The Bible absolutely amazes me! When thinking about starting a blog, I wondered what I could title it. Rahab came to mind. One of the many women of the Bible that fascinate me! My best friend and I were discussing a topic she was preparing to teach. The topic was letting go of past hurts. While studying, I came across the story of Rahab once again, and her topic came back to me. Don't we all have past hurts? Don't we all have problems, disabilities, situations of life that we all have to conqueor? Rahab was a harlot. She was a nobody in everyone's eyes... which by the way is a perfect vessel for Christ. She wasn't rich or had no 'status' in society, no influence. What could she do? She didn't have much 'head' knowledge of religion... but she had the 'heart' knowledge of the Saviour! She told the spies that she knew the Lord had given them the land and that everyone was afraid of them. They had all heard these stories, they realized that Israel's God....was GOD! Here's the thing, though... she put what she had heard, what had 'made her heart melt', into action! What did she do? The first words out of her mouth, after she had told them that she believed in Israel's God were, "I pray you...." Isn't that a picture of us? We heard the Word and believed in Him, we had the faith to make Him our own. What a picture of the scarlet thread! She was told to place that scarlet thread out her window, and when they came, they would see it and she and her family would be saved! I praise God for the day I made the choice to put that scarlet thread out my heart's window and invite Jesus Christ Himself into my heart! Jesus gave His scarlet blood for us to have life eternal!
She could've held on to her 'hurt' of the past, after all, she was but a harlot! She made the choice right there to follow Christ instead of this old world. She had the chance to impress the king (a picture of the world)...she could've told the king just what he wanted to hear, and the spies would've been killed. Guess what....Jericho would've fallen anyway, but Rahab and her family would've been lost as well. God doesn't need us to fulfill His plan! If we can ever get to that understanding.......its nothing in us..........its ALL in Him. Listen to that old hymn when you sing, "He's all I need, He's all I need...Jesus is all I need." We need Him.......not the other way around! That precious scarlet thread allows little ole me to be part of His royal family!!
By making faith an action verb, Rahab and her family were not only spared, but she is forever in the 'hall of faith' in Hebrews 11 and became part of the lineage of David and most importantly Jesus Christ himself!! If she had chosen that day to impress the king, none of this would have included her! So many fight so hard to succeed here on earth. They strive for the praise of their spouse, their employer, their friends, even strangers...when they ought to strive for God's approval, only there will they find eternal life, eternal blessings! Our feeble eyes cannot see past today, we don't know what lies ahead. If we make the right choices, our blessings will grow far more than our imaginations can ever imagine! By helping those spies, Rahab's life was spared....oh but let's look at how that blessing grew! It was enough, being kept alive, Rahab and her family...but look at how much more she received. When she married Salmon and they had a precious baby boy Boaz...what a blessing! But she didn't know that one day Boaz would marry Ruth, that she would receive Obed as a grandson who would in turn have Jesse, who would bring David into this world...and so on until eventually Jesus Christ! What a great legacy she has! When we get saved, we are so thankful to be saved from hell, we cannot possibly imagine just how our blessings will grow! Let's don't forget that we are still human. There will still be mistakes, hurts in our lives. But we must look past those hurts, and make them a positive for Jesus Christ! Who knew this little Canaanite harlot would ever become part of the lineage of Jesus Christ! We are the ones that limit our walk with Christ...not the other way around. he does not limit us by where we come from or what sins we've committed...we do that! If we could ever let go of the 'hurts, the 'buts', the 'what ifs', the 'becauses' of this life and just have the faith of Rahab, make the right follow much the more could our Heavenly Father use us? What kind of lineage could we leave behind?
I praise God for that day when I was a 7 yr. old girl, when I hung that scarlet thread out and God took notice and saved my soul! I've never regreted that choice! I've made a lot of mistakes down through the years, but He has always been there with me and for me. Looking back over the years I stand amazed out how God has allowed my blessing to grow! My heart's desire is to continue to choose to live for Him and watch His blessings grow in my life! Thank you god for that scarlet thread that forever allowed you to live in my heart!!
1 comment:
You've finally done it! I'm so happy! I have been touched and blessed by your thoughts for a long time and now others can be encouraged and blessed as well! I too love Rahab, what a reminder that God does not see us as what we are but as what we can be through Him! Hallelujah! We don't have to have great abilities, just availability and a willing heart! God bless you my dear friend for doing this....keep on writing...any time the Lord speaks! We all benefit from it!
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