Everyone, everything was focused on Friday, December 19th! You could feel the anticipation, the giddiness, in the air! You see that was the 'big' day.........the day we got out for Christmas break at school! YEAH! Not only that.......but it was a 'half day'.......not only was it our last day for a while......but we got to go home at 11:00 am!! The students were excited, and the staff was, too! It was such a happy time! Gifts were being exchanged, everyone was wishing everyone a "Merry Christmas!" Classroom parties were going on! Fun times!
Then it happened.......in the blink of an eye.........the parties stopped, heartache feeled the air, tears were there where laughter and smiles just were. One of our students and his mother found out that their beloved father and husband had just been killed..........murdered at work. The hurt and sorrow was unbearable. Just moments ago the atmosphere was light and happy, and in the blink of an eye it was somber and sad.
We are a small school and a small community, so news like this hits us all hard. Everyone knows everyone. The good thing is that we all pull together in support and love for each other. That 11:oo we were waiting so intently on........didn't mean a thing anymore. The wishing of a lighthearted "Merry Christmas" changed focus for us. We wished it now to each other with an entirely different meaning, it was followed by hugs and tears, and thankfulness. We were thanking each other for their friendships and telling each other what we mean to each other. Many women were calling their husbands, just to hear his voice.......I know I did! We were aching to get home and have our family all together, safe, and in our arms. Christmas was put back into perspective at that very moment.
While we don't understand why things like this happen...........they still happen. This world is sick in sin and it shows it through tragedies such as this. As I drove home in silence and grief for that family, God's peace kept washing over me in song. How wonderful to KNOW Jesus Christ as my personal Savior! He IS the reason for the season! I just don't know how anyone can go through one day without Him! Here is the old hymn that God kept washing through my mind, heart, and soul to give me comfort:
"Sometimes I'm discouraged, My load's hard to bear. I feel myself stumble, 'neath my load of care. And I ask Him this question, 'Oh my Lord how long?' Then I hear a voice whisper, whisper, whisper 'Soon you'll be coming home.'
Oh, I need Jesus.......to carry me through.....along life's journey.......yes, you need Him, too...
And when you're in trouble........don't know what to do.....just call on Jesus, Jesus, Jesus....
He'll carry you through.....
When storm clouds are raging, and wild billows roll. When sad winds of sorrow sweep over my soul. Then I search for a refuge, a safe hiding place, and I know that He keeps me, keeps me, keeps me in His wonderful grace.
Oft' times I'm forsaken, can't find me a friend. So sad and so lonely, so troubled within. Then I go to my Jesus, on Him I depend. And the Lord gives me courage, courage, courage, all my battles to win."
Friend, if you don't know Him, I pray that you will end 2008, or begin 2009, asking Him to come into your heart. If you have ever, ever felt like one of those verses of the song above..........just trust in Jesus, He WILL carry you through! I need Jesus, every hour, every minute, every second of the day! We may never know what may come our way and change our world forever....what a peace, what a sweet consolation to know that NO matter what.......He will carry me through it!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I don't know about you, but I need my sleep! We had a lot of rain come our way last night. It started raining hard around 10 pm and didn't stop until about 8:30 this morning. They say we got almost 3 inches of rain! The drive into work was scary, flooding everywhere. I am thankful for the rain, we need it! Because of the storms, I didn't get much sleep last night. It was so hard to get up this morning. The bed seemed to be calling my name. Have you ever been that way?
I was reminded of the scripture in Psalm 121:4, 'Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.' I'm so thankful for that! Last night when the storm, the lightning, and the thunder kept me awake, I was still able to have peace. How, you ask? Well, all I had to do is lay there and pray to my Father, He's got it all under control, and he requires NO sleep. He's always available and ready!
As a child, my Dad used to come into my room and proclaim, "Up and at 'em!" With a slow stretch and squinty eyes, I knew that once again, another day had started! Isn't it wonderful to know that no one ever has to tell our God that! He's always ready! I'm so thankful that no matter what comes my way, whether I'm awake or sleeping, my God is always ready to speak 'peace be still' to the storms that come my way.
My body has to stop and rest. No matter what things I have not accomplished yet, I've still got to have sleep. I'm so thankful that when I pillow my head at night, my Father is there to watch over me and my family, he 'neither slumbers nor sleeps'!
I was reminded of the scripture in Psalm 121:4, 'Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.' I'm so thankful for that! Last night when the storm, the lightning, and the thunder kept me awake, I was still able to have peace. How, you ask? Well, all I had to do is lay there and pray to my Father, He's got it all under control, and he requires NO sleep. He's always available and ready!
As a child, my Dad used to come into my room and proclaim, "Up and at 'em!" With a slow stretch and squinty eyes, I knew that once again, another day had started! Isn't it wonderful to know that no one ever has to tell our God that! He's always ready! I'm so thankful that no matter what comes my way, whether I'm awake or sleeping, my God is always ready to speak 'peace be still' to the storms that come my way.
My body has to stop and rest. No matter what things I have not accomplished yet, I've still got to have sleep. I'm so thankful that when I pillow my head at night, my Father is there to watch over me and my family, he 'neither slumbers nor sleeps'!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
During the Christmas season, we hear alot about 'Peace'. The word is in all of the Christmas plays. It's used throughout the Bible. True peace is only possible through Christ. The world is so thirsty for peace, but it is found nowhere. Only on a hill called Calvary can peace be found! I'm so thankful for that day as a seven year old girl, that I found peace through the blood of Jesus Christ!!
As a mother, I often long for 'peace'! We are constantly running and doing and working. Children are running in and out, the dog is barking and its utter chaos!!! I'll show my age here, but does anyone remember the commercial, "Calgon, take me away!!!!" It was a bubble bath, aimed at those stressful moms who have had enough and needed some peace!! Why is it we get so stressed out that all we wish for is 'peace and quiet', and then when we finally get a moment alone, all we want is someone to come around and make some noise!
In my Bible Study this morning, I read a sentence that gripped my heart. It sums peace up perfectly and puts it all in perspective. It read, "Peace isn't about our outer circumstances, but our inner environment." Wow, let that soak in! When I'm where I need to be with the Lord, a tornado can hit around me, and I'm still okay! When I've been in God's Word, and been in my prayer closet, life is so much sweeter, so much more peaceful! And yet, all the madness is going on around me. The girls are running and screaming, the dog's barking and tearing things up, my husband is in need of my assistance, or everything is breaking loose at work, it doesn't bother me..........why? My inner environment!!! He gives us peace, Him and Him alone! See, what's going on outside, it's just 'circumstances', circumstances change constantly. Our circumstances are always different. But our environment is more a constant. Environments vary and adjust, but they fundamentally stay the same. That's why I got such a blessing from that statement! If our environment is that of peace, then it doesn't matter what the circumstances are!
If we stay focused on Christ, our inner environment is that of peace, and our outer 'circumstances' don't mean a thing! We can be at peace no matter what is going on around us! What a sweet blessing! I just praise God for His peace! I'm so thankful that it is there for anyone, anytime. Those days, I forget, and let my circumstances take over, I'm so thankful I can still go to the Father and my peace is restored, refreshed, anew each day!
As a mother, I often long for 'peace'! We are constantly running and doing and working. Children are running in and out, the dog is barking and its utter chaos!!! I'll show my age here, but does anyone remember the commercial, "Calgon, take me away!!!!" It was a bubble bath, aimed at those stressful moms who have had enough and needed some peace!! Why is it we get so stressed out that all we wish for is 'peace and quiet', and then when we finally get a moment alone, all we want is someone to come around and make some noise!
In my Bible Study this morning, I read a sentence that gripped my heart. It sums peace up perfectly and puts it all in perspective. It read, "Peace isn't about our outer circumstances, but our inner environment." Wow, let that soak in! When I'm where I need to be with the Lord, a tornado can hit around me, and I'm still okay! When I've been in God's Word, and been in my prayer closet, life is so much sweeter, so much more peaceful! And yet, all the madness is going on around me. The girls are running and screaming, the dog's barking and tearing things up, my husband is in need of my assistance, or everything is breaking loose at work, it doesn't bother me..........why? My inner environment!!! He gives us peace, Him and Him alone! See, what's going on outside, it's just 'circumstances', circumstances change constantly. Our circumstances are always different. But our environment is more a constant. Environments vary and adjust, but they fundamentally stay the same. That's why I got such a blessing from that statement! If our environment is that of peace, then it doesn't matter what the circumstances are!
If we stay focused on Christ, our inner environment is that of peace, and our outer 'circumstances' don't mean a thing! We can be at peace no matter what is going on around us! What a sweet blessing! I just praise God for His peace! I'm so thankful that it is there for anyone, anytime. Those days, I forget, and let my circumstances take over, I'm so thankful I can still go to the Father and my peace is restored, refreshed, anew each day!
Friday, December 5, 2008
I'm Determined!!
I'm determined I'm going to see things through! How about you? Are you determined to get your prayer through? Are you really? Often times, I pray and tell God my needs, my wants, my desires, but in the back of my mind I'm already defeated. I tell myself that it really isn't going to matter, God's not going to answer my prayer. Have you ever felt that way? Come on now, am I the only one? My desire to have the prayer answered is there, but how determined am I to see it through? We've all heard that saying, 'when the going gets tough, the tough gets going!' That's being determined, my friend.
Matthew 15:21-28 tells of a Canaanite woman's faith, and determination. She came to Jesus there in the region of Tyre and Sidon. His Word says she came out and cried unto Him. Hey, she was determined for Him to hear her! But wait now.........keep the right attitude with your determination! Be determined to get an answer from Christ.....whether you like the answer or not, let Him have His will in the matter. One of my favorite phrases is, 'your attitude determines your altitude with Christ'. So be determined to see it through, but keep your humility! As she cried to Jesus, the first words out of her mouth were..."Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David..." Her daughter was possessed with a devil. She wasn't a Jew, but she had heard of the miracles of Jesus. She knew He could help her!
But, in verse 23, Jesus didn't answer her. But she must of kept on crying out.......she was determined! Because the disciples then urged Jesus to send her away. Her cries were getting on their nerves! Now if you stop there, it sounds like Jesus is uncaring. The disciples certainly dismissed her.
Jesus began to speak, and you think, okay, now here's where Jesus is going to do this big miracle, and they all 'live happily ever after.' But, He turns to her and told her that He was sent only to help the Jews! Wow, that doesn't sound like our Lord does it? She could've hung her head and turned back. But, she kept her humble spirit and her determination, look in verse 25. Instead of walking away in defeat, or getting a 'chip' on her shoulder and marching away in disgust, she worshiped him, and pleaded for him to help her! What a blessed picture!!
But hold on.........after all this, now we're really expecting Jesus to perform the miracle and see the happy ending, right? But he looks at her and tells her that it's not good to take bread from the children and give it to the dogs. What? He isn't going to share the miracles with Gentiles.....only the Jews? Keep reading! IN verse 27, what does she do? Now, most of us now would have just said FINE, and walked away........right? Oh, but she kept her attitude in check and stayed determined!!! She said, "Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table." She wasn't being rude or critical. She spoke truth from her heart.....and in verse 28, Jesus gave her her miracle! Because of her great faith, He gave her the desires of her heart and immediately her daughter was made whole!!!
Keep your attitude in check, and stay determined in your faith! Sometimes God tests us to see if we really mean what we say! I am determined to stay focused on Christ, to keep Him first in my life, to stay kneeling at the foot of the cross! I am nothing, I don't deserve even the crumbs from His table, but through the His precious blood, I am now His child!
Matthew 15:21-28 tells of a Canaanite woman's faith, and determination. She came to Jesus there in the region of Tyre and Sidon. His Word says she came out and cried unto Him. Hey, she was determined for Him to hear her! But wait now.........keep the right attitude with your determination! Be determined to get an answer from Christ.....whether you like the answer or not, let Him have His will in the matter. One of my favorite phrases is, 'your attitude determines your altitude with Christ'. So be determined to see it through, but keep your humility! As she cried to Jesus, the first words out of her mouth were..."Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David..." Her daughter was possessed with a devil. She wasn't a Jew, but she had heard of the miracles of Jesus. She knew He could help her!
But, in verse 23, Jesus didn't answer her. But she must of kept on crying out.......she was determined! Because the disciples then urged Jesus to send her away. Her cries were getting on their nerves! Now if you stop there, it sounds like Jesus is uncaring. The disciples certainly dismissed her.
Jesus began to speak, and you think, okay, now here's where Jesus is going to do this big miracle, and they all 'live happily ever after.' But, He turns to her and told her that He was sent only to help the Jews! Wow, that doesn't sound like our Lord does it? She could've hung her head and turned back. But, she kept her humble spirit and her determination, look in verse 25. Instead of walking away in defeat, or getting a 'chip' on her shoulder and marching away in disgust, she worshiped him, and pleaded for him to help her! What a blessed picture!!
But hold on.........after all this, now we're really expecting Jesus to perform the miracle and see the happy ending, right? But he looks at her and tells her that it's not good to take bread from the children and give it to the dogs. What? He isn't going to share the miracles with Gentiles.....only the Jews? Keep reading! IN verse 27, what does she do? Now, most of us now would have just said FINE, and walked away........right? Oh, but she kept her attitude in check and stayed determined!!! She said, "Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table." She wasn't being rude or critical. She spoke truth from her heart.....and in verse 28, Jesus gave her her miracle! Because of her great faith, He gave her the desires of her heart and immediately her daughter was made whole!!!
Keep your attitude in check, and stay determined in your faith! Sometimes God tests us to see if we really mean what we say! I am determined to stay focused on Christ, to keep Him first in my life, to stay kneeling at the foot of the cross! I am nothing, I don't deserve even the crumbs from His table, but through the His precious blood, I am now His child!
Monday, December 1, 2008
I Want to be a Tree!
I just love trees. I love to look at them, watch them sway in the wind, smell the pine trees and the cedar trees, and when I was a child, I loved to climb in them. I enjoy God's nature so much when I am on my run. As I went for my run the other day, I was looking at all the trees. They are so beautiful........no matter the season! In the summer they are full and green and so full of life. In the spring they are just beginning to bud, just beginning to show new life. In the fall, they are brilliantly colored, absolutely radiant! And, yes, even the winter, I have to say they make me smile. Their leaves are gone, and you might even think that all life is gone. But I notice their strength. True, their leaves are gone, but that's when you can truly see their branches. Their strength as they quietly stand there, is seen in massive display. Nothing can be hidden, you see the tree for what it truly is. The leaves aren't there to hide any flaws. There's no fruit hanging to distract you from looking at the tree.
The Bible mentions trees many times, and in many ways. Job 14:7, "For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch therof will not cease." Psalm 1:3, "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper" God is saying here that if we delight in His law, and meditate in it that we will be as that tree. Jeremiah 17:8, "For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be anxious in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit." Now there are many teachings found in that verse alone!
I could go on and on, but here is my point. No matter the season, the tree is there. It adapts for the cold as well as the heat. Just when you think its dead, the warm days come again, and the tree starts to bloom. The roots that we cannot see, they run deep, they travel to find water so that they can live! I want to be a TREE!! I want to keep my roots in that everlasting water, so I can bloom for Christ! I want to stand strong, no matter what is going on around me! I want to adapt, and be what I need to be for Christ, whether it's blooming in spring, green and full for summer, radiant and glowing for autumn, or bear, but holding strong during my winters! I want to be a shelter for someone, help someone, in need that may be out in the 'heat' of this old world!
I want God to 'prune' me, so that I can grow for Him, so I can be the best 'tree' I can be for Him! A tree also helps oxygenate the atmosphere. So can we, as 'christian trees'. Think about it......if our roots run deep and are in the 'water' (God's Word), then our branches will bring forth fruit, we will be exactly what we need to be, no matter the season.....and by doing this, Christ Himself is seen through us.......we will 'oxygenate' this dark world with Christ's light.
I could go on and on, about all the different kinds of trees, the fruit bearing, the oaks, the pines, the evergreens, there is so much that can be taught. I'll let you study all of that, let you find what nuggets God has for you. But, aren't you glad there are so many different kinds of trees? We have them to use in different ways, and then just the point of looking at the beauty of the different trees. Aren't you glad that we are like that, too? We are all christians, but yet we are all different, with different talents and uses for Christ. What kind of tree are you?........and most importantly, are you a christian? Are your roots founded in that everlasting water? That is the only way that you can ever bloom to your maximum ability, that is the only way you can ensure that your tree won't wilt or even die! So next time you are outdoors, notice the trees, and thank God that even a tree, can teach us to be a better christian!
The Bible mentions trees many times, and in many ways. Job 14:7, "For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch therof will not cease." Psalm 1:3, "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper" God is saying here that if we delight in His law, and meditate in it that we will be as that tree. Jeremiah 17:8, "For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be anxious in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit." Now there are many teachings found in that verse alone!
I could go on and on, but here is my point. No matter the season, the tree is there. It adapts for the cold as well as the heat. Just when you think its dead, the warm days come again, and the tree starts to bloom. The roots that we cannot see, they run deep, they travel to find water so that they can live! I want to be a TREE!! I want to keep my roots in that everlasting water, so I can bloom for Christ! I want to stand strong, no matter what is going on around me! I want to adapt, and be what I need to be for Christ, whether it's blooming in spring, green and full for summer, radiant and glowing for autumn, or bear, but holding strong during my winters! I want to be a shelter for someone, help someone, in need that may be out in the 'heat' of this old world!
I want God to 'prune' me, so that I can grow for Him, so I can be the best 'tree' I can be for Him! A tree also helps oxygenate the atmosphere. So can we, as 'christian trees'. Think about it......if our roots run deep and are in the 'water' (God's Word), then our branches will bring forth fruit, we will be exactly what we need to be, no matter the season.....and by doing this, Christ Himself is seen through us.......we will 'oxygenate' this dark world with Christ's light.
I could go on and on, about all the different kinds of trees, the fruit bearing, the oaks, the pines, the evergreens, there is so much that can be taught. I'll let you study all of that, let you find what nuggets God has for you. But, aren't you glad there are so many different kinds of trees? We have them to use in different ways, and then just the point of looking at the beauty of the different trees. Aren't you glad that we are like that, too? We are all christians, but yet we are all different, with different talents and uses for Christ. What kind of tree are you?........and most importantly, are you a christian? Are your roots founded in that everlasting water? That is the only way that you can ever bloom to your maximum ability, that is the only way you can ensure that your tree won't wilt or even die! So next time you are outdoors, notice the trees, and thank God that even a tree, can teach us to be a better christian!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Plug In!
In my office at work, I have this great little device from Bath & Body Works plugged into an outlet. You screw a scent bottle into it and it gently heats up the oil, making the fragrance radiate around the room. Being a school nurse, you can just imagine why I would need an air freshener in my office!
The plug in is not elaborate, it has no flashing lights, no beautiful color, it is not a focal point in the room. So many pass by it everyday, and never realize that it is even there. But, I cannot tell you how many compliments I have had. The sweet coconut scent feels the air, and I notice people stopping for a minute and taking a deep breath. Many have commented that they feel as though they are on the beach when they walk into the room! One woman says that she just wants to bring a beach towel and a book and hide away for awhile. Wow! How can a little $3 plug in mean so much to so many?
Same for our christianity! If we are living close to God, if we are where we are supposed to be, then God will radiate through us.......and others will take notice! We won't have to have flashing lights over our heads pointing to us with big letters spelling out CHRISTIAN!!! We won't have to have a christian t-shirt on or a Godly bumper sticker on our car. (Not that those things are bad). What I'm saying is.....God is light! If He is in us as we proclaim, then He's going to shine out somewhere in us so others can see Him, through us! You see, people don't come into my office and say, 'Oh what a beautiful plug in you have!' No....they comment on the wonderful smell that is in the air!
I have to stay stocked up on my Bath & Body plug in fragrances, let me tell you! If I run out, then the smell is gone, and believe me, people take notice! Same with our christian walk. We let that sin, whatever it is in your life that bothers you, we let it in, and it hinders God's light from shining through us. Without that fragrance oil, that plug in is nothing! Let us never forget that we are nothing, Christ alone makes us worthy! So, stay in God's Word, stay in that prayer closet and continue to seek God's face, stay at the foot of the cross and let God's fragrance bloom through you so that others will see Him!!
The plug in is not elaborate, it has no flashing lights, no beautiful color, it is not a focal point in the room. So many pass by it everyday, and never realize that it is even there. But, I cannot tell you how many compliments I have had. The sweet coconut scent feels the air, and I notice people stopping for a minute and taking a deep breath. Many have commented that they feel as though they are on the beach when they walk into the room! One woman says that she just wants to bring a beach towel and a book and hide away for awhile. Wow! How can a little $3 plug in mean so much to so many?
Same for our christianity! If we are living close to God, if we are where we are supposed to be, then God will radiate through us.......and others will take notice! We won't have to have flashing lights over our heads pointing to us with big letters spelling out CHRISTIAN!!! We won't have to have a christian t-shirt on or a Godly bumper sticker on our car. (Not that those things are bad). What I'm saying is.....God is light! If He is in us as we proclaim, then He's going to shine out somewhere in us so others can see Him, through us! You see, people don't come into my office and say, 'Oh what a beautiful plug in you have!' No....they comment on the wonderful smell that is in the air!
I have to stay stocked up on my Bath & Body plug in fragrances, let me tell you! If I run out, then the smell is gone, and believe me, people take notice! Same with our christian walk. We let that sin, whatever it is in your life that bothers you, we let it in, and it hinders God's light from shining through us. Without that fragrance oil, that plug in is nothing! Let us never forget that we are nothing, Christ alone makes us worthy! So, stay in God's Word, stay in that prayer closet and continue to seek God's face, stay at the foot of the cross and let God's fragrance bloom through you so that others will see Him!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Winter is on the Way!
There are things we all do as the cold weather approaches to get prepared for winter. We make sure the gas tanks are full, the filters are clean, all the windows and doors are sealed with no air leaks. We make sure the right amount of antifreeze is in the cars. We switch our summer clothes over to winter in our closets. We get out those jackets and gloves and hats. And my husbands favorite, I start putting the flannel sheets on the bed! These are just some of the things we do to prepare ourselves for winter. Most things we do without even thinking about it, it just becomes second nature over the years. How much the more should it be for us to prevent ourselves from a spiritual winter!
Bear with me for a moment, the other day I was watching a cooking show. They were cooking fresh seafood. The chef bought crab and lobster, fresh from a seafood farm. He placed the crab and lobster on their heads in the freezer. He began explaining that this is the humane way to kill them. They get cold and everything slows down, and they go into a deep sleep. So, when it is time to cook them, they do not feel anything. Well, that got me thinking in a spiritual sense.
Isn't that just what the devil does to you and I? We don't start drifting from God all at once. The devil knows better than to sit a 6 pack of beer in front of us, or whatever the temptation, we won't go for that! But he just starts slowly, gets us to miss a church service here and there, gets us too busy at home to read the Word or stop and pray, and before you know it, we've drifted away from God. If you will, he puts us in the freezer until we are cold, stiff, slow to react, and then he's got us right where he wants us, and can literally kill our christian walk before we even realize what has happened!
I can't help but think of Peter over in Matthew, he was on fire for God, and boasted that even if someone turns their back on Christ, that he would never do that! Well, you know how the story goes, and when that cock crowed for the third time, Peter had indeed denied Christ and went out and wept bitterly!
My friend, prepare for winter! Just as you prepare for the winter season physically, do so for that spiritual winter as well! No matter how we think we could never drift away from God, we ARE human and we will!!
How do we prepare? Well, keep the fire burning!! Any fire that is left unattended will dwindle, and eventually burn out! Every now and again, we must stoke the fire, rattle the dead ashes off, and then add more logs to keep the flames blazing. We've got to hit that prayer closet and shake the dead ashes off, keep reading the Word of God, that will add fuel to the fire! There's no place for turning back, there's nothing to go back to! Stay on fire for God, He's done so much, blessed us so much, been so good to us, we could never repay Him!
Bear with me for a moment, the other day I was watching a cooking show. They were cooking fresh seafood. The chef bought crab and lobster, fresh from a seafood farm. He placed the crab and lobster on their heads in the freezer. He began explaining that this is the humane way to kill them. They get cold and everything slows down, and they go into a deep sleep. So, when it is time to cook them, they do not feel anything. Well, that got me thinking in a spiritual sense.
Isn't that just what the devil does to you and I? We don't start drifting from God all at once. The devil knows better than to sit a 6 pack of beer in front of us, or whatever the temptation, we won't go for that! But he just starts slowly, gets us to miss a church service here and there, gets us too busy at home to read the Word or stop and pray, and before you know it, we've drifted away from God. If you will, he puts us in the freezer until we are cold, stiff, slow to react, and then he's got us right where he wants us, and can literally kill our christian walk before we even realize what has happened!
I can't help but think of Peter over in Matthew, he was on fire for God, and boasted that even if someone turns their back on Christ, that he would never do that! Well, you know how the story goes, and when that cock crowed for the third time, Peter had indeed denied Christ and went out and wept bitterly!
My friend, prepare for winter! Just as you prepare for the winter season physically, do so for that spiritual winter as well! No matter how we think we could never drift away from God, we ARE human and we will!!
How do we prepare? Well, keep the fire burning!! Any fire that is left unattended will dwindle, and eventually burn out! Every now and again, we must stoke the fire, rattle the dead ashes off, and then add more logs to keep the flames blazing. We've got to hit that prayer closet and shake the dead ashes off, keep reading the Word of God, that will add fuel to the fire! There's no place for turning back, there's nothing to go back to! Stay on fire for God, He's done so much, blessed us so much, been so good to us, we could never repay Him!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
'Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!'
Okay, I'm showing my age here! But in the '80's there were these great toys that I loved to play with, Weebles! Little egg shaped people and animals that would 'wobble' from side to side but you could never knock them down! What a simple idea, but it worked! They provided many kids with hours of fun!
Applying that to my spiritual life, I am a weeble. As long as I am on this side of heaven, there will always be a warfare going on inside me...the Adamic nature against my soul. My soul is forever saved, but this old flesh certainly is not! I will stumble, I will fall, but His grace is sufficient for ALL my needs, all my shortcomings! I don't wake up each morning feeling like a failure, and I don't look to see what trouble I can get into, don't get me wrong. But, I do wake up knowing that each day is a new day to serve Him, to do my very best for Him. The best I do, still falls short, but that's where His grace meets me, and through Him alone, my day can be successful!
The Bible clearly states that a rightous man is going to fall daily....but it doesn't stop there, it also says that he will rise again! You see, I'm a Weeble! My anchor, my base, my foundation is in Christ! The base of a Weeble is weighted and heavy, it is the biggest part of the toy, the further up the toy, the smaller and lighter it is, so therefore, anything that knocks it around, that heavy big base, will pop it right back up!
If we let God be our foundation, He is bigger, He is heavier, than anything that comes our way! So let the storms arise, the dark clouds come, the heavy wind blow, they won't bother me, weebles wobble but they don't fall down!!!!
Applying that to my spiritual life, I am a weeble. As long as I am on this side of heaven, there will always be a warfare going on inside me...the Adamic nature against my soul. My soul is forever saved, but this old flesh certainly is not! I will stumble, I will fall, but His grace is sufficient for ALL my needs, all my shortcomings! I don't wake up each morning feeling like a failure, and I don't look to see what trouble I can get into, don't get me wrong. But, I do wake up knowing that each day is a new day to serve Him, to do my very best for Him. The best I do, still falls short, but that's where His grace meets me, and through Him alone, my day can be successful!
The Bible clearly states that a rightous man is going to fall daily....but it doesn't stop there, it also says that he will rise again! You see, I'm a Weeble! My anchor, my base, my foundation is in Christ! The base of a Weeble is weighted and heavy, it is the biggest part of the toy, the further up the toy, the smaller and lighter it is, so therefore, anything that knocks it around, that heavy big base, will pop it right back up!
If we let God be our foundation, He is bigger, He is heavier, than anything that comes our way! So let the storms arise, the dark clouds come, the heavy wind blow, they won't bother me, weebles wobble but they don't fall down!!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Rest in His comfort!
" The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy, he will quiet you in his love, he will joy over thee with singing." Zephaniah 3:17.
Can you invision that? I'm sure we mom's can! How many times have your children ran into your arms with a proclamation of some sort of victory in their life, and you celebrate with them, wrapping them in your arms, singing and laughing with them full of joy? How many times have your children ran into your arms in fear or panic, pain or distress, seeking a safe place of refuge, knowing that if they can only get to you, everything will be alright, and in your strength and love they were quieted, their fears relieved? Oh, bless the Lord our Saviour, how much the the more is our Heavenly Father able to save us with His might, rejoice over us with His joy, quiet us with His love and hallelujah, even sing over us!!! Have you ever been close enough to hear God sing to you? What a wonderful washing of peace it is!
Stop being so independent, you will forever be His child, so come to him, rest in him! He wants to rejoice with you, he wants to quiet your fears, he wants to sing over you with His joy........don't miss that! As a child, I loved the fact that I could always come to Mom with fears or happiness and share them with her. Now as a mom, nothing thrills my heart more, for my children to think enough of me to come share their feelings, thoughts, emotions with me!
My friend, He's waiting.........he will never be pushy, he'll wait. Try Him to day, 'oh taste of the Lord and see that he IS good!' Take time out of your busy schedule, and go to the Father, and just share a moment, an experience, a thought with Him today. He will quiet you if that's what you need, he will save you, he will rejoice over you, he will sing to you! You'll have that 'warm and fuzzy' feeling all over you if you do..........and guess what, so will your Father!
Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, that your arms are always open, inviting me to come to you, with anything, anytime, anywhere! Thank you for caring enough for little ole me, that you would take out time from all you do, to sing a song to me, to quiet my fears, to rejoice in my joy! I want to always take a moment to share everything with you, not just my needs and concerns, but my joys, too. You are so mighty and yet so gentle! Praise your holy name!
Can you invision that? I'm sure we mom's can! How many times have your children ran into your arms with a proclamation of some sort of victory in their life, and you celebrate with them, wrapping them in your arms, singing and laughing with them full of joy? How many times have your children ran into your arms in fear or panic, pain or distress, seeking a safe place of refuge, knowing that if they can only get to you, everything will be alright, and in your strength and love they were quieted, their fears relieved? Oh, bless the Lord our Saviour, how much the the more is our Heavenly Father able to save us with His might, rejoice over us with His joy, quiet us with His love and hallelujah, even sing over us!!! Have you ever been close enough to hear God sing to you? What a wonderful washing of peace it is!
Stop being so independent, you will forever be His child, so come to him, rest in him! He wants to rejoice with you, he wants to quiet your fears, he wants to sing over you with His joy........don't miss that! As a child, I loved the fact that I could always come to Mom with fears or happiness and share them with her. Now as a mom, nothing thrills my heart more, for my children to think enough of me to come share their feelings, thoughts, emotions with me!
My friend, He's waiting.........he will never be pushy, he'll wait. Try Him to day, 'oh taste of the Lord and see that he IS good!' Take time out of your busy schedule, and go to the Father, and just share a moment, an experience, a thought with Him today. He will quiet you if that's what you need, he will save you, he will rejoice over you, he will sing to you! You'll have that 'warm and fuzzy' feeling all over you if you do..........and guess what, so will your Father!
Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, that your arms are always open, inviting me to come to you, with anything, anytime, anywhere! Thank you for caring enough for little ole me, that you would take out time from all you do, to sing a song to me, to quiet my fears, to rejoice in my joy! I want to always take a moment to share everything with you, not just my needs and concerns, but my joys, too. You are so mighty and yet so gentle! Praise your holy name!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Christ is My Anchor!
"Upon life's boundless ocean where mighty billows roll, I've fixed my hope in Jesus, blest anchor of my soul; When trials fierce assail me as storms are gathering o'er, I rest upon His mercy and trust Him more.
I've anchored in Jesus, the storms of life I'll brave, I've anchored in Jesus, I'll fear no wind or wave. I've anchored in Jesus, for he hath power to save, I've anchored to the Rock of Ages."
My former pastor's wife sings this song, "I've Anchored In Jesus", precious old hymn. I've always loved it. It paints a wonderful picture. I don't know if you know much about boating, I don't; but, I've had some experience with it. My husband and I used to have a small bass boat. We loved to go fishing, this was 'BC', you know, 'before children'! Anyway, I loved to be out on the water! It's so serene there. You always pass by lakes, or sometimes are on the shore of one, but to be out in the middle, the view is awesome!
Many times we would get to one of our favorite spots to fish. We would want to stay there for awhile, so we would cast the anchor. Now alot of times it wouldn't even seem like we needed one. The water would be so calm. But, if not for that anchor we would start to drift from our favorite spot. Then at other times, if we didn't have that anchor holding we would've capsized! Let a boat 2 or 3 times bigger than yours come barreling down the water, and see what happens! The wake from the bigger boat would hit, and you would think you are going to sink. But, you see, the anchor would hold. It was the one constant that wouldn't move, therefore, it kept us in place!
Oh, praise the Lord, for that day I anchored in Jesus! What a sweet peace to know that whatever storm comes my way, He will hold me. So many are just drifting, they have no anchor. They are at the mercy of whatever winds are blowing. And when troubles come, and the waves roar, they can capsize! Aren't you glad that nothing is too big for our God! Oh that blessed Rock of Ages, God forever is my anchor!
I've anchored in Jesus, the storms of life I'll brave, I've anchored in Jesus, I'll fear no wind or wave. I've anchored in Jesus, for he hath power to save, I've anchored to the Rock of Ages."
My former pastor's wife sings this song, "I've Anchored In Jesus", precious old hymn. I've always loved it. It paints a wonderful picture. I don't know if you know much about boating, I don't; but, I've had some experience with it. My husband and I used to have a small bass boat. We loved to go fishing, this was 'BC', you know, 'before children'! Anyway, I loved to be out on the water! It's so serene there. You always pass by lakes, or sometimes are on the shore of one, but to be out in the middle, the view is awesome!
Many times we would get to one of our favorite spots to fish. We would want to stay there for awhile, so we would cast the anchor. Now alot of times it wouldn't even seem like we needed one. The water would be so calm. But, if not for that anchor we would start to drift from our favorite spot. Then at other times, if we didn't have that anchor holding we would've capsized! Let a boat 2 or 3 times bigger than yours come barreling down the water, and see what happens! The wake from the bigger boat would hit, and you would think you are going to sink. But, you see, the anchor would hold. It was the one constant that wouldn't move, therefore, it kept us in place!
Oh, praise the Lord, for that day I anchored in Jesus! What a sweet peace to know that whatever storm comes my way, He will hold me. So many are just drifting, they have no anchor. They are at the mercy of whatever winds are blowing. And when troubles come, and the waves roar, they can capsize! Aren't you glad that nothing is too big for our God! Oh that blessed Rock of Ages, God forever is my anchor!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
God is our Protection
My goal is to daily get in God's Word. Most days, I do, but I regretfully say, there are days that I do let things hinder me from reading God's Word. No excuses, just fact, I don't always do it. But, I am grateful for His new mercies that He gives us each day. Just because I stumble, doesn't mean I'm down for the count! I have the choice each day to put Christ first, and to serve Him! I'm so thankful for the scripture in Micah 7:8, "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me." What a blessed nugget God gave me in my study time this morning! Let that verse sink in! He didn't say 'if' I fall or 'if' I sit in darkness, but he said, 'when'. You see my friend, we are NOT guaranteed smooth sailing just because we are a child of God. We are still in this old human nature and the enemy still rages, but, don't stop there, don't dwell on that fact, because we are protected by our precious Saviour! The enemy may laugh, they may even rejoice when we fall, but just hold on......God will lift us up again, in those dark days when all hope seems to be gone, no answer is there and no one seems to care..........God will enlighten your way. What a precious promise! Titus 1:2 tells us that God cannot lie, so hold to that promise!
I like to find a verse during my study to try to memorize. I feel that it pleases God for us to 'hide His Word in our heart.' I will admit to you, I stink at memorization. It just won't stick with me, but I won't give up, I keep trying anyway. God certainly could have given up on me so many times, and didn't, so who am I to give up on doing His work! Today's nugget for me was found in Nahum 1:7, "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them who trust in him." What a blessing! What another testimony to God's protection! A stronghold is a defensible place, a place that is fortified. Reminds me of when I was a child, whatever fears I had, I knew exactly where my stronghold was...........my Momma's lap! Whatever the trouble or fear, if I could just make it to my Momma, then everything would be alright! How much the more is our Heavenly Father a stronghold for us? I am so fortunate to still have my Mom with me. She was 84 in March. I still feel safe with her, but, I know I won't always have her, and she cannot always be there when I need her. But my God, He can go with me anywhere, anytime! What a sweet consolation! Why do we let Satan scare us so much, why do we let him back us into a corner? Child of the King, it's time to arise, take hold of the scripture and know..........KNOW that God is our stronghold in the day of trouble, KNOW that he knows them that trust in him! He will be there to pick us up and to light our pathways during our darkest hours! Keep your head up, and feel the warmth of His neverending protection! But, let's remember the rest of the verse.......'he knoweth them who trust in him.' We've got some responsibility, too! Yes, he will see us through everything, yes, he will lift us up again, yes he will be a light in our darkness, yes he will be our stronghold...but if we don't trust in him, we won't realize it, we won't get to enjoy it! If I don't trust in him, then how can he be that stronghold for me? As a child, when I would get scared, if I didn't go get in Mom's lap, then it wouldn't have calmed me. If I hadn't have trusted that she could help me, then it wouldn't have meant a thing to me. Let's TRUST in God as our stronghold, then you're going to see some mountains in your life start to move! It's one thing to say that God is your stronghold, but to believe it, to trust him, then that makes that stronghold real.........real to you!
So join with me today, let's put these 2 verses in our memories so that when we falter, when we get scared, we can pull them out and remember God's protection!
Micah 7:8 "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy; when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me."
Nahum 1:7 "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him."
I like to find a verse during my study to try to memorize. I feel that it pleases God for us to 'hide His Word in our heart.' I will admit to you, I stink at memorization. It just won't stick with me, but I won't give up, I keep trying anyway. God certainly could have given up on me so many times, and didn't, so who am I to give up on doing His work! Today's nugget for me was found in Nahum 1:7, "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them who trust in him." What a blessing! What another testimony to God's protection! A stronghold is a defensible place, a place that is fortified. Reminds me of when I was a child, whatever fears I had, I knew exactly where my stronghold was...........my Momma's lap! Whatever the trouble or fear, if I could just make it to my Momma, then everything would be alright! How much the more is our Heavenly Father a stronghold for us? I am so fortunate to still have my Mom with me. She was 84 in March. I still feel safe with her, but, I know I won't always have her, and she cannot always be there when I need her. But my God, He can go with me anywhere, anytime! What a sweet consolation! Why do we let Satan scare us so much, why do we let him back us into a corner? Child of the King, it's time to arise, take hold of the scripture and know..........KNOW that God is our stronghold in the day of trouble, KNOW that he knows them that trust in him! He will be there to pick us up and to light our pathways during our darkest hours! Keep your head up, and feel the warmth of His neverending protection! But, let's remember the rest of the verse.......'he knoweth them who trust in him.' We've got some responsibility, too! Yes, he will see us through everything, yes, he will lift us up again, yes he will be a light in our darkness, yes he will be our stronghold...but if we don't trust in him, we won't realize it, we won't get to enjoy it! If I don't trust in him, then how can he be that stronghold for me? As a child, when I would get scared, if I didn't go get in Mom's lap, then it wouldn't have calmed me. If I hadn't have trusted that she could help me, then it wouldn't have meant a thing to me. Let's TRUST in God as our stronghold, then you're going to see some mountains in your life start to move! It's one thing to say that God is your stronghold, but to believe it, to trust him, then that makes that stronghold real.........real to you!
So join with me today, let's put these 2 verses in our memories so that when we falter, when we get scared, we can pull them out and remember God's protection!
Micah 7:8 "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy; when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me."
Nahum 1:7 "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him."
Monday, October 20, 2008
Religious Fences
Fences, what are they for? Why do we put them up? Well, we put up fences to keep things out, or to keep things in, or for privacy, don't we? We may not want someone walking through our yard, we don't want our family pet to run off, we may put one up so no one can easily see us. Nothing is wrong with putting up a fence for any of those reasons. It's the attitude that we have to watch. I remember as a child, there was one man in our neighborhood that was so mean. He never was happy, never smiled, and you didn't dare touch anything he had. That fence was an extension of his attitude, he didn't care about you or anything you had, and he didn't want to be bothered! As a matter of fact, we would even walk on the other side of the road to pass his house just to make sure he wouldn't yell at us or think we were coming near his property. That's the only memory I have of him. Funny, I'm 39 yrs old, and that same old feeling of fear penetrates my heart just thinking about it, even now.
As christians, we've got to be so careful of our attitudes and our fences. Spiritual fences are needed, but only for the right reasons and with the right attitude. We need a spiritual fence to keep the right beliefs around us, to keep the Word of God rightly divided. If you don't have your standards and convictions, then you may fall for anything. Let's not forget over in Ephesians where he talks about putting on the whole armour of God. But, let's don't be like the Pharisees either. They had a bad attitude, a wrong spirit. They weren't following Jesus and watching his love, they were watching every move he made and being critical. Look in Matthew chapter 10. They scolded him for the disciples taking corn on the Sabbath, they scolded him because he healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath........instead of thanking him for a wonderful miracle that they were privileged enough to be a witness to!
Don't get caught up in the religious critism. You can technically be in the 'right' with your rules and regulations........your fences if you will, but you lose sight of the big picture! God's love, God's mercy, God's grace!!!! He came to seek and to save that which was lost! Now don't go around saying that I am telling you to do anything you want or feel like. That's not the point, you've got to have rules and regulations in your christian walk........what I'm saying is don't get so caught up in them that you lose focus on the cross of calvary!
Don't build a fence around your spiritual life that no one can come in, no one feels welcome. Build a fence that is pleasing and warm, where the love and mercy of God can shine through, but yet it is a hedge of refuge to keep Satan out!
So many times I see good christians, start out right, but get so focused on convictions, or opinions, or beliefs that they forget about the love and sacrifice that Jesus gave. God help me to keep my fences up concerning the devil, because he is that roaring lion seeking out those he can devour, he is a mighty force NOT to be taken lightly. But at the same time, may I lovingly care for my fence to keep it warm and friendly, welcoming all to enter to get a glimpse of Jesus Christ!
As christians, we've got to be so careful of our attitudes and our fences. Spiritual fences are needed, but only for the right reasons and with the right attitude. We need a spiritual fence to keep the right beliefs around us, to keep the Word of God rightly divided. If you don't have your standards and convictions, then you may fall for anything. Let's not forget over in Ephesians where he talks about putting on the whole armour of God. But, let's don't be like the Pharisees either. They had a bad attitude, a wrong spirit. They weren't following Jesus and watching his love, they were watching every move he made and being critical. Look in Matthew chapter 10. They scolded him for the disciples taking corn on the Sabbath, they scolded him because he healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath........instead of thanking him for a wonderful miracle that they were privileged enough to be a witness to!
Don't get caught up in the religious critism. You can technically be in the 'right' with your rules and regulations........your fences if you will, but you lose sight of the big picture! God's love, God's mercy, God's grace!!!! He came to seek and to save that which was lost! Now don't go around saying that I am telling you to do anything you want or feel like. That's not the point, you've got to have rules and regulations in your christian walk........what I'm saying is don't get so caught up in them that you lose focus on the cross of calvary!
Don't build a fence around your spiritual life that no one can come in, no one feels welcome. Build a fence that is pleasing and warm, where the love and mercy of God can shine through, but yet it is a hedge of refuge to keep Satan out!
So many times I see good christians, start out right, but get so focused on convictions, or opinions, or beliefs that they forget about the love and sacrifice that Jesus gave. God help me to keep my fences up concerning the devil, because he is that roaring lion seeking out those he can devour, he is a mighty force NOT to be taken lightly. But at the same time, may I lovingly care for my fence to keep it warm and friendly, welcoming all to enter to get a glimpse of Jesus Christ!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Running Into the Wind
Yesterday morning, I went out for my run. That's just one of my things I love to do. I get to be outside, get some 'me' time, get a good chance to talk with God without interruption, and get healthier, too. I just love autumn, no humidity, the air is so light and crisp, but yet the sun's warmth is still there. As I made my way down the road, I was immediately challenged by the wind. It would whip my hair around, and then blow directly at me. Now let me tell you, that's fun.......it's hard to keep running, much less when the wind is pushing against you! My mind went over to the scripture in John 3:8 "The wind bloweth where it wishes and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is everyone that is born of the Spirit." I couldn't see the wind itself but I could see it's effects. The brilliantly colored leaves danced in a circular pattern on the road in front of me, the trees seemed to sing as the wind blew through them, and the cool touch of the wind was welcome to my perspiring face!
I was doing okay, but not until I turned and started running in the other direction did I realize the struggle I was under. Now running the other way, the wind was behind me. I still was cooled by it's touch, my hair seemed to calm down some, but my steps seemed lighter, the struggle wasn't as hard. It was so much more enjoyable.
I looked up into the beautiful blue sky with the puffy white clouds, and seemed to see my Father smile at me. I could almost hear His voice as He said, "See, my child, your steps are so much easier when you are in My will, instead of running against My will."
You see, I'm still His child, 'no one can pluck me from my Father's hand' but I can still choose not to do what He wants me to do. I still feel the effects of being His child. Just like when I was running into the wind, I still felt the coolness of the wind, I still saw the effects of the wind in nature, but I also felt the weight of the wind on me. If I go against my Father's wishes, I still feel His presence, but I can also feel his hand on me........often the hand of judgement. But when I turned and ran with the wind, I still felt the coolness, still saw the effects, but I got help, I got that little needed 'push' in my step as I ran. When I choose to do what His will is, I still feel his mercy, I still see the effects in my life from being His child.........but now instead of that hand of judgement, I feel that helping, loving hand, guiding me along life's path.
Let me tell you.........it is so much better running WITH the wind, so if there's something in your life you just can't seem to let go....let me urge you to just stop, and turn around, let God's will work in your life, your steps will be so much lighter and easier!
I was doing okay, but not until I turned and started running in the other direction did I realize the struggle I was under. Now running the other way, the wind was behind me. I still was cooled by it's touch, my hair seemed to calm down some, but my steps seemed lighter, the struggle wasn't as hard. It was so much more enjoyable.
I looked up into the beautiful blue sky with the puffy white clouds, and seemed to see my Father smile at me. I could almost hear His voice as He said, "See, my child, your steps are so much easier when you are in My will, instead of running against My will."
You see, I'm still His child, 'no one can pluck me from my Father's hand' but I can still choose not to do what He wants me to do. I still feel the effects of being His child. Just like when I was running into the wind, I still felt the coolness of the wind, I still saw the effects of the wind in nature, but I also felt the weight of the wind on me. If I go against my Father's wishes, I still feel His presence, but I can also feel his hand on me........often the hand of judgement. But when I turned and ran with the wind, I still felt the coolness, still saw the effects, but I got help, I got that little needed 'push' in my step as I ran. When I choose to do what His will is, I still feel his mercy, I still see the effects in my life from being His child.........but now instead of that hand of judgement, I feel that helping, loving hand, guiding me along life's path.
Let me tell you.........it is so much better running WITH the wind, so if there's something in your life you just can't seem to let go....let me urge you to just stop, and turn around, let God's will work in your life, your steps will be so much lighter and easier!
The Cross
What does the cross really mean to you? We talk about it so often, we sing about it, we wear it around our neck, we hang it on our walls....but it means nothing if we don't take a personal look at it. It's just a 'christian' or 'religious' symbol, until we look inside ourselves and see just what it means to us.
It means everything to me. I speak of it often. Without that old rugged cross, my life is in vain, my life is worthless. This is how I look at the cross:
C- consecration
--live your life totally and fully devoted or
dedicated to God. 'Setting apart' yourself
to live for God day in & day out...out in
the open for all the world to see.
By accepting the cross, I have chosen to live my life for Christ, so that others may seek the cross.
R- resurrection
--rising from the dead
That's whats so different about Christ hanging on that cross....he rose again! That is our hope, our eternal life! He bore our sins and died on the cross so that we may be cleansed from that sin and live life eternal in Heaven with Him!
O- obedience
--the act or practice of following instruction
We must be obedient to God's will and instruction in order to have joy and peace and victory in our christian life
S- salvation
--deliverance from sin through Jesus Christ
Isn't that in and of itself the main goal of the cross? What a God...He gave his only begotten Son to die for my sin...my sin...wow, my feeble mind cannot wrap around that!
S- satisfaction
--the feeling of pleasure that comes when a
need has been fulfilled.
Wow! The only true satisfaction, the only lasting satisfaction there is! The world seeks this everyday, but they only find temporary satisfaction, but as a child of the King, we've tasted that everlasting water and never have to be of thirst again!
That's just scratching the surface, I could go on and on. Look deep within yourself..........find out just what the cross means to you!
It means everything to me. I speak of it often. Without that old rugged cross, my life is in vain, my life is worthless. This is how I look at the cross:
C- consecration
--live your life totally and fully devoted or
dedicated to God. 'Setting apart' yourself
to live for God day in & day out...out in
the open for all the world to see.
By accepting the cross, I have chosen to live my life for Christ, so that others may seek the cross.
R- resurrection
--rising from the dead
That's whats so different about Christ hanging on that cross....he rose again! That is our hope, our eternal life! He bore our sins and died on the cross so that we may be cleansed from that sin and live life eternal in Heaven with Him!
O- obedience
--the act or practice of following instruction
We must be obedient to God's will and instruction in order to have joy and peace and victory in our christian life
S- salvation
--deliverance from sin through Jesus Christ
Isn't that in and of itself the main goal of the cross? What a God...He gave his only begotten Son to die for my sin...my sin...wow, my feeble mind cannot wrap around that!
S- satisfaction
--the feeling of pleasure that comes when a
need has been fulfilled.
Wow! The only true satisfaction, the only lasting satisfaction there is! The world seeks this everyday, but they only find temporary satisfaction, but as a child of the King, we've tasted that everlasting water and never have to be of thirst again!
That's just scratching the surface, I could go on and on. Look deep within yourself..........find out just what the cross means to you!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Life's Cycle
Life is just a cycle, isn't it? Isaiah 40 says "All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, because the breath of the Lord blows upon it; surely people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever."
My 14 yr. old daughter had to experience this life cycle. She got Koda, on her 14th birthday, a pug, just what she has wanted, since, well.....in teen terms "4-ever"! We were all so happy and enjoyed him so much. But, Koda was sick. He had so many health issues. We really didn't see just how ill he was. But with patient, loving care, Kaylea cared for Koda, with all of his health problems. At 6 mons., the vet suggested putting him down. His little body kept failing him. He had no immunity, and everything seemed to attack his little black body on the outside, as well as the inside. It was the hardest thing we've had to do. You don't know what pain is until you have to watch your child hurt and know there isn't a thing you can do...............you would give anything to bear that burden for your child! We laid 'Kaylea's Koda Bear' to rest on October 8, 2008.
Though we could never replace Koda in our hearts, we knew we had to fill the void that was left. God helped me find a kennel close by that just happened to have 4 boy pugs left, and they were 8 weeks old! We were out for Fall Break so the girls and I loaded up and took a trip. I couldn't help but notice all of God's beauty around us! The colors of the leaves, the crisp clean air, the brightness of the sun with it's warmth, the blueness of the sky........it all engulfed us in the car, and to top it off, Casting Crowns was singing, "Tell me how far the east is from the west...." It couldn't have been a better morning! While we were saddened over the loss of Koda, we couldn't help but feel a renewed spirit rising up in us.
I discussed with Kaylea that we didn't 'lose' Koda, but were privileged to have him for the 6 months of his life. He taught us love and understanding, how to love something no matter their weaknesses, faults, illnesses. I told her that God chose Kaylea to get the privilege of caring for Koda. You see, most would have gotten rid of him immediately, they wouldn't have gone to all the trouble she did to care for him. He DEFINITELY knew what being loved was! God knew that Koda would find the love and compassion he would need on his short journey of life, and he knew that Kaylea would give that to Koda, and learn what loving at any cost would really mean. When we went to pick Koda, he came to her, she was drawn to him at 3 weeks old, and the day he turned 6 weeks old she brought him home.
Now God has stretched out her heart and given her another to love. His name is 'Kaylea's Reign Bo'..............we call him Bo. He is a fawn pug. And rest assured, he was picked out with that loving eye and patient hand of Kaylea's. We brought him home on October 9, 2008. He has touched our lives already, and is already part of the family! Ironically, he came to us on what would have been my dad's 84th birthday. Dad passed away 8 1/2 yrs ago.
Life's cycle. We are here today, and gone tomorrow. We better make our life count............and the only way to do that is through the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord! Some may say, it's just a dog.................and that's true, but they are God's creation, they bring joy and love into your life. I thank God that our life cycle, only truly begins when we kneel at the foot of that Old Rugged Cross and give our lives to Him, because then we receive ETERNAL life!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Prayer is the key component!
What is it that is the most important thing for a christian? What is the thing that the devil fights a christian on the most? PRAYER! Think about it for a minute. Prayer is the key to everything in our christian walk! And yet, we often times, put it way down on our list of things to do. The devil surely knows it's importance. That's why he gets us so busy, so we can be distracted. How many times do you get down to pray, and your mind drifts to those dishes that need to be washed, those clothes need that need to be ironed, that yard that needs mowing? It usually never fails for me, I get on my knees, and immediately one of my children come in to ask me a question. How many prayers have you finished lying in bed at night? If your like me, I always fall to sleep, mid prayer! I try to pray several times during the day, but I find if I don't steal time away in the early morning to get in touch with God, then at the end of the day I realize that I've not done it all day!
Satan knows how important prayer is, and he knows not to just tell us not to........why? Well, human nature of course! How many times did you do something as a kid.....or even now........just because you were told 'not to'. He has to be a little more sneaky. It's not that he just puts obstacles out there for us, he's very talented. How many times do you pray, and then get up and feel that God was a million miles away? Or, the devil tells you what a stupid prayer that was?
He's determined to keep us away from God....that's his job! If he can't have your soul, he wants to rob you of your joy and a victorious christian life! Just as food is a necessity to live, so is prayer a necessity for our spirits to live! Don't just use prayer time for "I need... or I want... time." Fellowship with Christ, talk with your father! We make time to eat.........we get hungry enough, we'll stop EVERYTHING for food...........God help us to do the same with our prayer time! It's that important!
I can make time to read my Bible, I can make time to go to church, sure the devil fights those, too, but he works hardest on prayer. I thought about washing my car...what's the key component there?....WATER! Sure I need the bucket, I need the sponge, I need the soap........ but they all do NO good, if I have no water! The water hose is there, but it is of no value if I don't turn the water on! Like the hose, our 'line' to Christ is always there.....but we have to go to Him! We can also have the hose in our hand, ready to use, mash the handle.....and NOTHING happens, no water!!! Turn around, and you'll find a kink in the hose. Sometimes we have to check up on our spiritual lives, don't we? Stop wondering why you can't seem to get a prayer through, and look behind you........there may just be a kink in your spiritual hose! The water is still there, ready to spray out the end, isn't it? Christ is ALWAYS there, whether we can 'feel' Him or not!
Keep your prayer life open! It's THAT important! How would you feel if your child went for days without saying a word to you? How would you feel if the only time your child spoke to you was to ask you for something? Sobering isn't it? Make a set time to meet with Christ.....every day! Sad to say, we are creatures of habit, and if we don't set a specific time, we will, often times, not follow through. But don't just talk with Him then..........but throughout the day! You are His child, and He can't wait to hear from you!!!!
We have a family member dying right now. We know that she's saved, and she's had a full life here on earth, but it still saddens us deeply to see her go. How sad it would be if we couldn't talk with our Heavenly Father! I'm so thankful that He can give her dying grace, and peace and comfort........and at the same time He can give us that grace and peace and comfort that we need to let her go! We love you, Nan! Thank you God for our time on earth with her, but thank you most of all for the eternity that we one day will share with her! Thank you for that open line of communication we have with the Father, all the time, any time! It doesn't matter how we pray, it's only that we pray! I'm so thankful that it doesn't have to be elequant, it can be simple, it doesn't have to be a prayer like anyone else prays, but You listen to each individual! I'm so thankful that it doesn't have to be approved by anyone, all I have to do is call out to my Heavenly Father, and You are there!!!!
Satan knows how important prayer is, and he knows not to just tell us not to........why? Well, human nature of course! How many times did you do something as a kid.....or even now........just because you were told 'not to'. He has to be a little more sneaky. It's not that he just puts obstacles out there for us, he's very talented. How many times do you pray, and then get up and feel that God was a million miles away? Or, the devil tells you what a stupid prayer that was?
He's determined to keep us away from God....that's his job! If he can't have your soul, he wants to rob you of your joy and a victorious christian life! Just as food is a necessity to live, so is prayer a necessity for our spirits to live! Don't just use prayer time for "I need... or I want... time." Fellowship with Christ, talk with your father! We make time to eat.........we get hungry enough, we'll stop EVERYTHING for food...........God help us to do the same with our prayer time! It's that important!
I can make time to read my Bible, I can make time to go to church, sure the devil fights those, too, but he works hardest on prayer. I thought about washing my car...what's the key component there?....WATER! Sure I need the bucket, I need the sponge, I need the soap........ but they all do NO good, if I have no water! The water hose is there, but it is of no value if I don't turn the water on! Like the hose, our 'line' to Christ is always there.....but we have to go to Him! We can also have the hose in our hand, ready to use, mash the handle.....and NOTHING happens, no water!!! Turn around, and you'll find a kink in the hose. Sometimes we have to check up on our spiritual lives, don't we? Stop wondering why you can't seem to get a prayer through, and look behind you........there may just be a kink in your spiritual hose! The water is still there, ready to spray out the end, isn't it? Christ is ALWAYS there, whether we can 'feel' Him or not!
Keep your prayer life open! It's THAT important! How would you feel if your child went for days without saying a word to you? How would you feel if the only time your child spoke to you was to ask you for something? Sobering isn't it? Make a set time to meet with Christ.....every day! Sad to say, we are creatures of habit, and if we don't set a specific time, we will, often times, not follow through. But don't just talk with Him then..........but throughout the day! You are His child, and He can't wait to hear from you!!!!
We have a family member dying right now. We know that she's saved, and she's had a full life here on earth, but it still saddens us deeply to see her go. How sad it would be if we couldn't talk with our Heavenly Father! I'm so thankful that He can give her dying grace, and peace and comfort........and at the same time He can give us that grace and peace and comfort that we need to let her go! We love you, Nan! Thank you God for our time on earth with her, but thank you most of all for the eternity that we one day will share with her! Thank you for that open line of communication we have with the Father, all the time, any time! It doesn't matter how we pray, it's only that we pray! I'm so thankful that it doesn't have to be elequant, it can be simple, it doesn't have to be a prayer like anyone else prays, but You listen to each individual! I'm so thankful that it doesn't have to be approved by anyone, all I have to do is call out to my Heavenly Father, and You are there!!!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
When I Call
"When I call on Jesus...all things are possible. I can mount on wings like eagles and soar. When I call on Jesus...mountains are gonna fall. Cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call."
I know that you've probably heard this song many times, sung by many different christian artists. It is one of my favorite songs. The message is so powerful, and yet so simple.
The key word in the song is the word 'when'. See, all things are always possible with Jesus....but, it is WHEN we call that it becomes personal in OUR lives! No matter what we do, what situation, things will go on. The birds will keep on singing, the grass keeps growing, the rivers keep rolling to the ocean...life goes on...GOD'S creation moves ahead.
But, by using that little adverb 'when' as a conjunction, things begin to change for us personally. When means that it is at a point that something happens....'When I call on Jesus...' That's all we have to realize. We must realize that we have to stay focused on Christ and call His name and He will answer...He will move mountains, when necessary to rescue us.
When we 'call' someone, we are meaning to get an answer. Call means to speak loudly, or to summon...to require sombody to do something. By calling on Jesus, we are pleading for His attention to something that we cannot handle.......no matter how big or small. He'll never forsake us, He's always aware of our needs...........but He wants US to be aware, also.
We have a soul, capable of making decisions and choices. Nature works due to the heartbeat of God, but he wants us to call on Him. Why do we try so hard to fix things ourselves? Well, that's HUMAN nature, isn't it? Let's stay focused on our pathway for Christ and know to always seek Him........He's there....waiting with arms wide open.......ready to 'move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call.'
I know that you've probably heard this song many times, sung by many different christian artists. It is one of my favorite songs. The message is so powerful, and yet so simple.
The key word in the song is the word 'when'. See, all things are always possible with Jesus....but, it is WHEN we call that it becomes personal in OUR lives! No matter what we do, what situation, things will go on. The birds will keep on singing, the grass keeps growing, the rivers keep rolling to the ocean...life goes on...GOD'S creation moves ahead.
But, by using that little adverb 'when' as a conjunction, things begin to change for us personally. When means that it is at a point that something happens....'When I call on Jesus...' That's all we have to realize. We must realize that we have to stay focused on Christ and call His name and He will answer...He will move mountains, when necessary to rescue us.
When we 'call' someone, we are meaning to get an answer. Call means to speak loudly, or to summon...to require sombody to do something. By calling on Jesus, we are pleading for His attention to something that we cannot handle.......no matter how big or small. He'll never forsake us, He's always aware of our needs...........but He wants US to be aware, also.
We have a soul, capable of making decisions and choices. Nature works due to the heartbeat of God, but he wants us to call on Him. Why do we try so hard to fix things ourselves? Well, that's HUMAN nature, isn't it? Let's stay focused on our pathway for Christ and know to always seek Him........He's there....waiting with arms wide open.......ready to 'move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call.'
Monday, September 8, 2008
Bloom Where You're Planted
Jeremiah 17: 7,8 says, "Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be anxious in the year of the drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit."
Wow! That was sent just for me! Life is funny, isn't it? Just about the time you think you may have things figured out, things seem to change around and you are right back where you were. I know I'm prejudiced, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in this world but right here in Rock Spring, Ga. I absolutely love this area and am so thankful to be born and raised here. There is so much to do here, so many beautiful mountains, beautiful rivers, fast paced city life and slow country life as well. We are blessed to have churches on every corner. You'll find no better people than right here!
You know how it is as a teenager, everything is crazy, you always think that there is something better somewhere else. You get restless. How many times did you here someone say, "As soon as I grow up, I'm moving away from here!" It's not really the area as much as it is the turmoil inside them that makes them restless! I don't have to travel the world to know how lucky and privileged I am to live in such a great nation, and such a great area of the United States! I've lived here all of my life, and am raising my family here. A few years ago my dearest friend moved away and I thought I wasn't going to make it. I began to feel like I wanted to leave, too. The place she moved isn't any better, but it had one thing that I missed dearly........her. For a little while, the devil had me in a tail spin. But, life is good and having Jesus Christ is the best. I soon realized that she is where God needs her to be and I am exactly where I need to be. Our bond is not broken.........like the devil wants you to believe. If anything it is stronger! I don't envy her, I wouldn't want to live where she is.........it's not where God has planted me!
We all have to realize that God has a purpose for each of us, there are no accidents or coincidences! There's enough love and blessings for everyone. Don't worry when you don't understand what is going on in your life, or around you.......if you are a child of the King, then your roots are spread to the river.....and even in times of drought, you don't have to fear.......He is with you always, no matter where you are!
I am honored and privileged to be born right here in North Georgia! (In my opinion the absolute best place to be). And you know what.....if He were to tell me to go to Africa tomorrow, I would go with a smile on my face, and be glad to tell you just how wonderful a place it is to live there........why?...........because I am like that tree planted by the river with my roots spread, no matter where I am I will not 'cease from yielding fruit'. My hope is in the Lord, I trust Him, He will never forsake me. Praise His name that no matter what choices we make, His 'river' will NEVER run dry, He is always there to strengthen us...we've just got to bloom where we are planted!
Wow! That was sent just for me! Life is funny, isn't it? Just about the time you think you may have things figured out, things seem to change around and you are right back where you were. I know I'm prejudiced, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in this world but right here in Rock Spring, Ga. I absolutely love this area and am so thankful to be born and raised here. There is so much to do here, so many beautiful mountains, beautiful rivers, fast paced city life and slow country life as well. We are blessed to have churches on every corner. You'll find no better people than right here!
You know how it is as a teenager, everything is crazy, you always think that there is something better somewhere else. You get restless. How many times did you here someone say, "As soon as I grow up, I'm moving away from here!" It's not really the area as much as it is the turmoil inside them that makes them restless! I don't have to travel the world to know how lucky and privileged I am to live in such a great nation, and such a great area of the United States! I've lived here all of my life, and am raising my family here. A few years ago my dearest friend moved away and I thought I wasn't going to make it. I began to feel like I wanted to leave, too. The place she moved isn't any better, but it had one thing that I missed dearly........her. For a little while, the devil had me in a tail spin. But, life is good and having Jesus Christ is the best. I soon realized that she is where God needs her to be and I am exactly where I need to be. Our bond is not broken.........like the devil wants you to believe. If anything it is stronger! I don't envy her, I wouldn't want to live where she is.........it's not where God has planted me!
We all have to realize that God has a purpose for each of us, there are no accidents or coincidences! There's enough love and blessings for everyone. Don't worry when you don't understand what is going on in your life, or around you.......if you are a child of the King, then your roots are spread to the river.....and even in times of drought, you don't have to fear.......He is with you always, no matter where you are!
I am honored and privileged to be born right here in North Georgia! (In my opinion the absolute best place to be). And you know what.....if He were to tell me to go to Africa tomorrow, I would go with a smile on my face, and be glad to tell you just how wonderful a place it is to live there........why?...........because I am like that tree planted by the river with my roots spread, no matter where I am I will not 'cease from yielding fruit'. My hope is in the Lord, I trust Him, He will never forsake me. Praise His name that no matter what choices we make, His 'river' will NEVER run dry, He is always there to strengthen us...we've just got to bloom where we are planted!
"They That wait...."
"Hast thou not known? has thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." --Isaiah 40: 28-31
That is one of my favorite passages in the Bible. It has helped me so many times when I thought I was at the end of my rope. I've studied it over and over and it never gets old, and often I learn something new. Isn't God's Word amazing!
Recently I was looking at the passage.........something that I've seen before, held onto before, counted on before....jumped out at me in a different way. Verse 31 tells us to wait upon the Lord to renew our strength. Okay, I've always seen that, and have quoted it many, many times. But this time I really focused on the word wait. What does that mean?
Well, I've looked in several dictionaries, american, greek, hebrew. They all kept coming back to this, doing nothing, expecting something to happen. That got my thoughts churning. Wow....let that soak in...doing NOTHING but EXPECTING something to happen!
Before when I've meditated on these verses, I waited on the Lord, waited for my prayer to go through, waited on my prayer to be answered. But I've seen 'wait' as this: I thought of it as perhaps a waiting room, just sitting, wishing away the seconds, minutes, hours, until you got the news you were waiting for. Have you ever been there? It's the most tiresome 'nothing' you'll ever do.
Then I watched my daughter's 5 month old puppy the other night. He has a lot of food allergies. He can only eat chicken, lamb, and rice. That's all! He has learned what the word 'chicken' is and boy, you say that word to him and he gets all bent out of shape! My daughter was eating some chicken fingers and he was so excited. He was at her chair with his front paws up beside her legs, tail wagging, eyes totally on her, and I think I saw a little bit of drool in the corner of his mouth! It didn't matter what was going on in the house, he had his eye on my daughter, and her chicken. I even called his name, and he might've given me a quick glance, but he was right back looking at her so intently. He never whined, never wimpered, but stayed quietly by her side. And you know what....he was rewarded with a savory piece of her chicken!
Let me tell you, that hit me like a ton of bricks!!!! What am I doing?? I'm sitting around, twiddling my thumbs.........waiting, just waiting. Often getting tired, bored and distracted! That's not what the Bible means!
Don't give your burden to Christ and then sit on the curb waiting for the answer! Let's change out the word wait for another word "...they that FIXATE upon the Lord shall renew their strength..." My daughter's little pug was wanting a bite of her chicken, and he let her know that. BUT, he was fixated on her. He didn't let anything distract him. He patiently was fixated on her, and he was rewarded!
In order to get renewed strength, I must bring my burdens to the Lord, but instead of just sitting, I must fixate upon Him, keep my focus on Him, stay in His Word, and just as little Koda received his chicken, I will receive my renewed strength! You see, if Koda had passively waited, he might not have been there to get that delicious chicken bite. He would've gotten bored, maybe have fallen asleep, or turned his attention elsewhere. But, because he fixated upon his master...actively waited....he was rewarded!
Forever, oh Lord, do I want to fixate upon you so that I will never miss those nuggets that you so freely give!
That is one of my favorite passages in the Bible. It has helped me so many times when I thought I was at the end of my rope. I've studied it over and over and it never gets old, and often I learn something new. Isn't God's Word amazing!
Recently I was looking at the passage.........something that I've seen before, held onto before, counted on before....jumped out at me in a different way. Verse 31 tells us to wait upon the Lord to renew our strength. Okay, I've always seen that, and have quoted it many, many times. But this time I really focused on the word wait. What does that mean?
Well, I've looked in several dictionaries, american, greek, hebrew. They all kept coming back to this, doing nothing, expecting something to happen. That got my thoughts churning. Wow....let that soak in...doing NOTHING but EXPECTING something to happen!
Before when I've meditated on these verses, I waited on the Lord, waited for my prayer to go through, waited on my prayer to be answered. But I've seen 'wait' as this: I thought of it as perhaps a waiting room, just sitting, wishing away the seconds, minutes, hours, until you got the news you were waiting for. Have you ever been there? It's the most tiresome 'nothing' you'll ever do.
Then I watched my daughter's 5 month old puppy the other night. He has a lot of food allergies. He can only eat chicken, lamb, and rice. That's all! He has learned what the word 'chicken' is and boy, you say that word to him and he gets all bent out of shape! My daughter was eating some chicken fingers and he was so excited. He was at her chair with his front paws up beside her legs, tail wagging, eyes totally on her, and I think I saw a little bit of drool in the corner of his mouth! It didn't matter what was going on in the house, he had his eye on my daughter, and her chicken. I even called his name, and he might've given me a quick glance, but he was right back looking at her so intently. He never whined, never wimpered, but stayed quietly by her side. And you know what....he was rewarded with a savory piece of her chicken!
Let me tell you, that hit me like a ton of bricks!!!! What am I doing?? I'm sitting around, twiddling my thumbs.........waiting, just waiting. Often getting tired, bored and distracted! That's not what the Bible means!
Don't give your burden to Christ and then sit on the curb waiting for the answer! Let's change out the word wait for another word "...they that FIXATE upon the Lord shall renew their strength..." My daughter's little pug was wanting a bite of her chicken, and he let her know that. BUT, he was fixated on her. He didn't let anything distract him. He patiently was fixated on her, and he was rewarded!
In order to get renewed strength, I must bring my burdens to the Lord, but instead of just sitting, I must fixate upon Him, keep my focus on Him, stay in His Word, and just as little Koda received his chicken, I will receive my renewed strength! You see, if Koda had passively waited, he might not have been there to get that delicious chicken bite. He would've gotten bored, maybe have fallen asleep, or turned his attention elsewhere. But, because he fixated upon his master...actively waited....he was rewarded!
Forever, oh Lord, do I want to fixate upon you so that I will never miss those nuggets that you so freely give!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
First Day of School, Aug. 5, 2008!
Wow!! I can't believe it! Today Kaylea begins her freshman year in high school, and Riley begins her 6th grade year at the middle school! Where does the time go? Seems like only yesterday I was taking a picture of Kaylea with her little backpack before she went to preschool, and had Riley still in diapers!!!!
They are wonderful girls, I am so proud of them. I am so blessed to have them in my life! Kaylea is now on the volleyball team, she's so excited! Go Trojans!!!
Spiritual Dehydration
Have you ever been thirsty? Silly question, huh? Of course, we have all been thirsty! There's nothing I enjoy more than a big ole glass of ice water after I've come in from a run! It does something for me that nothing else can do at that particular moment! Sure, a cool fan in front of my face feels really good........but that ice water does something for me that the fan cannot! You see, the water cools me from the inside out. The fan is only external! Are you seeing the spiritual connection I'm making here? We can do so much to change our outward appearance. We want to do better, so we clean up the 'outward man'. We cut our hair, change our clothes, stop drinking, stop smoking, stop cursing.........but you see, that's all just temporary, that's all just external. BUT....if we get a drink of the Holy Spirit.........that changes us from the inside out!
Have you ever wondered why we need water to survive? Well, our bodies are made up of mostly water. Approximately 85% of your brain, 80% of your blood, and 70% of your muscle is water. Every cell in your body needs water to live. Water helps remove the dangerous toxins that your body takes in from the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the chemicals used in the various products you use on your hair and skin. Water also cushions your joints and carries oxygen and nutrients into all your cells, as well as regulates your body temperature. You need water to keep your metabolism working correctly. For this to happen, there is a certain level of water in each of our bodies that we need to maintain. If we don't keep that amount, our bodies will start to dehydrate. Water is vital to our livelihood!
Water is often used in the Bible as an example of the Holy Spirit. Just like water is vital to our physical bodies, Christ is vital to our spiritual bodies. I'm reminded of the story in John, chapter 4, of the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus was at the well when she came to it, and he asked for a drink. She could not understand why a Jew would ask this of a Samaritan, because they had no dealings with each other. Verse 10 says, "Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would hav given thee living water." He goes on in verses 13 and 14 to say, "Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosover drinketh of this water shall thirst again; But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."
This physical body takes in water and it tastes so good, and makes us feel so much better....but, go to work again, start sweating again......what happens? We get thirsty all over again! The 'fix' is only temporary, we have to find more water to quench our thirst! I'm so glad that Christ gladly took my place on the cross and shed his blood for me, that as a 7 year old little girl, I gladly asked Him into my heart..........and now the 'well of water' dwells within me that gives me everlasting life! Thank you, Jesus!!!
But wait..........the title is called 'spiritual dehydration', isn't it? If I have the 'well of water springing up into everlasting life' within me, then how can I get spiritually dehydrated, right? Yes, I believe in eternal salvation, John 3:16 tells me that, but we can drift away from where we should be on our spiritual walk. It doesn't mean we are 'lost' again, or that the well has dried up within us, it simply means we have gone astray.........we have backslidden. And while I am at it....let me say, this is a DAILY battle that we must face, physically and spiritually!
If we withhold water for a day from our physical body, we will start to see some physical signs of dehydration. It starts slow, and for a while people will not be able to notice, but keep withholding the water, and everyone will eventually know! Your blood pressure will start dropping, blood clots may form, your kidney function will be impaired, your skin starts to dry, you head begins to hurt......just to name a few...........without intervention, you will die!
If we withhold 'spiritual' water for a day, you will start seeing 'spiritual' changes in us as well! What is 'spiritual' water, you ask..........it's daily reading the Bible and daily prayers! At first, no one can see a difference, but given time without it, they will! You get 'cold'. You begin to see everything in a critical spirit. Those things that were sinful to you, begin to not look so bad. You begin to find excuses for staying home instead of being at church. Before long, you are completely out of fellowship with Christ and right where the devil wants you......spiritually dehydrated..........and if you don't change things.......you will spiritually die!
What can we do about it? Well, when that first sign of thirst hits us.....what do we do? We go to the nearest sink and pour us a glass of water. As we drink it, to anyone else's eye, we look the same, they can't see any difference. But we can feel it can't we? I come in all hot and sweaty from running, and to feel that cool wetness go over my tongue and down my parched throat, and into my stomach........it makes a difference in me! My family can't see it, but I sure can! Before long though, my family begins to see that I'm not sweating anymore, my face isn't as red, and I'm not panting like I was before! Same thing spiritually! We start our day off in God's Word and in prayer. No one can see any 'difference' in us. But hold on, let the troubles and trials of this world hit us........and it will definitely show if we've been in contact with God, won't it?
God, please help me to realize just how much more the importance of spiritual hydration is for me, even more than physical hydration. Keep me close to that wonderful fountain that you placed in my soul on February 27, 1977. Help me to stay sensitive to your guidance, that when I feel the tug of spiritual thirst, that I can quickly restore my soul through, You, Oh, Lord. Thank you for sharing your Word with us, and giving us your Holy Spirit!
'There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuael's veins. And sinners plunge beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains! Lose all their guilty stains, lose all their guilty stains....and sinners plunge beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains!!"
Have you ever wondered why we need water to survive? Well, our bodies are made up of mostly water. Approximately 85% of your brain, 80% of your blood, and 70% of your muscle is water. Every cell in your body needs water to live. Water helps remove the dangerous toxins that your body takes in from the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the chemicals used in the various products you use on your hair and skin. Water also cushions your joints and carries oxygen and nutrients into all your cells, as well as regulates your body temperature. You need water to keep your metabolism working correctly. For this to happen, there is a certain level of water in each of our bodies that we need to maintain. If we don't keep that amount, our bodies will start to dehydrate. Water is vital to our livelihood!
Water is often used in the Bible as an example of the Holy Spirit. Just like water is vital to our physical bodies, Christ is vital to our spiritual bodies. I'm reminded of the story in John, chapter 4, of the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus was at the well when she came to it, and he asked for a drink. She could not understand why a Jew would ask this of a Samaritan, because they had no dealings with each other. Verse 10 says, "Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would hav given thee living water." He goes on in verses 13 and 14 to say, "Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosover drinketh of this water shall thirst again; But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."
This physical body takes in water and it tastes so good, and makes us feel so much better....but, go to work again, start sweating again......what happens? We get thirsty all over again! The 'fix' is only temporary, we have to find more water to quench our thirst! I'm so glad that Christ gladly took my place on the cross and shed his blood for me, that as a 7 year old little girl, I gladly asked Him into my heart..........and now the 'well of water' dwells within me that gives me everlasting life! Thank you, Jesus!!!
But wait..........the title is called 'spiritual dehydration', isn't it? If I have the 'well of water springing up into everlasting life' within me, then how can I get spiritually dehydrated, right? Yes, I believe in eternal salvation, John 3:16 tells me that, but we can drift away from where we should be on our spiritual walk. It doesn't mean we are 'lost' again, or that the well has dried up within us, it simply means we have gone astray.........we have backslidden. And while I am at it....let me say, this is a DAILY battle that we must face, physically and spiritually!
If we withhold water for a day from our physical body, we will start to see some physical signs of dehydration. It starts slow, and for a while people will not be able to notice, but keep withholding the water, and everyone will eventually know! Your blood pressure will start dropping, blood clots may form, your kidney function will be impaired, your skin starts to dry, you head begins to hurt......just to name a few...........without intervention, you will die!
If we withhold 'spiritual' water for a day, you will start seeing 'spiritual' changes in us as well! What is 'spiritual' water, you ask..........it's daily reading the Bible and daily prayers! At first, no one can see a difference, but given time without it, they will! You get 'cold'. You begin to see everything in a critical spirit. Those things that were sinful to you, begin to not look so bad. You begin to find excuses for staying home instead of being at church. Before long, you are completely out of fellowship with Christ and right where the devil wants you......spiritually dehydrated..........and if you don't change things.......you will spiritually die!
What can we do about it? Well, when that first sign of thirst hits us.....what do we do? We go to the nearest sink and pour us a glass of water. As we drink it, to anyone else's eye, we look the same, they can't see any difference. But we can feel it can't we? I come in all hot and sweaty from running, and to feel that cool wetness go over my tongue and down my parched throat, and into my stomach........it makes a difference in me! My family can't see it, but I sure can! Before long though, my family begins to see that I'm not sweating anymore, my face isn't as red, and I'm not panting like I was before! Same thing spiritually! We start our day off in God's Word and in prayer. No one can see any 'difference' in us. But hold on, let the troubles and trials of this world hit us........and it will definitely show if we've been in contact with God, won't it?
God, please help me to realize just how much more the importance of spiritual hydration is for me, even more than physical hydration. Keep me close to that wonderful fountain that you placed in my soul on February 27, 1977. Help me to stay sensitive to your guidance, that when I feel the tug of spiritual thirst, that I can quickly restore my soul through, You, Oh, Lord. Thank you for sharing your Word with us, and giving us your Holy Spirit!
'There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuael's veins. And sinners plunge beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains! Lose all their guilty stains, lose all their guilty stains....and sinners plunge beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains!!"
Sunday, July 20, 2008
more Gatlinburg pics!
Our family trip to Gatlinburg!
Kaylea's Koda Bear
Our 4-legged family members!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
It's Not About Who We Are!
Romans 11:6 says, "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work." Let that soak in for a moment. I know it can be a tongue twister, but the meaning is so important! My amplified version reads this way, "But, if it is by grace (His unmerited favor and graciousness), it is no longer conditioned on works or anything men have done. Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace (it would be meaningless)." Don't forget over in Ephesians 2:8,9 it says, "For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH; and that NOT OF YOURSELVES: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." If this old selfish world could ever grasp hold of that concept, that truth, that reality......what a different place this would be!
Some put all they have into their career, their calling. Now, there's nothing wrong with that.......unless it is what defines you. Are you a dentist, and that's all people see? What about a doctor, lawyer, teacher, nurse, banker, trucker, plumber......or even a preacher? When people allow what the DO to define them, then that is all they are. They are the ones constantly working, never taking a day off. Because, if they do........then they are undefined, it is when they are working that they feel good about themselves.
Some put all they have into what they have.....materials. It's all about that nice house, car, boat, designer clothing and jewelry. The more you have, the bigger the name brand, the better of a person they are. We've all seen these folks, haven't we? They are constantly buying, and bragging on their 'things', because that is what defines them.
How sad!! What a simple message Jesus gives us! Salvation has absolutely NOTHING to do with who we are, or what we have!!! It's what we are.............we are ALL sinners!! Romans 3:23, "For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" He didn't suffer that awful death on the cross because we have a great career, or because we drive that mercedes and wear the finest of fashion! He also didn't suffer so because we are poor, jobless, and can't afford but rags and drive a clunker, either! Don't let the devil take you down that road of 'poor pitiful me'! It's NOTHING to do with what we HAVE................it's what we ARE.....S-I-N-N-E-R-S!!!!
How wonderful it is to know that no matter what career I have, what I can afford, all that doesn't matter at all, none of that even is put into the equation! It's all about Him, and what He did! He loved us so much that He was willing to lay down his life so that we may have life eternal! It is His grace, His unmerited favor to us, that we are allowed to become a child of the king!!! Take that burden off of your back and relax, bask in His love and mercy and grace! All we do, all we have on this earth, stays exactly there.....earth! It is the eternal home that we need to think upon...........and He gave you that eternal home as a gift.........no work on our part is involved! How wonderful!!!!!!!!
Dear Lord, I am so unworthy of your gift, but I am so thankful that at 7 yrs. old, you presented your gift of eternal life to me, and with my child-like faith, I accepted your gift. It is NOTHING about me, nothing in me that you saw! It is your love and mercy, Jesus' precious blood that covered such a wretch as me that I can now say I am a child of the king!!!! Whether I am a nurse, or a waitress, whether I wear Tommy Hilfiger, or K-mart's brand...........you love me the same! Lord, let this old world have all of its glitter and glory, I'll stick with you! Their braggings are all temporary, for this old world's things will fade away........but your glory is forever! May those I encounter not see me, dear Father, not see my profession, my 'things'..........but see You, through me. Thank you that grace is NOT meaningless, it is not conditioned on our works or anything we do or have...........but it was all taken care of that day on the cross. It is by your unselfish deed, your blood that I am what I am today........nothing in me! Thank You dear Jesus for your mercy and grace!!
Some put all they have into their career, their calling. Now, there's nothing wrong with that.......unless it is what defines you. Are you a dentist, and that's all people see? What about a doctor, lawyer, teacher, nurse, banker, trucker, plumber......or even a preacher? When people allow what the DO to define them, then that is all they are. They are the ones constantly working, never taking a day off. Because, if they do........then they are undefined, it is when they are working that they feel good about themselves.
Some put all they have into what they have.....materials. It's all about that nice house, car, boat, designer clothing and jewelry. The more you have, the bigger the name brand, the better of a person they are. We've all seen these folks, haven't we? They are constantly buying, and bragging on their 'things', because that is what defines them.
How sad!! What a simple message Jesus gives us! Salvation has absolutely NOTHING to do with who we are, or what we have!!! It's what we are.............we are ALL sinners!! Romans 3:23, "For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" He didn't suffer that awful death on the cross because we have a great career, or because we drive that mercedes and wear the finest of fashion! He also didn't suffer so because we are poor, jobless, and can't afford but rags and drive a clunker, either! Don't let the devil take you down that road of 'poor pitiful me'! It's NOTHING to do with what we HAVE................it's what we ARE.....S-I-N-N-E-R-S!!!!
How wonderful it is to know that no matter what career I have, what I can afford, all that doesn't matter at all, none of that even is put into the equation! It's all about Him, and what He did! He loved us so much that He was willing to lay down his life so that we may have life eternal! It is His grace, His unmerited favor to us, that we are allowed to become a child of the king!!! Take that burden off of your back and relax, bask in His love and mercy and grace! All we do, all we have on this earth, stays exactly there.....earth! It is the eternal home that we need to think upon...........and He gave you that eternal home as a gift.........no work on our part is involved! How wonderful!!!!!!!!
Dear Lord, I am so unworthy of your gift, but I am so thankful that at 7 yrs. old, you presented your gift of eternal life to me, and with my child-like faith, I accepted your gift. It is NOTHING about me, nothing in me that you saw! It is your love and mercy, Jesus' precious blood that covered such a wretch as me that I can now say I am a child of the king!!!! Whether I am a nurse, or a waitress, whether I wear Tommy Hilfiger, or K-mart's brand...........you love me the same! Lord, let this old world have all of its glitter and glory, I'll stick with you! Their braggings are all temporary, for this old world's things will fade away........but your glory is forever! May those I encounter not see me, dear Father, not see my profession, my 'things'..........but see You, through me. Thank you that grace is NOT meaningless, it is not conditioned on our works or anything we do or have...........but it was all taken care of that day on the cross. It is by your unselfish deed, your blood that I am what I am today........nothing in me! Thank You dear Jesus for your mercy and grace!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Keep your eyes on the cross!
Have you ever had one of those days.......one of those weeks....one of those months.....that it seems as though your whole world has been shaken, that every bit of news that comes your way shakes you to the very core? Well, for the past little while, it seems to have been my turn. Every place I go, there is more bad news, more tragedy, more unbelievable events happening around me!
I know I am not alone. Everyone goes through these times. There have been some disappointing things happen at church, there have been some deaths of faithful saints in the church, sad things are happening to good people on the job, health issues are arising in family members, financial burdens are getting heavier, the economy is looking bad...........it seems it never ends for me! It's gotten to the point that I catch my breath every time the phone rings!
These are definitely some testing times. What can I do?......well, therein lies the choice. In Joshua 24:15, the Bible says, "...choose you this day whom ye will serve...." It's your choice as to what you will do. As for me, I chose to keep my eyes on the cross! He who knew NO sin, CHOSE to become sin so that I may have eternal life! No matter how hard things get in this life, I MUST stay focused on the One who has never let me down and never will........the One who will never forsake me!
I know the load gets so heavy. Satan is certainly there to let us stay aware of just how bad things are.....and how bad things will continue to be and to worsen. These are the times you must stay focused on the cross and keep pressing onward!!! If you do this, there is strength for you. God will not let you walk it alone! You may feel you are alone, but that is a test to see what you will choose to do, who you will follow. Once you make the choice to keep following Him, then He will help you all the way!
Yes, I've had some horrible news hit me the last couple of weeks........from every way I look, from every aspect of my life, I've been having to face hardships. Could I give up? Yes, if that's what I choose. But, you see, I've tasted the Lord, and I know what He has in store, and I MUST keep going on for Him! He's done so much for me! And by doing so, by choosing to follow on, He just keeps sending me little 'handfuls of purpose' to keep me plodding on! Thank you Lord!
For instance, I was feeling very low, very down....but I choose to keep my eyes on the cross, so therefore, I keep praying, keep on reading His Word....and God saw my need....and my devotional time was found over in Jeremiah 32:27 "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" My devotion kept talking about needing to hear that God is still in control, it's not over until He says so, that life's mishaps and tragedies are not a reason to bail out....they are the reason to sit tight!!! What a blessing, just what I needed to hear! I also had a coworker bless me, and she didn't even know it! She's a single mother of a teenager. We talk about the Lord alot. She works the weekends only, to be with her son more. But she had been talking about the fact that he has not been wanting to go to church (his aunt has been taking him). She told me that he said, "Mom, you don't go....so why do I have to?" She had asked my advise, and we had talked about things. I had not seen her in a while, and just the other day I worked with her again. She told me that she had done what I suggested, and had gone to her boss. She now works Fridays, Saturdays, and Mondays! She no longer works on Sundays! Before she worked Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. Now she can take her son to church, and she was so glad, that it had not only helped her son....but it was helping her, too! Well, Praise the Lord.....nothing in me, but all in Christ! She'll never know how those encouraging words helped me! Do you think it was just a coincidence that my devotion topic was on disappointments, do you think it was just a happenstance that I worked that day with that woman? NO WAY....God saw that I am in a hardship right now, but that through His grace I was staying focused on the cross, and He cared enough to send a little encouragement my way! Thank you, Lord!!
There is another lady that I've been helping her with something she's been struggling with. I told her that I would ask her about how it is going every now and then, to 'keep her on track'....if you will. I've had so much going on, that, to be honest, I've not thought about it lately. Well, last night she grabbed my arm and said, "Hey, you haven't asked me in a while......so ask me!!!" I did, and she had wonderful news for me, and we were able to rejoice in that answered prayer! She needed the pat on the back......I needed to hear the encouraging words that God is still answering prayers!!!!
Our pastor preached a wonderful message in John, chapter 21, also. It was about the story of how Peter and the disciples had fished all night and caught nothing, until the Lord showed up and had them cast on the right side of the boat. His title for the message was, "Drifting too far from the shore." I knew I would enjoy the message, but I thought, okay, it's going to be about backsliding, getting our eyes off of the Lord....and it was to a point, but it just seemed to keep coming around and seemed to be screaming to me to just keep pressing on, to keep my eyes on the cross! His points were that they drifted too far from the shore because they: 1) fulfilled the wrong purpose, 2) followed the wrong person, 3) and fished in the wrong place. They took their focus off of following Christ, and listened to Peter, and instead of waiting on the Lord to show up, they went fishing!
How many times do we all do this? We need an answer, the way looks dark, we get all bad news, seems like, and we don't know what to do? And instead of waiting on the Lord, we get our eyes off of the cross, and listen to someone else, who may even mean well, and end up going down the wrong path! But, I'm so thankful that even when we do this....that God will still show up and help us out anyway.......fill our nets full and not let the net break! Thank you, Lord!
It all goes back to this...........KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE CROSS!! Make your christianity.....YOURS! You cannot live for Christ for someone else, you cannot live for Christ because of someone else. This thing is all an individual choice! Have you made that choice? Don't live for the Lord because your parents do, because your spouse does, because of your church or pastor, because your friends do.......my friend, this life is full of failures and bad circumstances, and you will fall! You've got to live for Christ on your own! Lot did pretty well when he was with Abraham, didn't he? But when he had to do it on his own.........he failed! We are all human, we all make mistakes...........take the time now to get in God's Word for yourself and build your own foundation..........when the storm comes, you will have something to hold on to that is not human, not full of mistakes...........and it WILL see you through...........Keep your eyes on the cross!!!!!
I know I am not alone. Everyone goes through these times. There have been some disappointing things happen at church, there have been some deaths of faithful saints in the church, sad things are happening to good people on the job, health issues are arising in family members, financial burdens are getting heavier, the economy is looking bad...........it seems it never ends for me! It's gotten to the point that I catch my breath every time the phone rings!
These are definitely some testing times. What can I do?......well, therein lies the choice. In Joshua 24:15, the Bible says, "...choose you this day whom ye will serve...." It's your choice as to what you will do. As for me, I chose to keep my eyes on the cross! He who knew NO sin, CHOSE to become sin so that I may have eternal life! No matter how hard things get in this life, I MUST stay focused on the One who has never let me down and never will........the One who will never forsake me!
I know the load gets so heavy. Satan is certainly there to let us stay aware of just how bad things are.....and how bad things will continue to be and to worsen. These are the times you must stay focused on the cross and keep pressing onward!!! If you do this, there is strength for you. God will not let you walk it alone! You may feel you are alone, but that is a test to see what you will choose to do, who you will follow. Once you make the choice to keep following Him, then He will help you all the way!
Yes, I've had some horrible news hit me the last couple of weeks........from every way I look, from every aspect of my life, I've been having to face hardships. Could I give up? Yes, if that's what I choose. But, you see, I've tasted the Lord, and I know what He has in store, and I MUST keep going on for Him! He's done so much for me! And by doing so, by choosing to follow on, He just keeps sending me little 'handfuls of purpose' to keep me plodding on! Thank you Lord!
For instance, I was feeling very low, very down....but I choose to keep my eyes on the cross, so therefore, I keep praying, keep on reading His Word....and God saw my need....and my devotional time was found over in Jeremiah 32:27 "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?" My devotion kept talking about needing to hear that God is still in control, it's not over until He says so, that life's mishaps and tragedies are not a reason to bail out....they are the reason to sit tight!!! What a blessing, just what I needed to hear! I also had a coworker bless me, and she didn't even know it! She's a single mother of a teenager. We talk about the Lord alot. She works the weekends only, to be with her son more. But she had been talking about the fact that he has not been wanting to go to church (his aunt has been taking him). She told me that he said, "Mom, you don't go....so why do I have to?" She had asked my advise, and we had talked about things. I had not seen her in a while, and just the other day I worked with her again. She told me that she had done what I suggested, and had gone to her boss. She now works Fridays, Saturdays, and Mondays! She no longer works on Sundays! Before she worked Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. Now she can take her son to church, and she was so glad, that it had not only helped her son....but it was helping her, too! Well, Praise the Lord.....nothing in me, but all in Christ! She'll never know how those encouraging words helped me! Do you think it was just a coincidence that my devotion topic was on disappointments, do you think it was just a happenstance that I worked that day with that woman? NO WAY....God saw that I am in a hardship right now, but that through His grace I was staying focused on the cross, and He cared enough to send a little encouragement my way! Thank you, Lord!!
There is another lady that I've been helping her with something she's been struggling with. I told her that I would ask her about how it is going every now and then, to 'keep her on track'....if you will. I've had so much going on, that, to be honest, I've not thought about it lately. Well, last night she grabbed my arm and said, "Hey, you haven't asked me in a while......so ask me!!!" I did, and she had wonderful news for me, and we were able to rejoice in that answered prayer! She needed the pat on the back......I needed to hear the encouraging words that God is still answering prayers!!!!
Our pastor preached a wonderful message in John, chapter 21, also. It was about the story of how Peter and the disciples had fished all night and caught nothing, until the Lord showed up and had them cast on the right side of the boat. His title for the message was, "Drifting too far from the shore." I knew I would enjoy the message, but I thought, okay, it's going to be about backsliding, getting our eyes off of the Lord....and it was to a point, but it just seemed to keep coming around and seemed to be screaming to me to just keep pressing on, to keep my eyes on the cross! His points were that they drifted too far from the shore because they: 1) fulfilled the wrong purpose, 2) followed the wrong person, 3) and fished in the wrong place. They took their focus off of following Christ, and listened to Peter, and instead of waiting on the Lord to show up, they went fishing!
How many times do we all do this? We need an answer, the way looks dark, we get all bad news, seems like, and we don't know what to do? And instead of waiting on the Lord, we get our eyes off of the cross, and listen to someone else, who may even mean well, and end up going down the wrong path! But, I'm so thankful that even when we do this....that God will still show up and help us out anyway.......fill our nets full and not let the net break! Thank you, Lord!
It all goes back to this...........KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE CROSS!! Make your christianity.....YOURS! You cannot live for Christ for someone else, you cannot live for Christ because of someone else. This thing is all an individual choice! Have you made that choice? Don't live for the Lord because your parents do, because your spouse does, because of your church or pastor, because your friends do.......my friend, this life is full of failures and bad circumstances, and you will fall! You've got to live for Christ on your own! Lot did pretty well when he was with Abraham, didn't he? But when he had to do it on his own.........he failed! We are all human, we all make mistakes...........take the time now to get in God's Word for yourself and build your own foundation..........when the storm comes, you will have something to hold on to that is not human, not full of mistakes...........and it WILL see you through...........Keep your eyes on the cross!!!!!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Kaylea & her gang!
Award's Day at GLMS! I can't believe that middle school is over!! They are now freshmen! Watch out GLHS!!!! Kaylea and her friends are so sweet with each other! I love each and every one of them. They are good christian girls with good families! They are so blessed to have each other! They are: Shelby, Rachel Melanie, Carly, Julia, Hollie, and Kaylea! The guy with them is Logan. He's Hollie's boyfriend, but has become a great friend with all the girls....smart boy, lol!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
What a small little word, and yet 'that' can hinder us so quickly! How many times do we say...'Oh, I've got to have THAT!' Or, "I would do it...if it wasn't for THAT.' How about, 'Hey, did you see THAT!?' In I Kings, chapter 19, Elijah was hindered by 'that'. Remember now in chapter 18, Elijah had the power of God on him....he called fire down from heaven! He showed the people that his God was THE God! But now, Ahab has told Jezebel of what Elijah had done, and she called for him. She wanted him dead.....and that scared Elijah! Verse 3 says, "And when he saw THAT, he arose, and went for his life..." Isn't that like us? We can have the power of God all over us one minute....let the devil rear his ugly head....and off we start running. Isn't the God of our mountains....still the God of our valleys? Of course He is! But....being human....we let THAT get in our way. Once THAT (whatever 'that' is in your life) gets in our way....we feel all alone. We get side tracked, we sit down, and have a pity party. Why, Elijah himself prayed for God just to go ahead and take his life!
Isn't is so comforting to know, when we are feeling so alone, God still comes on the scene and cares for us? God didn't take Elijah's prayer literally....He knew Elijah wasn't thinking clearly. Instead of demeaning Elijah, or telling him how weak he was....he sent an angel to feed him and talked with him, Himself. God knows what we need....and when we need it! Several times Elijah tells God, '...and I, even I only am left; and they seek my life, to take it away." Have you ever felt like you are in this thing alone? No one else really cares about serving the Lord! Look around, everyone else is pleasing self...and here you are trying to do the right thing, and for what? Just hold on, don't give up....God has the answer for you!
Just as Elijah could see no one......in verse 18 God said, "YET I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him." Once you can see past 'THAT', God let's you know that you are not battling life's trials alone! There are others working for Christ, too!
Elijah left that place of lonliness, and found Elisha, working the fields, faithful........those two became a great work for Christ together!! You see, when Elijah got up, quit sitting, quit hiding...when he took God's promise and got back in the field of service, he found a wonderful friend on this side of heaven!
You see, when 'that' get's thrown in our face...what ever 'that' may be for you.....stay on the field! When you stay busy for God, your problems won't seem so big! It's human nature to run for cover and hide when the going get's rough. That's just what the devil wants, because he then can fill your head with all sorts of lies and get you feeling so alone. Before you even realize it, you've left the field, you've sat down, and discouragement is on the way! Keep plowing the field God has given you......He'll never leave you nor forsake you, He's given you that promise (Hebrews 13:5). Don't let THAT cloud your mind, and discourage you......God will always take care of you! I praise His name, that even though I let 'that' get to me at times, and pray things that I shouldn't or really don't mean, that God understands, knows my humanity, and sends a rescue for me, and answers me, and gets me going on the right way again! Thank you, Lord, for your blessings and mercy and grace on my life!!!
Isn't is so comforting to know, when we are feeling so alone, God still comes on the scene and cares for us? God didn't take Elijah's prayer literally....He knew Elijah wasn't thinking clearly. Instead of demeaning Elijah, or telling him how weak he was....he sent an angel to feed him and talked with him, Himself. God knows what we need....and when we need it! Several times Elijah tells God, '...and I, even I only am left; and they seek my life, to take it away." Have you ever felt like you are in this thing alone? No one else really cares about serving the Lord! Look around, everyone else is pleasing self...and here you are trying to do the right thing, and for what? Just hold on, don't give up....God has the answer for you!
Just as Elijah could see no one......in verse 18 God said, "YET I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him." Once you can see past 'THAT', God let's you know that you are not battling life's trials alone! There are others working for Christ, too!
Elijah left that place of lonliness, and found Elisha, working the fields, faithful........those two became a great work for Christ together!! You see, when Elijah got up, quit sitting, quit hiding...when he took God's promise and got back in the field of service, he found a wonderful friend on this side of heaven!
You see, when 'that' get's thrown in our face...what ever 'that' may be for you.....stay on the field! When you stay busy for God, your problems won't seem so big! It's human nature to run for cover and hide when the going get's rough. That's just what the devil wants, because he then can fill your head with all sorts of lies and get you feeling so alone. Before you even realize it, you've left the field, you've sat down, and discouragement is on the way! Keep plowing the field God has given you......He'll never leave you nor forsake you, He's given you that promise (Hebrews 13:5). Don't let THAT cloud your mind, and discourage you......God will always take care of you! I praise His name, that even though I let 'that' get to me at times, and pray things that I shouldn't or really don't mean, that God understands, knows my humanity, and sends a rescue for me, and answers me, and gets me going on the right way again! Thank you, Lord, for your blessings and mercy and grace on my life!!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
A Constant
We've been studying faithfulness in our Sunday School Class. We've been asked the questions, 'Are we excited about God's faithfulness?' and 'Is it worth it to be faithful?' This past Sunday we talked about God's faithfulness being a constant. The dictionary definition for constant is not changing or varying. Isn't that our God? In talking about faithfulness, we often talk about our end of the deal. We talk about how we are not always faithful, how we falter. That is so true. We are human, we are going to fall. He knows this, and loves us anyway!
But let's look at His faithfulness. It is unwavering! It is a constant. Nature is a good example of His faithfulness. We cannot count on many things in this life as being a constant. Our health is not a constant, our love is not a constant, our feelings are always changing, aren't they? Our surroundings are not a constant. We often move, and even if we don't, things around us are always in a state of change. But, plant a corn seed in the garden....what will you get? You'll get a corn stalk! You can be guaranteed that your apple tree will bear apples! You won't look in the tree one day and find a banana growing! And not to disappoint any child, but, as long as cows are milked........they will never produce chocolate milk, will they? NO! Nature has it's constants! God's faithfulness to His children is a constant for us! No matter how dark, how dim the way may appear, we always KNOW that God is faithful! We may 'feel' that He is no where to be found....but that is only a feeling, it is NOT a constant! When we are eating an apple, we don't have to see the tree to know it came from an apple tree and not a peach or a pear tree, right? So when our emotions tell us that God is not with us, hold on to your 'head' knowledge...He 'will never leave you nor forsake you!' Let the scriptures remind you of the truth. He is our constant, hallelujah!!!! David wrote in Psalm 37:25 "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." What a blessing to know that God will be with us from the beginning and forever! What a constant!
I've had a lot of disappointments in my life.... we all have. People, things, situations that we thought would always be there have not been. One constant in your life, if you are a christian, is Jesus Christ. Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever." He does not change or vary! I can't depend on some things in my life, but I can ALWAYS depend on Christ, my constant forever!
But let's look at His faithfulness. It is unwavering! It is a constant. Nature is a good example of His faithfulness. We cannot count on many things in this life as being a constant. Our health is not a constant, our love is not a constant, our feelings are always changing, aren't they? Our surroundings are not a constant. We often move, and even if we don't, things around us are always in a state of change. But, plant a corn seed in the garden....what will you get? You'll get a corn stalk! You can be guaranteed that your apple tree will bear apples! You won't look in the tree one day and find a banana growing! And not to disappoint any child, but, as long as cows are milked........they will never produce chocolate milk, will they? NO! Nature has it's constants! God's faithfulness to His children is a constant for us! No matter how dark, how dim the way may appear, we always KNOW that God is faithful! We may 'feel' that He is no where to be found....but that is only a feeling, it is NOT a constant! When we are eating an apple, we don't have to see the tree to know it came from an apple tree and not a peach or a pear tree, right? So when our emotions tell us that God is not with us, hold on to your 'head' knowledge...He 'will never leave you nor forsake you!' Let the scriptures remind you of the truth. He is our constant, hallelujah!!!! David wrote in Psalm 37:25 "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." What a blessing to know that God will be with us from the beginning and forever! What a constant!
I've had a lot of disappointments in my life.... we all have. People, things, situations that we thought would always be there have not been. One constant in your life, if you are a christian, is Jesus Christ. Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever." He does not change or vary! I can't depend on some things in my life, but I can ALWAYS depend on Christ, my constant forever!
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