Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Renewing

Why is it that the older you get, the faster time seems to go! Wow, it's already the middle of February! This morning as the girls and I were on our way to school, I noticed the pastures. We go by several farms on the way to school. It is beautiful!!! Anyway, I noticed the fields of one of the farms, the pasture was charred and black. They had burned their fields. My daughter asked me why they do that.........and as I explained it to her, I couldn't help but see it in a 'spiritual' context, also.

Nearing the end of winter, before the newness of spring begins to sprout, there is a need for cleansing. By burning their fields, this reduces the pests that have bedded down in the old grass. If these pests are allowed to stay, then they will feast off of the newly seeded fields, and destroy the new hay. Burning the fields also make the new hay more pure. By burning, this burns all the old straw and all the weeds. When new seed is planted, there are no weeds to choke out the newly growing grass. The result is purer hay.........which results in better quality straw. The animals get a better quality hay, and the farmer gets more money for the higher quality of hay.

Have you ever heard the old saying, 'Set your fields on fire.' Well, after looking at that pasture, that is exactly what I want Christ to do in my heart! I want to stay in His Word, and keep working for Christ, keep striving to stay as close to Him as possible. I want Him to 'set my fields on fire', so that I may be cleaner, purer for Him. By staying in His Word, the Bible will make those pests have to flee! It may be the pest of jealousy, or of bitterness.......whatever the 'pest' may be, it will have to go when the fire....the Word of applied to my soul! As a result, I will have a purer, cleaner heart. Christ will have more room in my heart to have His love grow by getting rid of the pests and the weeds in my life!

Sure, the field looks pretty rough right now. You look out and all you see is blackness covering the a matter of fact, my daughter 'snarled' her nose at the sight of it. But just hold a few weeks, when the days start getting longer and warmer, and the sun is shining bright, we are going to drive by that field and we won't recognize it! The grass will be beautiful and green and full, unlike you've ever seen before! That's the way it is in our spiritual life as well. Our heart can look pretty rough for a time, while God's Word is doing it's's burning! But stay on fire for God, stay in His Word..........because pretty soon, when the smoke clears............. your heart will be fresh and clean, ready and worthy of Christ!

I praise God for the 'fires' in my life. They help me get closer to my Father. By getting closer to Him, He is able to use me, and bless me more and more! So go on now.........get in God's Word today..............He'll set your fields on fire!!!!

1 comment:

Lora Weaks said...

I had no clue that is why they did that....thanks for explaining! And...WOW...what insight. Thank you! God knows exactly what we need...every time!