Thursday, November 6, 2008

Christ is My Anchor!

"Upon life's boundless ocean where mighty billows roll, I've fixed my hope in Jesus, blest anchor of my soul; When trials fierce assail me as storms are gathering o'er, I rest upon His mercy and trust Him more.

I've anchored in Jesus, the storms of life I'll brave, I've anchored in Jesus, I'll fear no wind or wave. I've anchored in Jesus, for he hath power to save, I've anchored to the Rock of Ages."

My former pastor's wife sings this song, "I've Anchored In Jesus", precious old hymn. I've always loved it. It paints a wonderful picture. I don't know if you know much about boating, I don't; but, I've had some experience with it. My husband and I used to have a small bass boat. We loved to go fishing, this was 'BC', you know, 'before children'! Anyway, I loved to be out on the water! It's so serene there. You always pass by lakes, or sometimes are on the shore of one, but to be out in the middle, the view is awesome!

Many times we would get to one of our favorite spots to fish. We would want to stay there for awhile, so we would cast the anchor. Now alot of times it wouldn't even seem like we needed one. The water would be so calm. But, if not for that anchor we would start to drift from our favorite spot. Then at other times, if we didn't have that anchor holding we would've capsized! Let a boat 2 or 3 times bigger than yours come barreling down the water, and see what happens! The wake from the bigger boat would hit, and you would think you are going to sink. But, you see, the anchor would hold. It was the one constant that wouldn't move, therefore, it kept us in place!

Oh, praise the Lord, for that day I anchored in Jesus! What a sweet peace to know that whatever storm comes my way, He will hold me. So many are just drifting, they have no anchor. They are at the mercy of whatever winds are blowing. And when troubles come, and the waves roar, they can capsize! Aren't you glad that nothing is too big for our God! Oh that blessed Rock of Ages, God forever is my anchor!

1 comment:

Lora Weaks said...

The Anchor Holds
Though the ship is battered
The anchor holds
Though the sails are torn
I have fallen on my knees
As I braved the raging sea
And the anchor holds
In spite of the storm

Thank you Jesus for being my anchor!!