Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Cross

What does the cross really mean to you? We talk about it so often, we sing about it, we wear it around our neck, we hang it on our walls....but it means nothing if we don't take a personal look at it. It's just a 'christian' or 'religious' symbol, until we look inside ourselves and see just what it means to us.

It means everything to me. I speak of it often. Without that old rugged cross, my life is in vain, my life is worthless. This is how I look at the cross:
C- consecration
--live your life totally and fully devoted or
dedicated to God. 'Setting apart' yourself
to live for God day in & day out...out in
the open for all the world to see.
By accepting the cross, I have chosen to live my life for Christ, so that others may seek the cross.
R- resurrection
--rising from the dead
That's whats so different about Christ hanging on that cross....he rose again! That is our hope, our eternal life! He bore our sins and died on the cross so that we may be cleansed from that sin and live life eternal in Heaven with Him!
O- obedience
--the act or practice of following instruction
We must be obedient to God's will and instruction in order to have joy and peace and victory in our christian life
S- salvation
--deliverance from sin through Jesus Christ
Isn't that in and of itself the main goal of the cross? What a God...He gave his only begotten Son to die for my sin...my sin...wow, my feeble mind cannot wrap around that!
S- satisfaction
--the feeling of pleasure that comes when a
need has been fulfilled.
Wow! The only true satisfaction, the only lasting satisfaction there is! The world seeks this everyday, but they only find temporary satisfaction, but as a child of the King, we've tasted that everlasting water and never have to be of thirst again!

That's just scratching the surface, I could go on and on. Look deep within yourself..........find out just what the cross means to you!

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