The other day, I was chilling out at home, my husband was working out in the barn. We are now empty, I actually had the TV remote all to myself! I was in control of the remote! Flipping through the channels, I stopped on, The Hallmark Channel. A typical romantic love story was unfolding. I had to watch it. I must admit that I am a sucker for a good love story. This story involved a woman and man who met, and the man had a secret. He was a prince that was soon to be king. They fell in love, of course.
Well, about 2/3 through the movie, my husband comes in and sits down. He asked, "What are you watching?" Knowing he is not a fan of love stories, I said, "I'm watching a sappy love story, and you aren't going to change the channel." Followed by my sheepish grin. He smiles at me, and watches for a couple minutes, then turns to me and says, "You want me to tell you how it ends?".....followed by his sheepish grin.
Well, my response to him was, "NO! I don't want you to tell me how it ends." I know how it's going to end anyway. He replied in a typical male response, "It's the same old story, just different settings and characters." I know this....but I still want to enjoy their story! It makes my heart smile. We all need our heart to smile!!
Where am I going with this, you ask? Later on I got to thinking about our conversation, and my mind starting going toward the spiritual side of things. Any Christian knows how the story ends. We have read our Bible, done our Bible studies, we know what is to come.....for the most part anyway. We know that one day soon, even though man does not know the day or hour, the trumpet is going to blow and He is going to call His children home. There to live with Him forever, free from all stress, all worry, all pain, all sin! And ole Lucifer will get what is finally coming to him! Hallelujah!
Don't get me wrong, that is our hope, that is our future. We are to keep pressing toward the mark, we are to finish our race down here, never giving up until we have attained our reward. However, don't get focused on Heaven to the point that you aren't enjoying your Christian walk today. My mind goes to Luke chapter 10:38-42. Where Jesus was at the house of Martha and Mary. Both sisters were so excited to have him in their home, but both took different paths. Mary was focused on Jesus, and what he had to say. Martha wasn't sinning, she wasn't doing wrong. She was working around the house, serving her guests and making sure everyone had what they needed. She became disgruntled when she saw Mary 'just sitting there' while she was slaving away. She even asked Jesus to tell Mary to get up and help her! Oh but I love Jesus' response to Martha, "Martha, Martha, thou are careful (worried) and troubled about many things; But one thing is needful; and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."
You see, they both had the same goal, just as we Christians today do. We know the end of the story....we know that through Jesus' blood washing away our sins...that Jesus dying on the cross in order for us to accept the greatest gift of all...eternal life....we know that Heaven is our final destination! But STOP!! Wait!!! Don't be Martha, don't let your daily work for the Lord bog you down until you can't enjoy the journey! Stop letting Satan tell you how the story ends and cheat you out of the chance for your heart to smile. Be Mary! Invite Jesus into your home, clean the house, cook the food, put out the dishes....have everything ready and in order. Then sit at His feet! Enjoy your time with Him instead of getting caught up in the serving. The devil is just waiting to fill you ear with junk and get you disgruntled and defeated!
I tell you what.....when Satan wants to tell you how the story ends.....when he wants to get you weary in well doing....when you begin to forget to enjoy the turn it around and tell Satan how his story ends! Tell him how he is going to be bound a thousand years, how he is going to be cast into the lake of fire.....he won't stick around long to ruin your love story then!! I pray that you take some time out today, sit at Jesus' feet, listen to His love story for you, and let your heart smile.
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