Our choir sings a beautiful song called, "Glimpse of Glory". It talks about how our wonderful Father will give His children a 'glimpse of glory' while they are on their christian walk. I praise His name for those glimpses! This week, He surely did this for me. We just finished our 11th annual Jubilee at our church, Bible Baptist Church. What's that you may ask?.... Well, it is one of the best meetings you'll ever be in! We always start it on the 4th Sunday in March, then it goes through Thursday evening. Starting on Monday we have 10 am services. We serve lunch and then have another service at 2pm. Then dinner is provided for everyone from 5pm until 6:45, with services beginning at 7pm. We have hotels available, as well as some dorm rooms. We have people from about 9 different states come in for this meeting. Preachers and singers are just called from the floor, so you just never know what may go on........you don't want to miss a thing!! People bring their video cameras and set them up in the back, wanting to capture the services and take them home with them! Our church records CD's of every service as well. It is a time of rejoicing, reviving, rejuvenation! It is a time to fellowship with fellow christians. The atmosphere is undescribable! It truly is a glimpse of glory! It is a small taste of how it's going to be when we reach Heaven!
Our church has truly been blessed by hosting this meeting. It is expensive, and tiring, but so worth it! In these 11 yrs. I have made some wonderful friends. We only get to see each other during these meetings, but it's like we've known each other all our lives! After all, that's the way it is when you are brothers and sisters in Christ!
So, if you ever feel like you are alone in this world, or you desire some fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ........come visit with us! It is truly a glimpse of glory! I am homesick for my Heavenly Home after enjoying these past few days!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
'Well done, thou good and faithful servant!'
This fantastic young lady in red is my wonderful 85 years young mother, Battie Jane Stallings Coleman! March 3, 2009, we celebrated her birthday. And of course, with her in this picture are my beautiful daughters, Riley & Kaylea......and of course Bo.....even with his eyes closed, you have to admit he's a cutie!
Mom is an awesome lady! She lives alone, still grows a garden in the back yard, drives, and takes special care of her 92 yr. old best friend! She is my hero and role model! She married my Dad, Charles Coleman, Jr. at the age of 17. They had the best marriage I have ever seen! They were truly in love........even on that awful day that my dad passed away! They were married 57 1/2 yrs. I never heard them fight.......now disagree now and then...yes, but never fight. They went everywhere together, they shared everything. People always commented that you never saw one without the other. They were lovers as well as best friends. They both worked outside the home, but he was man enough to also pull his share of the weight with the housework as well!! If she got home first from work, then she would cook dinner, and he would clean it up, or vice versa. They were quite the pair! They never made alot of money or were famous..........but, they have riches untold! They kept Christ first in their lives...........the whole time! I never asked if we were going to church.......why......because if it was a Sunday or a Wednesday, it went without saying......we were going to church!!! Mom is still faithful to her church. She's the sweetest most humble person I've ever known!
She's had her share of hardships...........more than her share if you ask me! We all have our mountains to climb. But, she always, always lands back on her feet and what a wonderful view she has on the other side of that mountain! She has struggled over the years with a chemical imbalance that causes her, without much warning to go into a severe state of clinical depression. I won't go into all the details, but God has performed many a miracle for that lady! Thank you, Jesus!! She's never given up, never quit. She keeps on living for Christ.
I'm reminded of the story in Matthew chapter 25, where the servants were given the talents, one 5, another 2 and the last one 1. The first two did well and doubled their talents. The lord proclaimed in verses 21 and 23, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
It's not about what you have.........it's what you do with it! There's no stopping place on your christian walk, folks! Don't give up, it's worth every mile, it's worth every trial! Mom is 85 yrs old, her husband has been gone for 9 yrs now this past January. She could've folded her hands and said, 'That's enough. I've done my share." But the joy and blessings she would have missed out on! If you are tired, if you are weary.........then just look at my mom and say if she can keep on keeping on, then so can I! Yes, she just turned 85, but she's still working for her Lord! She reads her Bible and prays daily, she's at church everytime the doors are open.....that counts all revival meetings as well, morning and/or nights! She is still active in her Sunday school class, and is still the treasurer for it. She cooks and delivers the food for the sick and shut ins. She witnesses to everyone she can, and passes out tracts...........and God bless her heart.........she just a couple months ago, was instrumental in a 68 yr. old man who was dying of cancer, to get gloriously saved before he passed away!!!! His family couldn't thank her enough, for now they know that their father is in Heaven today!
So...........shut your mouth.........when you want to say you are too tired, or too old, or too weary to press on! There is no stopping place, no retirement age for christianity! And if you ask Mom, she'll gladly tell you she doesn't regret a minute of it............it gets sweeter every mile! I know in my heart that God has rewarded her with longevity here on earth, as well as a sound mind and body, because of her faithfulness to Him.
Press on pilgrim, press on! One day let's hear those words from our Heavenly Father ....."WELL DONE, THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!"
Monday, March 16, 2009
Even a Pot Belly Pig Can Be Content!
When you are content, you are satisfied and happy. That's something that this old world desperately tries to obtain, but it can never get it! The richer we get..........the more we want! True contentment can only come through the blood of Jesus Christ! We've all been there; it's human nature. We think if I could just get that new car, that new house, that new outfit........things would be so much better, right? Often times we finally do get that new car, or house........and then the bills start coming in, and we are worse than when we started.
God doesn't want it to be that way for us. I was studying on the topic of 'Service that is well pleasing to God', and He wants us to be content in our christian walk! Hebrews 13: 5-6 says, "Let your conversation (conduct) be without covetousness; and be CONTENT with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee; so that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me." Puts things into perspective, doesn't it?
How does a pot belly pig fit into this picture, you may ask? Well, I just love the Sunday morning drive to church. It is the one time during my very busy schedule that I do not have to drive. It takes us around 20 minutes to get to church. We pass a very large horse farm on the way. I've always loved horses, and by not driving, I can really pay close attention to this farm. Almost every Sunday morning, I've noticed that there is a pot belly pig out there in the midst of all those horses. He's as happy as he can be. He is eating right along with the horses, and his tale is wagging as fast as it can. Apparantly he has been there since he was born, and thinks of himself as a horse. He has a particular horse that he runs with, and plays with. It just makes my day to look through the pastures and see him every Sunday morning!
This study on contentment ran through my head this past Sunday morning as I watched the little pig. He's found contentment, and in a place you would never think he should! He looks nothing like a horse! He's short, and very low to the ground, he doesn't have much hair, and what hair he does have, sticks out everywhere, he has a spindly tail, and a short, chubby neck! He has no majestic mane, or elegant gallop! Why is he so happy then? He's satisified with who he is. It doesn't matter what he has or doesn't have..........the horses love and accept him.........God made him a pot belly pig.........and he's happy with it! What we could learn from him! God doesn't make mistakes, and He gently molded and made each one of us! He loves us! We aren't perfect, but as christians, we have someone on the inside of us who is. We can be content in Him, through Him, no matter what our circumstance is.
I couldn't help but smile as we drove by the farm, bow my head, and pray, 'O God, help me to be content with me, with what I have.....because I have You, and You are my helper! I can boldly say that nothing can harm me, for You will never forsake me!' When I was studying contentment, I never thought that God would use a pot belly pig to drive home the point with me.........but I'm so glad he did! God is an awesome God....................and I am content in Him!!
God doesn't want it to be that way for us. I was studying on the topic of 'Service that is well pleasing to God', and He wants us to be content in our christian walk! Hebrews 13: 5-6 says, "Let your conversation (conduct) be without covetousness; and be CONTENT with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee; so that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me." Puts things into perspective, doesn't it?
How does a pot belly pig fit into this picture, you may ask? Well, I just love the Sunday morning drive to church. It is the one time during my very busy schedule that I do not have to drive. It takes us around 20 minutes to get to church. We pass a very large horse farm on the way. I've always loved horses, and by not driving, I can really pay close attention to this farm. Almost every Sunday morning, I've noticed that there is a pot belly pig out there in the midst of all those horses. He's as happy as he can be. He is eating right along with the horses, and his tale is wagging as fast as it can. Apparantly he has been there since he was born, and thinks of himself as a horse. He has a particular horse that he runs with, and plays with. It just makes my day to look through the pastures and see him every Sunday morning!
This study on contentment ran through my head this past Sunday morning as I watched the little pig. He's found contentment, and in a place you would never think he should! He looks nothing like a horse! He's short, and very low to the ground, he doesn't have much hair, and what hair he does have, sticks out everywhere, he has a spindly tail, and a short, chubby neck! He has no majestic mane, or elegant gallop! Why is he so happy then? He's satisified with who he is. It doesn't matter what he has or doesn't have..........the horses love and accept him.........God made him a pot belly pig.........and he's happy with it! What we could learn from him! God doesn't make mistakes, and He gently molded and made each one of us! He loves us! We aren't perfect, but as christians, we have someone on the inside of us who is. We can be content in Him, through Him, no matter what our circumstance is.
I couldn't help but smile as we drove by the farm, bow my head, and pray, 'O God, help me to be content with me, with what I have.....because I have You, and You are my helper! I can boldly say that nothing can harm me, for You will never forsake me!' When I was studying contentment, I never thought that God would use a pot belly pig to drive home the point with me.........but I'm so glad he did! God is an awesome God....................and I am content in Him!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Alone in the Dark
I hate to be scared, don't you? Some love the adrenylin rush from the fear, but I would rather get it another way. Unfortunately, Saturday was one of those times the adrenylin rush was coming straight from the pit of fear. I had worked a very hard shift at the hospital and I was so glad to finally be able to go home. I had driven my husband's Nissan pickup to work. He had errands to run with our children so he would need the bigger car. If you know anything about little straight shift Nissan pickup trucks, then you know that it will do good to hold 2 people.
His truck is always faithful to run and get you anywhere you need to go. On it's last tune up the mechanic said that the engine had plenty of life left in it. The truck is 11 yrs. old. While the engine is faithful, other things are not as faithful. We just replaced a headlight, and the door locks seem to be having some problems. My husband has not been able to unlock the driver's door with the key in a while, and now the passenger side lock is sticking too.
Okay, can you see where I'm headed? It's late, around 7:30 in the evening, and I'm in a back parking lot at the hospital.....alone. Not a good position to be in. My fellow employees have left, and the next shift is hard at work inside. With it being a weekend, and staffing cuts, there are no employees around, and certainly no security patroling. I try the driver's door, but I know it won't open more than likely, it's the one that hasn't opened in a long while. And of course, no luck. So I walk around the truck to the passenger side, feeling in my heart that it will open and 'life will be good'. No luck! Oh boy.........what now? I try, and try, and try again......nothing! I put my jacket and purse........and my full lunch box (I didn't even have time to eat lunch at work) in the back of the truck and begin to do the 'key dance'. You know, jiggle it to the left, then the right, then up, then down, hold tight pressure on the key, hold light pressure, pull on the door handle, release the door handle..............notta, nothing. I can feel that prickly feeling start to run up the back of my neck, my chest starts to feel warm, and my heart begins to pick up speed. I look around, no one is to be found.
Thank God for cell phones!! I quickly call my husband and ask him for the inside trick on how to get into the truck. His answer.................typical male............. "just keep trying the key, maybe it will open." Uh, thanks hon, I'm alone in this dark, scary parking lot, completely worn out, and now hungry since I've eaten nothing all day, and your best advise is to 'try the key'??? What else can he do, though..........really? That's all he can say. Now my mind is starting to turn faster with ideas.............women, you know what I mean! I begin playing all the scenerios in my head. What if someone sees me and grabs me, what if I have to have my husband drive all the way here to pick me up, that'll be at least 20 minutes. What if..... What if..... What if.....
Okay self, calm down!! I whisper a little prayer.........something like, "Jesus, please help me." And, while my husband holds on the line I keep trying the key. A warm breeze begins to blow.........and not outside, I'm talking about the one in my soul! I've been studying in Joshua, and the Lord brought something back into my mind. He began to say....what if....... you trust in ME! I remembered where God told Joshua, just after Moses had died, and he was to lead the people of Israel into the promised land. He said, "....I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Oh, I like those spiritual breezes! The panic that was beginning to rear its ugly head, had to take a step back! God also told Joshua, "Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest." Could it be? YES, my Heavenly Father is right there with me in that lonely dark parking lot!!!
Something seemed to say, 'go try that driver's door again'. It certainly wasn't my husband, he was silent on the phone, wanting to help, but he couldn't. I didn't question the advise, after all, my Heavenly Father was on the scene! I ran over to the driver's side, and inserted the key...nothing. It won't even try to turn. At least the other side wiggles some. I just kept trying and........pop! The door unlocked and I gladly told my husband that I was headed home!!!
Was it just good luck, was it just a chance, or a coincidence? No way! God was faithful to His Word, and He took care of me...........I give Him all the praise and the glory!!! If I let myself think about all that could have happened to me........it's scary! But God was with me the whole time protecting me.........and then opening the lock for me! I could feel a protective arm around my shoulders as I concentrated on opening the door. He said He'd be with us where ever we go.......and He is! My friends were gone, they couldn't help, no one else was available, my husband was limited by distance and could only give support over the phone. Isn't it so wonderful to know that no matter where you are, just call out His name and He will be there! Let me tell you, the ride home was a sweet one!
Next time you are alone in the dark...............just call out His name........somewhere in the shadows, you'll find Jesus!
His truck is always faithful to run and get you anywhere you need to go. On it's last tune up the mechanic said that the engine had plenty of life left in it. The truck is 11 yrs. old. While the engine is faithful, other things are not as faithful. We just replaced a headlight, and the door locks seem to be having some problems. My husband has not been able to unlock the driver's door with the key in a while, and now the passenger side lock is sticking too.
Okay, can you see where I'm headed? It's late, around 7:30 in the evening, and I'm in a back parking lot at the hospital.....alone. Not a good position to be in. My fellow employees have left, and the next shift is hard at work inside. With it being a weekend, and staffing cuts, there are no employees around, and certainly no security patroling. I try the driver's door, but I know it won't open more than likely, it's the one that hasn't opened in a long while. And of course, no luck. So I walk around the truck to the passenger side, feeling in my heart that it will open and 'life will be good'. No luck! Oh boy.........what now? I try, and try, and try again......nothing! I put my jacket and purse........and my full lunch box (I didn't even have time to eat lunch at work) in the back of the truck and begin to do the 'key dance'. You know, jiggle it to the left, then the right, then up, then down, hold tight pressure on the key, hold light pressure, pull on the door handle, release the door handle..............notta, nothing. I can feel that prickly feeling start to run up the back of my neck, my chest starts to feel warm, and my heart begins to pick up speed. I look around, no one is to be found.
Thank God for cell phones!! I quickly call my husband and ask him for the inside trick on how to get into the truck. His answer.................typical male............. "just keep trying the key, maybe it will open." Uh, thanks hon, I'm alone in this dark, scary parking lot, completely worn out, and now hungry since I've eaten nothing all day, and your best advise is to 'try the key'??? What else can he do, though..........really? That's all he can say. Now my mind is starting to turn faster with ideas.............women, you know what I mean! I begin playing all the scenerios in my head. What if someone sees me and grabs me, what if I have to have my husband drive all the way here to pick me up, that'll be at least 20 minutes. What if..... What if..... What if.....
Okay self, calm down!! I whisper a little prayer.........something like, "Jesus, please help me." And, while my husband holds on the line I keep trying the key. A warm breeze begins to blow.........and not outside, I'm talking about the one in my soul! I've been studying in Joshua, and the Lord brought something back into my mind. He began to say....what if....... you trust in ME! I remembered where God told Joshua, just after Moses had died, and he was to lead the people of Israel into the promised land. He said, "....I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Oh, I like those spiritual breezes! The panic that was beginning to rear its ugly head, had to take a step back! God also told Joshua, "Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest." Could it be? YES, my Heavenly Father is right there with me in that lonely dark parking lot!!!
Something seemed to say, 'go try that driver's door again'. It certainly wasn't my husband, he was silent on the phone, wanting to help, but he couldn't. I didn't question the advise, after all, my Heavenly Father was on the scene! I ran over to the driver's side, and inserted the key...nothing. It won't even try to turn. At least the other side wiggles some. I just kept trying and........pop! The door unlocked and I gladly told my husband that I was headed home!!!
Was it just good luck, was it just a chance, or a coincidence? No way! God was faithful to His Word, and He took care of me...........I give Him all the praise and the glory!!! If I let myself think about all that could have happened to me........it's scary! But God was with me the whole time protecting me.........and then opening the lock for me! I could feel a protective arm around my shoulders as I concentrated on opening the door. He said He'd be with us where ever we go.......and He is! My friends were gone, they couldn't help, no one else was available, my husband was limited by distance and could only give support over the phone. Isn't it so wonderful to know that no matter where you are, just call out His name and He will be there! Let me tell you, the ride home was a sweet one!
Next time you are alone in the dark...............just call out His name........somewhere in the shadows, you'll find Jesus!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Belief versus Believing
What's the difference you may ask? I asked myself the same question. To believe is to accept something as true or real. A belief is the acceptance by the mind that something is real, but it is underpinned by an emotional or spiritual sense of certainty. I guess you are saying, "Okay...?" right about now. Let's think about this.
I believe in alot of things, but never give that thing much thought. I believe men walked on the moon in the '60's, I believe that when I flip my light switch, the lights will come on. I accept a lot of things to be true or real. They may or may not have a thing to do with my life, but I believe them. How many folks do you know that you can ask them if they believe in Christ, and they will gladly answer you a definitive, "YES!" But, in no way do you see it change their lifestyle? Just because you believe in Jesus, it doesn't mean you have a relationship with Him! That is just 'head knowledge'. I believe that when I flip the light switch, my light will come on, but don't ask me anything about electricity.........I don't have any knowledge or relationship with electricity, I only have 'head knowledge'. I believe it will turn my light on, nothing more.
Now, my beliefs.........that's a different story. A belief is a seed that has been planted in your heart. It starts out as believing, but runs deeper. One day as a 7 yr. old girl, my believing in Christ changed into my belief in Him. He became my personal Saviour, and I then received 'heart knowledge' of him. Beliefs are 'heart knowledge'. Not only do I believe in Jesus, but I now have a belief in Him!
As you walk your christian walk, you will run into many who will tell you they believe in Jesus. In the meantime they live no different. But once Christ becomes their 'belief'.......you'll start seeing changes in them.........why...........because now, their heart has gotten involved! Like I said earlier, I believe in electricity, I see how it affects my surroundings. But that doesn't mean I know anything about electricity. A deacon at my church, he works for the electric company, he has a belief in electricity. He works with it day in and day out, he knows how it works.........he has a relationship with it!
I praise God for that day that my believing... head knowledge, became my belief... heart knowledge! Matthew 7:21-23 speaks of this. Jesus says, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Dear friend, it is not enough to just believe in Jesus, you MUST have a personal relationship with Him! Believe in Christ, believe that He sent His only Son to die on an old rugged cross, believe that that Son shed His blood gladly for you.............but then make it your Belief! Accept Him into your heart...............you will NEVER regret it!!
I believe in alot of things, but never give that thing much thought. I believe men walked on the moon in the '60's, I believe that when I flip my light switch, the lights will come on. I accept a lot of things to be true or real. They may or may not have a thing to do with my life, but I believe them. How many folks do you know that you can ask them if they believe in Christ, and they will gladly answer you a definitive, "YES!" But, in no way do you see it change their lifestyle? Just because you believe in Jesus, it doesn't mean you have a relationship with Him! That is just 'head knowledge'. I believe that when I flip the light switch, my light will come on, but don't ask me anything about electricity.........I don't have any knowledge or relationship with electricity, I only have 'head knowledge'. I believe it will turn my light on, nothing more.
Now, my beliefs.........that's a different story. A belief is a seed that has been planted in your heart. It starts out as believing, but runs deeper. One day as a 7 yr. old girl, my believing in Christ changed into my belief in Him. He became my personal Saviour, and I then received 'heart knowledge' of him. Beliefs are 'heart knowledge'. Not only do I believe in Jesus, but I now have a belief in Him!
As you walk your christian walk, you will run into many who will tell you they believe in Jesus. In the meantime they live no different. But once Christ becomes their 'belief'.......you'll start seeing changes in them.........why...........because now, their heart has gotten involved! Like I said earlier, I believe in electricity, I see how it affects my surroundings. But that doesn't mean I know anything about electricity. A deacon at my church, he works for the electric company, he has a belief in electricity. He works with it day in and day out, he knows how it works.........he has a relationship with it!
I praise God for that day that my believing... head knowledge, became my belief... heart knowledge! Matthew 7:21-23 speaks of this. Jesus says, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Dear friend, it is not enough to just believe in Jesus, you MUST have a personal relationship with Him! Believe in Christ, believe that He sent His only Son to die on an old rugged cross, believe that that Son shed His blood gladly for you.............but then make it your Belief! Accept Him into your heart...............you will NEVER regret it!!
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