Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cramming For A Test

We've all done it......cramming for a test. Procrastination.....Oh, that test is a couple of weeks away....I have time, I'll study later! Yeah, right....only to find that it now has become the night before the test and we are pulling an 'all-nighter' to try to cram all that information into the recesses of our mind just long enough to pass that test! And, I must say that, often times, I did pretty well on the test.

As they say....Ahhh, there's the, because, a few miles down the road......don't even think about testing me over that information again, because I would surely fail. All that info has easily been erased from my feeble memory.

Have you ever gone through a spiritual storm, grab some scripture or hear a sermon that gets you through....but then, that's it? Then, a little while longer you find yourself in a similar storm, and you seem to be fighting the same we never learn?

Okay, when I was in third grade..........and yes....that was quite a few years third grade teacher literally pounded the multiplication tables into our heads. We went over them again and again and again. I can still see myself standing at that taped line, staring straight ahead at the chalkboard, as the teacher used that wooden pointer to go down the list of numbers as I quickly would yell out the answer........2x0 is o, 2x1 is 2, 2x2 is 4........whew! But, no that wasn't enough.....then, in the evenings, my dad would then drill me over and over again. I could literally spit the answers out in my sleep!

I can gladly say that I have never forgotten my multiplication tables! Why? Because I studied them over and over, I spent lots and lots of time with them, I took the time to learn them. Through the years, I can gladly pull out the answers anytime I need them.

Shouldn't we do the same with our spiritual tests? When something arises in your life, take the time to get in God's Word and study! Memorize scripture that get you through that storm. Take sermon notes, and study them at home. Take the time, and LEARN, instead, of cramming last minute. Oh, you may grab enough to to get you through that one, but you have not grown, and you will not retain. When the next storm arises............oh, and rest assured it will have to start all over and cram again. That is just what the devil wants...........he doesn't want you to learn and grow!

The more armour you put on, the more ready you are for battle! The more battles you fight, using your weapon...God's Word....the stronger you will become. Ever heard the expression...'set in stone'.....that's just what you will be! Just as I can easily retreave my multiplication tables, I want to retreave God's Word and be able to use them in life's trials. I want to be about you?

Are You Ready?

I work in a school system. While it is hard work; it is also rewarding work. The other morning, I was standing at the front doors with the principal. It was 8:04 am......class begins at 8:00 sharp! She was feeling generous that day, so she was beckoning the children who were just coming in, to hurry and they would not have to get a tardy slip. She was extending grace.

It didn't matter who the child was, or in what standing the child's family was with the community....they were all getting a free pass if they would heed her call. After a while, however, that window of opportunity was over. There was no warning or way that I could even tell when her grace and mercy was going to stop, nor did the children know. But, she looked at me and said, "That's it." She casually walked back inside, and let the door close. As she walked back to her office, she proclaimed that any other students are now considered tardy and will have to stop at the desk and get their tardy slips.

I immediately visualized a spiritual lesson! Isn't that what our Father is doing to this world right now? II Corinthians 6:2 says, "...behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." None of us know the day or the hour in which He will call us all home! But, He also tells us to watch the signs, and the signs of this time are surely showing that He is coming soon!
........Are you ready?.....The door is open, He is standing with arms wide open, beckoning you to come. His mercy and grace are yours for the taking, all you have to do is enter in. He has extended you another opportunity, don't be late!!! He will close the door one day, and no matter who you are, or what you have......the door will not be opened. Are you ready??

Friday, January 8, 2010

True Forgiveness

There are a lot of verses in the Bible that deal with forgiveness. Forgiveness is the very core of salvation. In order to be saved we must accept God's forgiveness of our sins. It is very easy to talk about God's forgiving grace and His forgiving mercy......His forgiving. Let the preacher get on the topic of how wonderful God's forgiveness is........and just watch it break out all over the house!

But, turn the tide....let's talk about us being the ones to forgive...........and things can get quiet, very quickly. Matthew 6:14, 15 "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; But if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." This flesh has a real problem with that! It easily argues: 'you don't know what they did to me!'

One of Satan's wiles, or crafty deceptions that he uses to destroy the joy of our salvation and stop our christian growth and fellowship is through unforgiveness. If he can plant that seed in your heart...then all he has to do is sit back and watch it grow. Watch it turn into anger, then to bitterness.......which in turn results in a very cold, hard christian who is so far from God that he is absolutely of no value!

As God as my witness, I try to keep this seed of unforgiveness from taking root into my soul. It is often hard to do. Every so often, I like to take inventory of myself. I try to keep check on this rotten flesh of mine. I had an incident in my adolescence that I had no control over, and was not my fault, though I struggled with that fact for many years. This incident was very bad, but with God's protective hand helping me, it could have been a whole lot worse. However, it did change my life. I did what I am so good at doing.........I built a wall, kept that little secret safely tucked away so it wouldn't hurt me again.

Well, that is a lie straight from the pits of Hell, because it often climbed over those walls I built to disturb me. I told no one about it for many years....not even if He didn't know already. As a matter of fact I have only told 2 people about it to this very day. I have also talked with the Lord about it, and even though I never was given the reason of why it happened, I felt pretty secure in the fact that I had forgiven this person.

God knows that we are human, and though he tells us to forgive, He understands that we often times cannot forget. But by not careful not to keep that little grudge going. When something awful happens, we are to forgive, but that doesn't mean we are to go on as if it didn't happen. This person never spoke of what happened to me, never asked me for forgiveness. The few times I saw this person down through the years, I wanted to scream, "How can you look at me, talk to me, as if nothing ever happened?!?" But, taking it to the Lord in prayer, I would find a release, a sweet peace.

It wasn't until recently, staring down into the casket of this person, that I finally figured out true forgiveness. I had forgiven, but, I, often, would give it back to the he could find me at a weak moment, and try to plant it all over again. Beside that casket that day, I let it go, released that awful moment in time, and while it did change my life, I chose to make it a good change. I read this statement and it was exactly what I was feeling that day: "I choose peace. I will live forgiven. I will forgive so that I may live." YES! Freedom, that is what I got that day.......I had truly forgiven. God truly forgave me that day on the cross so that I may have eternal life.....and I finally totally released my forgiveness to this person so that I can live! What a sweet release!

So, if you are struggling to forgive someone or one said it would be easy. But, get in God's Word, and let Him guide you. Whether they ever ask for forgiveness or not...for your well being and spiritual peace......truly forgive them.....and LIVE!!!!

Being A Witness

I John 5:9 "If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son."

We talk a lot about being a witness. God certainly wants us to be a witness of His love to the lost. He also wants us to be a witness to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It is something that each of us should work at. It is often hard, but we are commanded to do so.

Often times, we focus on passing that tract, 'witnessing' to a lost person, living a christian life in front of a lost and dying world. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing all of that. And if we are honest, it is something that we all need to do a lot more of.

I began to think about how I need to witness, and the ways that I do witness. Then I realized something.....what we do, how we live everyday is a witness.......whether it be good or bad. We often focus on how to be a good witness, and teach how to witness, and give examples of how to be a good witness.......and we should.

But, we are witnesses, all the time, whether we want to be or not. Everyone is a witness. That sinner is a him long enough, and his witness will show you he is lost. If the world watches us long enough....will it show that we are christians? That angry glare, honk of the horn, wreckless driving...and God forbid that famous hand gester.....what kind of witness did that total stranger just see?......oh, we don't know them, they don't know us, and chances are, we will never see them again......but believe me our witness just spoke volumes! Letting off a little steam...a little curse word slipping out.........what harm can it do? would be surprised. Listening to that little off color joke, or story at work.........what will it hurt? Well........little things often build.....and your testimony can be damaged.

Sinners are just waiting to prove that they are just as good as christians, so they don't need salvation. Young christians are like sponges and are absorbing every ounce of christianity that we are spilling out........if it is christianity that we are spilling out.

I'm not saying that we have to be perfect......we will never be perfect in the flesh. I'm saying to think..........before we react, remember that we are being a witness, whether it is a good one, or a bad the popular slogan says...."What would Jesus do?"

I have to say, oh me, Father forgive me, and help me to realize that even when I am not thinking about witnessing....that I am being a witness. Help me to be more of a good witness....and less of a bad witness. Help me to decrease, and You to increase!

Fork In The Road

Well, since I was in the silverware draw...I thought I would move from the spoons to the forks!

Joshua 24:15 says, "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye willl serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

That is a very bold verse, but it is so true, and something that everyone of us have to do. As sinners we had to make the choice of accepting the gift of salvation, or not. As christians we also have a choice. Are we really going to serve Christ, or just continue going through life as we see fit?

We face choices everyday....but I think there comes a time in our lives that we all face that fork in the road. It may come in all different packages for each one of us, but, it comes nonetheless. You may come to that fork in the road early in your christian walk...or later on. Your road forks, and there you stand with a choice to make. Which path are you going to take?

Are you satisfied with just being saved? Or, do you want more? Do you really want to live for Christ? Choose you this day whom you will serve..............but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!!! I don't want to be satisfied by being His child...but I want to always actively serve Him!!