Sunday, January 29, 2012

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions.............they really do speak louder than words. We have heard this statement all of our lives, but have we really listened to it? The dictionary tells me that the word action means the process or condition of moving as opposed to rest....the doing of something. I love that last statement.....the DOING OF SOMETHING. What was it that Jesus told his earthly parents when they had lost him, and turned back to find him teaching in the temple?.....He stated, "..wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? He was 'doing' what God had told him to do. He was....IN ACTION!

How many times do we say that we are going to do something....but then never get around to doing it? I'm reminded of a verse in Galations 5:7 "Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?" Running is definitely an action. I love to exercise, but I can tell you that all wouldn't change a thing, and I would never get into shape unless I actually got up and exercised. I can tell you that when I don't run for a little while, when I finally do get out definitely shows that I haven't put my 'running' into action.

We often tell our loved ones that we love them, we tell them how we feel about them.....and we should.......but do those words ever turn into action? John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." that's putting words into action! He gave all He had for each and everyone of us........His love in perfect action!

Flip the coin...........what if the action words.......The action of doing nothing can speak loudly as well. How do you feel when someone you think loves you doesn't seem to have time for you, doesn't call or text you to see how you are doing....never seems to have time for you? I'm so thankful that God's Word tells me that He will never leave me nor forsake me......and He puts those words into action every single day! Friends and family may fail us, but He 'sticketh closer than a brother'.

Now, I also know that words can hurt, and can cut so deeply too. There are times I have said things that I wish I could take back....but I can't. Thank God that his mercy and grace are never ending! We must be mindful of our words as well as our actions. When our actions mimick our words.......a complete story unfolds. Case in point.....I had an issue come up in my life. I shared it with a dear friend. She listened intently to me....told me she loved me and that she was praying for me. Those 'words' were a great comfort to me...but she went further........she put those sweet words into action. She kept in contact with me, calling, texting, coming by.......she was concerned and she showed it. She did little things....that she will never know how much it helped. I know that she cares.....because she put it into action! Her actions matched her words! If she had told me she loved me and was praying....but then never mentioned anything else, never asked...then her actions would have been loudly telling me.....she didn't care!

Are your actions matching your words? Do you tell God that you love Him, adore Him....and yet you don't read His Word, or spend time in prayer......don't go to church.....don't tell others about Him? Do you tell that spouse, or child, or friend that you love them, but your actions aren't showing them? We are human, and we are all guilty of this. My prayer is that the words that come out of my mouth are in a spirit of love and meekness, understanding and patience......and that my actions then back them up. God please help me not to spew ugly, angry words....and then my actions follow............and God, help me not to have any words...followed by nothing to those around me. God help me to be more Christ-like..........that is my desire.

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