Thursday, February 26, 2009

Treasures Unseen

"My home may not look like a castle. My clothes may be lacking in style. And if you come and sit at my table, a meager supply you might find. But, oh, it's not what you see, that makes me a king. To me, I've everything, all that I need.....treasures unseen.........treasures unseen."

That old song holds the secret, my friend! It is not what we have stacked up here on this side of Heaven that matters! What matters is what we have stored up in Heaven. Our human nature makes this simple thing, very hard. This world turns on what you have, what you look like. But ALL of this fades away. The unseen treasures in Heaven NEVER fade away!

You can't blame the world.............after all, the world is just being what it is.....the world! The heart of the world has a void, a hole that can never be filled. The only true 'wholeness' and peace is salvation through Jesus Christ. We can try to fill that void with everything this world has to offer, but it will never, ever satisfy. Now, as Christians, we must set our eyes on the true goal. We've got to realize that God will always supply our every need, so who cares if those clothes are designer or not, who cares if you've got the latest cell phone, the hottest car, the biggest house? Get out of that mindset, that's the world's mindset, anyway! Instead, praise your Heavenly Father that you have a good house, and thanks to God, He made it a home, you have a car that gets you where you need to go, food to eat, all your needs are provided. Let's face it, a lot of our wants are provided, also. We have NOTHING to complain about.

How's it gonna be at the judgement seat? Do you think God's going to say, "Okay, all christians that drove a mercedes, form a line here. All christians that have designer clothes, form a line here, and those with mansions, line up here." Uh, hate to break it to you.........but one word..... NO!!! All that will be NOTHING!!! But, those treasures unseen, those will be there. Do you have any laid up? My pastor gave a good illustration, it got me thinking about this song. He said that in school he was an average student. While the teachers urged him to work hard, to do his best; he did just enough to get by. He did just enough to pass to the next grade. But, at the end of the year..........there was always an awards ceremony. All the children that had worked hard, did there best, put in that little something extra...........something special awaited them. You see, on award's day, their names were called out, they got to walk the aisle and receive trophies, certificates, plaques and recognition. He said, as he sat there quietly in the bleachers, he wished he had done more, worked harder. Had he done what he was supposed to do? Why, yes. He did what was asked, and he got to advance to the next grade. But, there was no recognition, no 'prize' for him at the end of the year. Where a certificate could've been in his hands, he only held regret.

Don't just do enough to get by! Hallelujah for the day of your salvation..........praise His Holy Name! BUT...........don't just be the one 'sitting in the bleachers' on judgement day! Work now, do your best, lay up those Heavenly treasures now, while you have the opportunity! The great thing about God is, He not only will bless you on that day for it..........He'll bless you even now!

Romans 12:2 says, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Stop trying to conform to this world's thought processes! Resist being poured into the mold of this world's present thinking, value systems, and conduct. I Peter 1:14-16, "As obedient children, not fashioning (conforming) yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance. But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation (conduct). Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." Keep your mindset in check, keep it holy.............then you, too can sing "...Oh, it's not what you see that makes me a king, makes me a king...."

Graduate from this world's 'high school', and realize that it's not here that matters, all this is just temporary, its on the other side that remains forever! Don't let the devil defeat you.........keep on keeping on! One day, your name will be called out, you'll walk that aisle, and you'll get that reward! He is worthy! I can't wait to bow at His feet, and cry, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!"

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Ain't NO Place Like Home!!"

Okay, I can't contain my smile as I write this one. If you read my blog, you are aware of what we have gone through concerning my oldest daughter's love for pugs. Although she had to say goodbye to her first pug, Koda, after only six months, God has surely blessed her with her second pug, Bo. He is now 6 months old and is in perfect health. As you dog lovers know...........6 months is the age.............the age to neuter or spay. Well, Bo had his appointment last week. He is recovering and doing well, the stitches are to come out in 2 weeks. However, his journey was quite comical.

We got a winter break last week, a 4 day weekend. I thought this would be the perfect time for Bo's surgery, we would be able to be home with him more. So, last Thursday morning, we leave for school as usual. Bo is in our utility room with all of his toys and his 'doggie' bed.....and yes, his TV is on also! My Father in law came and picked him up around 8 to take him to the vet. Bo is so attached to Kaylea, this was NOT a fun experience for him. My Father in law said he whined the whole trip, only the sound of the radio comforted him some. We called later on and checked on Bo. He was doing great, the surgery went well. But, per protocol, he would have to spend the night at the vet's office. Well, you see, since we brought him home, he has slept with Kaylea, in her bed.........well, I think it is his bed, and he let's Kaylea sleep with him. Even though they reassured us that he was doing great.....I still had my doubts......he is too attached to Kaylea! Kaylea may not admit it, but she missed him, too! As parents of close siblings know, she had to really miss him, because she invited her little sister to sleep with her that night!

Now it's Friday morning, and I must admit that I am ancy to go pick that little fellow up myself! So Kaylea, my younger daughter, Riley, and I head off to the vet's office. We take care of the paper work, and pay the bill at the front desk, then the receptionist gets on the speaker and tells them in the back, "We are ready for Bo Breeden now." I could see my daughter's eyes begin to dance as she scooted closer to the door where he would come out of! And a few minutes later, a young lady in scrubs walks out of that door with the cutest little fawn pug in her arms! The ladies at the front desk commented on how handsome he was, and my daughter smiled with pride. Bo looked disoriented, and quite frightened to be honest. His goggle eyes were wide, and his ears were down.

Let me tell ya................. Kaylea held out her arms and said, 'Hey, Bo-Bo..", in that sweet 'mommy voice'.... and it was on!! Bo's ears perked straight up, his body began to move uncontrollably, and the sweetest whimper feeled the room! That cork screw tail was wagging so hard, I thought it would fall off! Everyone in the room couldn't help but see the reaction of my daughter and her baby pug Bo's, sweet reunion! He could not contain himself! If you know anything about pugs, then you know that they are quite a vocal little creature. Not that they bark alot, they don't, but they can make the sweetest and funniest sounds that you have ever's almost as if they are trying to talk.

The 20 minute ride home was hillarious! He was shaking as if he had been put in a freezer, he wiggled and whimpered, and licked all at the same time. Kaylea could barely hold him! This was the scene the whole way home! He didn't quieten down until he saw our driveway! We walked in the doors, and his shaking stopped, his melodious chant quietened, and he calmed down...........he was HOME!!!! It didn't take him long to get back to his routine, he smelled around a minute, then took to his water bowl, lapping it up with joy! He did NOT let Kaylea out of his sight! "Following her around like a puppy," had new meaning at our house! She had to be careful how she walked, or her heel would hit him in the chin!

Okay, I know you are wondering why on Earth am I sharing this story. Well, you know me, I see everything with a 'spiritual eye'. As I watched a teenage girl, and her puppy reunited, I couldn't help be see myself one day, I'll get home! One day, the Father is going to tell His son to go get His bride! One day I'm going to walk through those pearly gates, on those streets of gold.....take a deep breath..............ahh........HOME!!!!! Praise His name!! He gave his life so that I may have life eternal.............he loves me that much! He loves you that much! Right now, he is here with us, holding us in His arms that are ALWAYS open and extended toward us! He goes through it all with us, whether it be good or bad, His love never, ever changes or lessens! Just as Bo always know that Kaylea is there for him, and he is happiest by her side..........know that Jesus Christ is always there for you, and He is happiest when we are by His side!! Hang on, matter how bad your situation may get.............He's right there with you, even if you can't see Him, can't feel Him..........He's there! He said in His Word, Hebrews 13:5, that He would never leave you or forsake you........He can't lie, so hold on to that truth! One day, we will be at home, and free from the troubles of this old world!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Renewing

Why is it that the older you get, the faster time seems to go! Wow, it's already the middle of February! This morning as the girls and I were on our way to school, I noticed the pastures. We go by several farms on the way to school. It is beautiful!!! Anyway, I noticed the fields of one of the farms, the pasture was charred and black. They had burned their fields. My daughter asked me why they do that.........and as I explained it to her, I couldn't help but see it in a 'spiritual' context, also.

Nearing the end of winter, before the newness of spring begins to sprout, there is a need for cleansing. By burning their fields, this reduces the pests that have bedded down in the old grass. If these pests are allowed to stay, then they will feast off of the newly seeded fields, and destroy the new hay. Burning the fields also make the new hay more pure. By burning, this burns all the old straw and all the weeds. When new seed is planted, there are no weeds to choke out the newly growing grass. The result is purer hay.........which results in better quality straw. The animals get a better quality hay, and the farmer gets more money for the higher quality of hay.

Have you ever heard the old saying, 'Set your fields on fire.' Well, after looking at that pasture, that is exactly what I want Christ to do in my heart! I want to stay in His Word, and keep working for Christ, keep striving to stay as close to Him as possible. I want Him to 'set my fields on fire', so that I may be cleaner, purer for Him. By staying in His Word, the Bible will make those pests have to flee! It may be the pest of jealousy, or of bitterness.......whatever the 'pest' may be, it will have to go when the fire....the Word of applied to my soul! As a result, I will have a purer, cleaner heart. Christ will have more room in my heart to have His love grow by getting rid of the pests and the weeds in my life!

Sure, the field looks pretty rough right now. You look out and all you see is blackness covering the a matter of fact, my daughter 'snarled' her nose at the sight of it. But just hold a few weeks, when the days start getting longer and warmer, and the sun is shining bright, we are going to drive by that field and we won't recognize it! The grass will be beautiful and green and full, unlike you've ever seen before! That's the way it is in our spiritual life as well. Our heart can look pretty rough for a time, while God's Word is doing it's's burning! But stay on fire for God, stay in His Word..........because pretty soon, when the smoke clears............. your heart will be fresh and clean, ready and worthy of Christ!

I praise God for the 'fires' in my life. They help me get closer to my Father. By getting closer to Him, He is able to use me, and bless me more and more! So go on now.........get in God's Word today..............He'll set your fields on fire!!!!