where they need to be with Christ, then they will not judge you, but will love and comfort you..............let them!!! You will be surprised at the strength you will gain through their help!

Many verses in the Bible spoke to me during my storm, many came just at the time I thought my boat was capsizing. Three verses in Habakkuk come to mind now for me, the last 3 verses in that book...chapter 3 says "Though the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vines, though the product of the olive fails and the fields yield no food, though the flock is cut off from the fold and there are no cattle in the stalls, YET will I rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the victorious God of my salvation! The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk not to stand still in terror, but to walk and make spiritual progress upon my high places of trouble, suffering or responsibility." (amplified version). WOW! That sums up just exactly what I went through during this storm.

If you are in a storm, or, like me just came out of a storm, or you are about to go into a storm, my advise is this.....get those little things out of your life that you 'think' are important, and get closer to the Father. Read God's Word, and claim His promises. Even though you will be attacked on everyside in your mind, duck down, and cling to the Truth. Even though you feel a prayer doesn't go through.....pray anyway...because prayer isn't conditioned on how you feel....it works no matter your feeling. Find a christian friend to lean on. Let your Anchor work....let go of the ropes, though your boat may be rocking.....the Anchor WILL HOLD!!!!!

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