Friday, June 1, 2018

Are You a Slave or a Servant?

Well, some may ask, isn't that the same thing?  They are similar, but there are differences.  A slave is a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them. A servant is a person who performs duties for others, especially a person employed in a house on domestic duties or as a personal attendant.  A servant has a choice, it is more of an occupation, and may even get paid for his/her work.  A slave has no choice, has no pay, has nothing.  To use slave as a verb, it means to work excessively hard.  Whereas, to serve means devoting help to others. When we are enslaved to Satan, we are caused to lose our freedom of choice and action.  We are his slave.  However, if we are saved, then we are a servant of Christ. He is the perfect gentleman, giving us the choice of whom we serve.  As a Christian, we are given a servant's heart.  We have, or should have a desire to be helpful, no matter a person's circumstances and situation, having compassion to want to help.  We are no longer in bondage to this old sinful world.  We are no longer tossed to and fro, with no hope, no chance, enslaved forever!

Praise the Lord, I am no longer a slave!  I have a servant's heart, full of desire to help and love as Christ!  However, our soul is saved, but this flesh is not.  So it is a constant battle between the two. Romans 7:21-25, "I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:  But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.  O wretched man that I am? who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.  So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin."  We daily have to decide, are we going to serve the Lord today, or are we going to give into the flesh.

With all that being said, I want to focus on this thought:  what kind of server are we?
There are ME-servers.  These folks always put self first. I can't help others or do anything for others until I have done all I need or want for myself.  Oh, they may not say those exact words out loud, but their actions say it for them. 
Then there are the WE-servers.  It's all about my family and no one else.  It's all about my job and no one else.  It's all about my religion and no one else.  These are often known as 'clicks'.  Some go so far with it, that they are known as a 'cult'.  I can't help you, I won't help you unless you are in my circle.
But, we need to strive to always, daily be HE-servers!  As Christians, we are to be Christ-like.  We are to do as He does, do as He would do.  Have compassion on anyone and everyone no matter their circumstance or situation.  If we have anything or anyway that can lend help, then that is just what we are supposed to do.

God, forgive me for being a ME and a WE server, help me each morning to wake up and feed the spiritual man and starve the flesh.  Help me to crucify my flesh, put on my whole armour of God and be a HE-server.  Thank you that I am no longer a slave to the flesh!  I will gladly serve You, oh Lord, my Helper, my Refuge, my Strength.  May I always see others through your eyes, may I always have a servant's heart!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Have you been to the Tailor?

Have you ever worn anything that was tailor made just for you?  Perhaps you've gone to prom, or your wedding and your tuxedo or formal dress had to be altered to fit you.  As you look for the tuxedo or dress that you desire....they are all basically the same, made of material and thread...they may have different designs and colors, but basically the same.  However, how that dress fits me, will not be how it fits you.  Therefore, we must have a Tailor add material, or cut material, hem, and alter the garment just for us.

Ephesians 6:11, "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."  verse 13, "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."

We all know how Ephesians chapter six breaks down the specific gear in our armour.  I have studied it many times.  However, a new thought came to me.  Have you made sure that your armour is tailor-made for you?  Recently I was at a church that had a christian comedian come.  The show was great....however, during intermission, the Pastor came on stage and began to give a description and draw a diagram on how we are broken, and only God can fix us....the plan of salvation.  He didn't give any scripture reference, but he did give a great picture of salvation.  Here is where I have the is the Holy Spirit that must do the 'wooing' in our hearts.  We must be under conviction in order to be born again.  We can hear the plan of salvation a 1000 different ways, but if God isn't speaking to our does no good.  So, after this pastor gave his 'talk'...he then had everyone bow their heads and recite a prayer...then quickly announced for everyone to grab the 'card' left in their seats and if we had just accepted Christ by reciting this prayer, to check the 'yes' box on that card and a member of his staff will contact us and get us a copy of a '7 step' booklet that we will need. Huh???  I know that salvation is an individual thing, but here is the thing....if I recited those words with him....that doesn't give me salvation.......UNLESS, I had already been under conviction and was sincerely praying a prayer.  I am saddened to say that so many churches have lost sight of, or gotten ahead of God, if you will, in order to have a bragging 'number' on how many get 'saved' at their special events.  How many folks will be cast into Hell on judgement day when God tells them to depart for He never knew them?  How many will look at these churches, point to them and say, "Wait a minute, God.....they told me to recite a prayer, and I did.....did that not 'save' me???  It is scary many people are walking around with false hope that they got 'saved' once when they signed that card at a church that one time?????

Back to my question.....have you, personally, been to the Tailor?  You see, it doesn't matter that grandma was a great christian, it doesn't matter that Mama was a prayer warrior, or that grandpa was a deacon, a Sunday School teacher, that Aunt Sue shouted all over the church, or that Uncle Bill sang solos in the church.......that won't help you any!  You cannot wear someone else's tux, or prom dress, or wedding won't fit has to be tailored just for you.  You can't get to Heaven because your parents were saved.  You can't get to Heaven because someone had you recite a prayer and sign a card at Vacation Bible PERSONALLY have to go to the Tailor and get your OWN armour!

John 6:44, "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him; and I will raise him up at the last day.'  The first part of salvation is the beginning, the knowledge of knowing, realizing that you are lost.  If I have just had a big meal, I'm not hungry, and food won't appeal to me.  Same thing with salvation.  If the sweet Holy Spirit isn't dealing with my heart, if my soul isn't distressed and in search of help for my lost condition, then all your diagrams, words, or cards will not save me.  I cannot get to Heaven on your good deeds.  I cannot get to Heaven on your prayers.  It is an individual thing, it is is tailor-made.

I beg you, if you repeated a prayer as a child, or even older, but you see no difference in your life, if that void has never been filled...please check up and make sure you truly have the real thing....make sure that the 'armour' you are wearing is tailor made for you!  Eternity is too long to be wrong!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

In the Race

Sunday morning, I was sitting in the pew, soaking up a wonderful message that our Youth Pastor was preaching.  Near the end of the message he made a statement that got me to thinking....kind of a Ah Ha moment, if you will.  He was preaching from Deuteronomy 10: 12 on the 4 things that God wants from us:  He wants us to fear Him, follow Him, fall in love with Him, and faithfully serve Him,.  "And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all they soul.."

As he was ending his message, he brought up about serving Him by helping others.  He brought up about running our race, and helping others run theirs.  My mind began to turn....the scripture in 2 Timothy 4:7 played in my mind: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith."....and something stood out to me.  Timothy said, 'I have finished my course...'

Hold up.....wait a minute....he FINISHED his course....he said nothing about winning, or beating anyone else.  Do you see where I am going with this??  We don't have to worry a thing about winning our race...why?  Because Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, has already WON for us!!  All we have to do is participate....we are already winners!!!!!  This is nothing new, I've heard that preached many times, as I am sure you have too....but, here is what stood out to me....

As humans, we compete.  Competition is part of our DNA.  Some have more of a competitive nature than others...but we all have it.  We use that competition to drive us to do better, to do more, to excel.  We use it to motivate us....and, frankly, just to get some folks moving!  It's human nature to want to compete and win over others!  Don't think so??  Well, have you ever been to any sporting event...ever??  We start pretty much at birth....when your baby starts to do you, often, times get them going in a direction you want them to go...when they don't seem to want to budge?...Well, you say, in your cutest little baby voice..."I'm gonna beat you!"  Off you go...what happens??  That baby begins to smile and begins to run to beat you!!  It's who we are!

Let's step back a moment....look at it spiritually and not fleshly.  Galations 5:24-25, "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and the lusts.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." As I said earlier....this life, this race, has nothing to do with winning!  He has already won!  We are ALL winners through Him!!  Thank you, Jesus!!  We've got to step out of our 'human-ness' and realize that it is not a competition either!

While competition has it's place in our earthly society, it does not in our spiritual one!  I work with over 1300 children every day.  I wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard, 'Hey, he 'cutted' in front of me!"  or for every time I have told them, 'Slow down and walk!  Stay in your are all going to the same place, and no one gets a prize for being the first in the classroom!'  DING DING DING!!  I need to apply that to my spiritual walk!  Jesus Christ has won the race for us....we ALL get the prize!  No one gets any more of Heaven than any other Christian!!

So....let's stop competing with each other, in a race where we all receive the blue ribbon!  Instead of instinctively competing...let's stop and help each other along the way!  You see a brother or sister who is lagging behind....we are to go to them, and help them.  Some get so 'spiritual' that their human nature of competition kicks in and they go along their race passing others, not seeing their need, much less stopping to help!  God help me to continually realize that the race has already been won...we have no better benefits by trying to beat each other to the finish line.  The benefit is helping each other along the way....only then do we see and show the true love of Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Are You Following a Magician, or Are You Following The Master?

Watching prophesy being fulfilled, and this world in the sick shape it's in....I have to wonder....just who are people following??  Matthew 7:14 tells us, "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way,which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."  Revelation tells us of all the signs to watch for and all the things to come before Jesus' return.  I know things will be worse, instead of better....but I have to believe that so many, so called Christians, have been given a counterfeit!  I am not judging, but upon inspecting their fruits...they don't have the attributes of a child of God.

Now let me explain the title...bear with me.  In my Sunday School class, we are studying the book of Acts.  It has been a wonderful study, and I have learned so much!  We see how Jesus continued with the disciples for 40 days after His resurrection.  We see Him ascend to the Father and how the disciples waited in prayer for 10 days in the upper room for the Comforter, the Holy Spirit to come.  We see the day of Pentecost, and all the souls saved, and the beginning of the church.  The religious world did not like it one bit!  They had crucified and buried this so called 'son of God', this good man, this prophet, the person who was totally messing up their 'religion'.  They thought they were done, and could continue on their own way.  They brought Peter and John before the Sanhedrin council, who warned them to stop preaching about this Jesus.  However, they continued to serve the Lord, and the church continued to grow.  They again brought them before the council, they also put them in jail and beat them, again, telling them to stop spreading the gospel.  But, Peter an John continued to preach, and God continued to bless them.

Well, Satan couldn't get rid of God's people, His church that way, so he began to work in the church.  A man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira lied about what they had given to the church, and God killed them.  God will not allow the destruction of His message being sent out!  The church continued to grow, so much so that the disciples couldn't do all the work needed.  So they appointed deacons to help.  Stephen was one,  and we know that the council falsely accused him of blaspheming against God, the church, the law, and Moses....and as he stood in the boldness of God and preached to them, they were so angered that they rose up and stoned him to death.

In walks Saul now.  He is a hater of the church.  He was killing anyone who proclaimed the name of Jesus.  He went further than the council did.  The council brought them in front of the council...Saul would go into their own houses and drag them out and kill them.  He didn't try to just kill the leaders of the church; he killed the lay members as well!  This scared the church members, so they began to spread out through other cities.  But, they didn't stop preaching His Word!  This was fulfilling God's will, the gospel must be spread to all nations!

Now, in chapter 8, we see that Philip went down to Samaria and preached.  He also performed miracles in Jesus' name.  Here is the point I am trying to make.....A certain man called Simon, came out and saw Philip preach and perform these miracles.  You see, Simon was a magician.  He had bewitched the Samaritans with his tricks for years,  and now here is Philip, taking his thunder.  Philip was taking Simon's followers.  In verse 13 we see where Simon himself believed also....or did he?  If we stop at this verse, we think...awww....that's great!  All is well....but hold on..Peter and John come to town because they had heard that the Samaritans had received the Word of God and now needed the Holy I'm not saying that you don't get the Spirit when you get saved...this scripture isn't saying that either.  This was the first church and the beginning of the spread of the gospel, and in order for the Jews to accept the Samaritans...Peter and  John had to come.  Anyway...

Simon has followed Philip around and has seen his powers... now he sees Peter and John performing miracles.....and.....he wants in on it!  He can't take it anymore! The façade he wore was now gone.  Simon had no humility, no desire to do God's was all about him!  Peter quickly put him in his place and told him his heart was not right with God!  Simon may have had Philip  believing he was saved, but Ole Peter saw through him! I don't know that Simon ever really got it though.  Even with Peter's reprimand, instead of falling to his knees and repenting...he asked Peter to pray that nothing bad would come upon him.....again, Simon was worried about self, instead of serving the Lord!

Back to my question, Are you following a magician, or are you following the Master?  Do a self examination and see if you truly have salvation.  See if you are truly serving the Lord and not self, or other people, or pleasures of this world.  The gate to destruction is very broad and many go therein...don't be part of the crowd!  Get in God's Word and study it, know what you believe!  God forbid anyone die and go to hell by listening to false doctrines, false beliefs!  Try the spirits....God will prove Himself, every time!  Just because it sounds good, or the crowd seems to follow, doesn't mean it is real.  There are many that seem to have a servant's heart, but they are only in it for themselves.  Don't fall prey to Satan's devices!  Get rooted and grounded in God's Word, and then stand boldly for the Lord!  Satan's façade will have to fall!  There is victory in Jesus!  Try it and see!!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Christ-Like versus Christ-ish

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God."  -- Romans 12:2

"Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ?  shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot?  God forbid.  What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body?  for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.  But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. Flee fornication.  Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.  What?  know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God, and YE ARE NOT YOUR OWN?  For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, WHICH ARE GOD'S." -- 1 Corinthians 6: 15-20

"He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked." -- 1John 2:6

"If you love me, keep my commandments." -- John 14:15

"That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." -- Ephesians 4:22-24

"In ALL thy ways ACKNOWLEDGE him, and he shall direct thy paths.  Be not wise in thine OWN EYES; FEAR THE LORD, and DEPART from evil.  It shall be health to the navel, and marrow to thy bones." -- Proverbs 3: 5-8

Here's my warning.....if you are not a mature Christian, then you may not digest this well.  I am not going to argue, nor am I going to be argumentative.

We often use the word 'christian' too flippantly.  If you aren't, or if you are not going to live it, then do not call yourself a Christian.  To be a Christian is to be Christ-like.  We are to be like Christ. We are different now.  We should not want to do, or have the desires to do the things of this world and flesh.  When first saved, it is understandable to have to learn. You don't give a baby a steak, no they start on formula, work up to soft mashed foods, and so forth.  I'm not trying to be that stiff Christian that beats you over the head for everything.  However, I am saying that as we grow in Christ, we should become more and more like Him.  Sad to say, we have so many Christians that are still babes in Christ.  They never learn or grow, but remain on the 'bottle' their entire lives.  That is not God's will for our lives.  But, He is also that perfect Gentleman, who gave us the choice.  We can accept Him or we can not...our choice.  We can also be Christ-like...or we can just be Christ-ish.  You can have as much or as little God in your life as you want.

This is where the rubber hits the road.  Sinners...the world....they are just being themselves.  They are living for themselves, numero uno.....and that is fine, that is all they know.  They have a hole in their soul that they are trying their best to fill.  There is happiness in the world, but not a true lasting joy.  We all have our own opinions and thoughts on things that are 'right and wrong'.  But your opinions don't matter, at least not when it comes to what the Bible says.  And of course, we want to make the Bible 'say or not say' what we want it to in order to make what we want to do okay.  We are human.

Let's look at some things that sinners do....not pointing a finger, just making a statement.  Sinners do not go to church, do not read the Bible.  Sinners curse and use the Lord's name in vain, they drink, some a little, some a lot, they get tattoos....some a little, some a lot.  They get piercings and gauges. Sinners steal, some rape, molest, kidnap and murder. They have sex before marriage, they live together without the license of marriage.  Sinners sell their bodies, sell and take drugs.  Sinners dress any way they want. Sinners go to clubs, bars, etc.  Do all sinners do this?  No.  There are sinners who dress modestly, there are sinners who do not drink or curse. Let's face it, there are some that even go to church.  There are sinners that don't do or sell drugs, don't party and go to bars.......but, can we agree....whatever they do, or don't do, without accepting Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, then they are still lost, they are still a sinner.

Now let's look at Christians....we are no longer our own, we've been bought with a price.  We are His.  Does that sound mean? Well, if you are truly a Christian it doesn't.  IF you have truly been saved you should have new desires.  Desires to please the Father and not the flesh.  Is that a daily battle?  Yes!!  We must daily crucify the flesh!  Being a Christian is not's not for wimps, it's for warriors!

However, God is not going to force you to be Christ-like.  You will be blessed more, you will gain spiritually if you do. The more you grow and know of God, the more you want to know and grow!  But, sadly, there are more Christ-ish Christians around today.  The world certainly doesn't care to become a Christian, conviction is getting harder and harder...why?  Because the world cannot see a difference between themselves and a Christian anymore.  Some Christians are so hard nosed, stiff necked that they run sinners off by telling them what they are doing wrong, instead of extending love and grace and letting GOD show them what they are doing is wrong.  It is our place to love, not judge.  However....we are scripturally commanded to be transformed from this world.

Too many Christians now blur the lines, live life right on the edge....why?  Because they are not crucifying the flesh and feeding the spirit.  Or they are feeding more to the flesh than to the spirit.  That dude has long hair.  That girl has piercings in her nose, all over her ears, lips, eyebrows, gauges in her lobes.  That person has tattoos....oh but all of that is not specifically written in the Bible...thou shalt not have a tattoo, thou shalt not have a beer......oh come on, quit splitting hairs...that's what we did as a kid to our parents to try to sway them into letting us do what we wanted to do. That is the enemy whispering in your ear, selling you a con straight from the pits of Hell.  Why would the world want what we have when we look like they do, speak like they do, dress like they do, do things  they do, go where they do???

Jesus came to save the world, so that we may have eternal life.  Being Christ-like, we are to have that same goal, to lead others to salvation.  I am not in any way saying I am judging someone.  But we are fruit inspectors....if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, sounds like a duck...chances's a duck!!  Are you Christ-like or just Christ-ish?  Are you truly sold out to serving the Lord?  I'm not telling you that everything is wrong and as a Christian you can no longer have fun or do anything.  But, we must live a life that points others to Christ.  Like my Mother always said....listen to that little voice in your head...your gut...if it's warning you, then something is wrong and don't do it.  She also said, if you have to ask if it's wrong, chances are, it is.  We live in a world that has the philosophy, if it feels right, do it.  It's your body, it's your life, you can do whatever you want.  Well, if you are a Christian....that's a lie that Satan has sold you.  You are no longer your own.  You are God's, you better get His permission before you make a decision.  I'm not perfect, I make mistakes every day.  I am weak, I am no match for this flesh nor Satan.  That's why I daily have to put the whole armour of God on and STAND.  My heart's desire is to be more Christ-like every day.  Where the argument insues is that as a Christian we aren't where we should be, and when we feel that tug of conviction, then the enemy whispers in your ear that oh you are okay, those goody two shoes are just judging you...they are hating on you because they aren't you.  Pray, pray and pray again.  God does not tempt you, he would never lead you somewhere that you should not go, nor get you to do something you should not do.  Seek His will first.  He never fails.  God help me to be what you want me to be, to lead others to You.  God forgive me, and help me not to be a hinderance to anyone's Christian walk...sinner or Christian!  People are watching you......Y-O-U are the only Bible some folks ever read!