Friday, October 13, 2017

Vessel versus Tool

As I continue to watch the world, this country, tear itself and each other apart, from the inside out, I began to look to God's Word.  I know Revelations teach us that all these things shall come to pass in the last days.  Surely, surely, we are in the last days!!  Earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, so many natural fighting with each other, rumors of wars, no morals, babies being murdered, both in the womb and out of the womb!  Hatred being spewed from every venue: television, personally, social media,'s crazy, it's scary  but more than is heart breaking!  The Bible teaches us that when we see all these things happening, to look up for our redemption draweth nigh!  I am looking up, and I say, even so, Lord please come quickly!!

Being involved in social media, I am disheartened by people giving such ugly and judgmental opinions so easily.....without a thought as to how it would affect the other person.  People become so much more brave hiding behind a screen and typing words.  It seems that everyone wants to disagree with you, and to tear you down every chance they get.  Kick you when you are down, so to speak.  No one cares about what is going on in anyone else's life.....I am right, and I am going to let you know I am matter the cost!!

Wow!!!  Satan is truly enjoying himself, he is orchestrating a world of hatred.....and it is working!  We have turned from God.  We haven't raised our children with any morals, beliefs, Godly standards, and now they are literally killing this world with evil.  I am not a gloom and doom speaker, don't get me wrong here....but I am trying to paint a picture of reality here.  Society today is full of 'snowflakes'....a people that take no responsibility for their actions; blame everything and everyone for every thing;, expect, and often demand something for nothing; never accept any wrong doing of their own hand, always play the victim; always want to argue, and never want to listen; have no respect for others; always feel that they are in the right; no moral or religious compass. 

While all these things were in my thoughts, two words kept popping up in my head:  vessels and tools.  Bear with me, while I try to explain myself.  The dictionary tells me that a vessel is a hollow container, especially one used to hold liquid.  A tool is a device--especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.  I know that we can use words and twist them to make any argument we want to make.....but, hold on....let me tell you how God has used these words and their definition to speak to me.

Are you a vessel for the Lord?.....Or, are you a tool for the devil?  Hey now, before you think I am being self righteous, and preaching to you.....I am pointing all my fingers at myself!  I have been both. I have not attained.  My heart's desire is to be a vessel every day.....but, I still live in this house of flesh....and sad to say I have allowed myself to be a tool for the enemy. 

A vessel is a hollow container, especially used for liquid.  My spiritual mind is turning here.....our choir sings a song about the Blood, there is a statement in the verse that says to 'let His liquid glory flow'....I've always loved that visual of Jesus' blood.  I love it even more, thinking of this thought on vessels.  If we are a vessel....we are sitting there, empty of ourselves......if we allow His 'liquid glory' to fill us, then we are full of Him and void of self!!

 However, if we are satan's tool...then we are a device, that can be held in satan's hand to carry out a particular function.  Think about that for a minute!  Tools are a needed part of society....but in the wrong hands, it can be detrimental!  I think back to something a few month's ago.  My husband has been busy restoring an old truck.  He has many tools in the barn that he has used to restore this truck and it is looking good! day, our 4 year old granddaughter came in, and wanted to help her Pawpaw.  She had watched her Pawpaw and seen him use tools to work on the truck.  So....she picked up a screwdriver and proceeded to 'help' him fix the brand new radiator that he had assembled!!  While this is a cute story.....the moral are needed and useful....but in the wrong will have a bad result!

While we are still in this flesh, let's work diligently to remain a vessel for God to fill with His glory....and work hard NOT to be a tool used for the enemy's desires!  We have enough evil forces working against us without God's people taking each other out....or much worse, preventing lost souls from finding salvation!!  2 Timothy  2:21 says,'If a man therefore purge (cleanse)himself from these (dishonor, etc.), he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified (set apart), and meet (useful) for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.'

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