As humans, for that matter.....we go through storms of various shapes and sizes all of our lives. It is up to us on how we react to them, what we do while in them, and what we learn from them. Speaking from my past, I know I have done well through some....and no doubt, failed through some. But the one constant through them all has been Jesus! He loves us no matter how we react during the storms. But nothing pleases Him more than when we endure the storm through Him, by Him, and glorify Him.
Recently, I have been dealing with probably the greatest storm I have ever gone through in my entire life. I don't feel the need to share the details of this storm right now, but know that I would have never imagined that I would have to face it. Storms are put in our lives, one, because we are made of flesh, and things are going to happen....and two, storms keep us humble and remind us that we ARE flesh...and all things are done through Christ, and for His glory...and not our own! He is in control!
Through my soon to be 43 yrs of life, I have had my share of well as blessings. I have been saved for 35yrs of my life.....I've never one time regretted being saved nor have I ever been forsaken. It took some time and maturing, but I can say I have learned from past storms, and have gotten stronger.
This current storm has really taught me to lean on Him. This storm has separated the supposed to be friends from my true friends. While it is disheartening, it is a blessing to truly know who my friends are. And of course, the friend who sticketh closer than a brother has not let me down! a sad is some of my christian friends that want to keep the negativity of this storm swirling around me. As christians we are supposed to build our brothers and sisters up, and point the lost to Christ. Sadly, christians...or so called christians....tend to tear their fellow brothers and sisters down, judge them.....and live just like the lost!
It's easy to see the negative side of things. That seems to be our human nature. Something negative will definitely move around the rumor mill a whole lot faster than anything postive! Believe me, my family has been the talk of the town. Everyone loves to stare and whisper....and walk around me on eggshells. Satan would have me to stay focused on all of that. All the sad, bad, negative details that have happened. Where does that get me? How does that help me get closer to Christ?
Yes, this is a terrible storm. Yes, this was not God's perfect was His permissive will. Yes, I could wallow around in all the pity and sadness. But, I CHOOSE to allow Christ to shine through this storm! I want others to see how Christ has done a work through this. How He has made our mess a masterpiece for His glory! I will choose to look at the positives in this storm! We often see the dark clouds, the dark skies, the scary winds, the rough rain. We see the damage those things bring. But, the sun comes out and evaporates the rain waters, the sky gets bright and blue again. The grass, and flowers, and gardens flourish because the storm came through! The wind benefited the trees by shaking loose the limbs that needed to be pruned away.............the list of positives go on and on!
We keep a barrel to catch rain water here, so we can water our garden with it. That is a blessing! The storms come and fill that barrel. If that barrel is turned over, its just a waste. Its of no help. If we let our storms turn us sideways or turn us over........than what good will we be for Christ? When the storms focused on Christ so that through that storm you can be a vessel to be used later on for Him!!!!!
So, the next time a storm hits you my friend..........CHOOSE to look at the positives in the storm, and as a result of the storm you will be stronger. Stay a vessel that God can use!!