What does it matter? Why do I even try?? No one even cares. These thoughts ever cross your mind? Well of course they have! Everyone has felt this way at times. We are human, and Satan is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Recently I was at a Ladies Tea. The speaker was awesome, she had the Spirit of the Lord all over her. She quoted a scripture to help bring out one of her points, and that scripture was a light bulb moment for me. It was not a new scripture to me, I have read it many times, and heard it quoted in many sermons over the years. But, in that moment, I saw it in a new light.
Matthew 10:30, "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Very simple statement. And, I can hear you now....okay, that's cool.....But WAIT....it is! It is so cool!!! Luke also mentions this very statement in 12:7, "But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore;ye are of more value than many sparrows." I could do a whole other blog on the sparrows....but that is for another time, perhaps.
My hair on my head is numbered....so what? Well, I will tell you.....it is so awesome to think that our Creator actually knows how many hairs are on our very heads, right? Well, get this....He not only knows how many hairs are on our head, but he has them numbered........not just counted.....but NUMBERED!! What's the difference? Well, I thought you would never ask!!
As verbs the difference between count and numbering is that count is to recite numbers in sequence to tally quantity, while numbering is a sequence of numbers indicating order or otherwise used for identification. Did you get that? One of the things I do as a school nurse is hand out a medical record information card to each student. Before I do this, I count each card to make sure I have enough for each student. But once the students receive them and start filling them out and turning them in, I then number them. By numbering them, I can tell who has, and who has not turned them back in to me. Oh yeah, I see that light bulb above your head going off now......
God cares so much for all of us that He not only counts the hairs on our heads, but He numbers them!! He cannot only tell you how many hairs you have on your head, but He can tell you that hair number 112, 245, and 16 came out as you were brushing your hair this morning!!! Let that sink in for a minute!
When we are counted....we are just a 'number'....but when we are numbered, then we have an identity! You can be in a crowd, at the DMV (department of motor vehicles) and someone can count 30 people in the room. Well, that's great, but you won't get service until you 'take a number'. When you are assigned a number, then you have an identity, you are no longer 'just a part of the crowd' that is counted!!
Thank you, Lord for caring so much for me that even the hairs of my head have a number....have an identity to You! No matter how alone we feel, or how much we feel that no one cares............HE CARES!!!