We've all done it......cramming for a test. Procrastination.....Oh, that test is a couple of weeks away....I have time, I'll study later! Yeah, right....only to find that it now has become the night before the test and we are pulling an 'all-nighter' to try to cram all that information into the recesses of our mind just long enough to pass that test! And, I must say that, often times, I did pretty well on the test.
As they say....Ahhh, there's the rub..............lol, because, a few miles down the road......don't even think about testing me over that information again, because I would surely fail. All that info has easily been erased from my feeble memory.
Have you ever gone through a spiritual storm, grab some scripture or hear a sermon that gets you through....but then, that's it? Then, a little while longer you find yourself in a similar storm, and you seem to be fighting the same battle............do we never learn?
Okay, when I was in third grade..........and yes....that was quite a few years ago...........my third grade teacher literally pounded the multiplication tables into our heads. We went over them again and again and again. I can still see myself standing at that taped line, staring straight ahead at the chalkboard, as the teacher used that wooden pointer to go down the list of numbers as I quickly would yell out the answer........2x0 is o, 2x1 is 2, 2x2 is 4........whew! But, no that wasn't enough.....then, in the evenings, my dad would then drill me over and over again. I could literally spit the answers out in my sleep!
I can gladly say that I have never forgotten my multiplication tables! Why? Because I studied them over and over, I spent lots and lots of time with them, I took the time to learn them. Through the years, I can gladly pull out the answers anytime I need them.
Shouldn't we do the same with our spiritual tests? When something arises in your life, take the time to get in God's Word and study! Memorize scripture that get you through that storm. Take sermon notes, and study them at home. Take the time, and LEARN, instead, of cramming last minute. Oh, you may grab enough to to get you through that one, but you have not grown, and you will not retain. When the next storm arises............oh, and rest assured it will........you will have to start all over and cram again. That is just what the devil wants...........he doesn't want you to learn and grow!
The more armour you put on, the more ready you are for battle! The more battles you fight, using your weapon...God's Word....the stronger you will become. Ever heard the expression...'set in stone'.....that's just what you will be! Just as I can easily retreave my multiplication tables, I want to retreave God's Word and be able to use them in life's trials. I want to be prepared....how about you?
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