This thought has been on my mind a lot here lately. We sing an awesome song in the choir called, "I Am". The lyrics are so powerful! Singing of the many things God is....what a blessing! The verses describe Him: "I am the Lord, the Almighty God, the One for whom nothing is too hard. I am the Shepherd, the Door, the Good news to the bound and the poor. I am the Righteous One, the Lamb, the Ram in the bush for Abraham, the Ultimate Sacrifice for sin, your Redeemer, the Beginning and the End. I am Jehovah, your King, Messiah, David's Offspring, your High Priest, the Christ, the Resurrection, and the Life. I am the Bread, the Wine, your leave your past behind! I am the One in the midst of two or three, I am your Tabernacle, your Jubilee! I am HOPE, PEACE, JOY, REST, your COMFORT, RELIEF, your STRENGTH, FAITH, LOVE, POWER, and FREEDOM". Just paraphrasing this song makes me want to jump for joy!!
In my Bible study reading last night, the scripture reading was in Exodus chapter 3. Where God speaks to Moses from the burning bush. God tells Moses to bring forth His people out of Egypt. Moses asks God, "When I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?" Oh my goodness....hold on to your seats!!! God answers Moses in verse 14, " And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." Oh my! He is the I AM for anything you are going through....He is always present, and that is why His name is always in the present tense!!
When I was sick in my sins, the I AM was there waiting for me to ask to be pulled from the mire! When I was lost and going to Hell, the I AM laid down His life so that I could have eternal life!
When I was looking for something to fill the void in my heart, I AM came knocking and filled that hole! When I was at a crossroads, the I AM showed me the path to take. When I was at my wits end, the I AM consoled me and took me in! When I was at the graveside of my loved ones, the I AM wrapped His arms around me and comforted me! When I was searching for answers, the I AM told me, "I AM the way, the truth and the life!" When I was told there was no cure, the I AM said I AM the great Physician! When I was battling the enemy, the I AM told me to stand still and He fought my battle! When I was in the war, the I AM was my shield! When I was hungry, the I AM was my manna! When I was tossed to and fro, the I AM stepped out and said 'Peace Be Still' to my storm! When I was athirst, the I AM was my Fountain of Living Water! When I was in darkness, the I AM was the Light! When I was beaten down, the I AM was my Good Samaritan that bound up my wounds. When I was unlovable, the I AM loved me!
Praise the Lord!! He is always there! Things come and go, but the I AM never changes! I will never be what I was, since I met the I you know Him?
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