Monday, October 20, 2008

Religious Fences

Fences, what are they for? Why do we put them up? Well, we put up fences to keep things out, or to keep things in, or for privacy, don't we? We may not want someone walking through our yard, we don't want our family pet to run off, we may put one up so no one can easily see us. Nothing is wrong with putting up a fence for any of those reasons. It's the attitude that we have to watch. I remember as a child, there was one man in our neighborhood that was so mean. He never was happy, never smiled, and you didn't dare touch anything he had. That fence was an extension of his attitude, he didn't care about you or anything you had, and he didn't want to be bothered! As a matter of fact, we would even walk on the other side of the road to pass his house just to make sure he wouldn't yell at us or think we were coming near his property. That's the only memory I have of him. Funny, I'm 39 yrs old, and that same old feeling of fear penetrates my heart just thinking about it, even now.

As christians, we've got to be so careful of our attitudes and our fences. Spiritual fences are needed, but only for the right reasons and with the right attitude. We need a spiritual fence to keep the right beliefs around us, to keep the Word of God rightly divided. If you don't have your standards and convictions, then you may fall for anything. Let's not forget over in Ephesians where he talks about putting on the whole armour of God. But, let's don't be like the Pharisees either. They had a bad attitude, a wrong spirit. They weren't following Jesus and watching his love, they were watching every move he made and being critical. Look in Matthew chapter 10. They scolded him for the disciples taking corn on the Sabbath, they scolded him because he healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath........instead of thanking him for a wonderful miracle that they were privileged enough to be a witness to!

Don't get caught up in the religious critism. You can technically be in the 'right' with your rules and regulations........your fences if you will, but you lose sight of the big picture! God's love, God's mercy, God's grace!!!! He came to seek and to save that which was lost! Now don't go around saying that I am telling you to do anything you want or feel like. That's not the point, you've got to have rules and regulations in your christian walk........what I'm saying is don't get so caught up in them that you lose focus on the cross of calvary!

Don't build a fence around your spiritual life that no one can come in, no one feels welcome. Build a fence that is pleasing and warm, where the love and mercy of God can shine through, but yet it is a hedge of refuge to keep Satan out!

So many times I see good christians, start out right, but get so focused on convictions, or opinions, or beliefs that they forget about the love and sacrifice that Jesus gave. God help me to keep my fences up concerning the devil, because he is that roaring lion seeking out those he can devour, he is a mighty force NOT to be taken lightly. But at the same time, may I lovingly care for my fence to keep it warm and friendly, welcoming all to enter to get a glimpse of Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

Tony said...

"So many times I see good christians, start out right, but get so focused on convictions, or opinions, or beliefs that they forget about the love and sacrifice that Jesus gave."

It's the old trick of the roaring lion - pride.

Good post. We need to stay convicted but especially to the conviction to love as Jesus loved.