Tuesday, October 28, 2008

God is our Protection

My goal is to daily get in God's Word. Most days, I do, but I regretfully say, there are days that I do let things hinder me from reading God's Word. No excuses, just fact, I don't always do it. But, I am grateful for His new mercies that He gives us each day. Just because I stumble, doesn't mean I'm down for the count! I have the choice each day to put Christ first, and to serve Him! I'm so thankful for the scripture in Micah 7:8, "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me." What a blessed nugget God gave me in my study time this morning! Let that verse sink in! He didn't say 'if' I fall or 'if' I sit in darkness, but he said, 'when'. You see my friend, we are NOT guaranteed smooth sailing just because we are a child of God. We are still in this old human nature and the enemy still rages, but, don't stop there, don't dwell on that fact, because we are protected by our precious Saviour! The enemy may laugh, they may even rejoice when we fall, but just hold on......God will lift us up again, in those dark days when all hope seems to be gone, no answer is there and no one seems to care..........God will enlighten your way. What a precious promise! Titus 1:2 tells us that God cannot lie, so hold to that promise!

I like to find a verse during my study to try to memorize. I feel that it pleases God for us to 'hide His Word in our heart.' I will admit to you, I stink at memorization. It just won't stick with me, but I won't give up, I keep trying anyway. God certainly could have given up on me so many times, and didn't, so who am I to give up on doing His work! Today's nugget for me was found in Nahum 1:7, "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them who trust in him." What a blessing! What another testimony to God's protection! A stronghold is a defensible place, a place that is fortified. Reminds me of when I was a child, whatever fears I had, I knew exactly where my stronghold was...........my Momma's lap! Whatever the trouble or fear, if I could just make it to my Momma, then everything would be alright! How much the more is our Heavenly Father a stronghold for us? I am so fortunate to still have my Mom with me. She was 84 in March. I still feel safe with her, but, I know I won't always have her, and she cannot always be there when I need her. But my God, He can go with me anywhere, anytime! What a sweet consolation! Why do we let Satan scare us so much, why do we let him back us into a corner? Child of the King, it's time to arise, take hold of the scripture and know..........KNOW that God is our stronghold in the day of trouble, KNOW that he knows them that trust in him! He will be there to pick us up and to light our pathways during our darkest hours! Keep your head up, and feel the warmth of His neverending protection! But, let's remember the rest of the verse.......'he knoweth them who trust in him.' We've got some responsibility, too! Yes, he will see us through everything, yes, he will lift us up again, yes he will be a light in our darkness, yes he will be our stronghold...but if we don't trust in him, we won't realize it, we won't get to enjoy it! If I don't trust in him, then how can he be that stronghold for me? As a child, when I would get scared, if I didn't go get in Mom's lap, then it wouldn't have calmed me. If I hadn't have trusted that she could help me, then it wouldn't have meant a thing to me. Let's TRUST in God as our stronghold, then you're going to see some mountains in your life start to move! It's one thing to say that God is your stronghold, but to believe it, to trust him, then that makes that stronghold real.........real to you!

So join with me today, let's put these 2 verses in our memories so that when we falter, when we get scared, we can pull them out and remember God's protection!

Micah 7:8 "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy; when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me."

Nahum 1:7 "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him."

1 comment:

Lora Weaks said...

Thanks for sharing that nugget! Those verses are awesome! I'm so thankful for the times when he gives us new insight into His word and we understand just a little more about what a GREAT God we serve!