Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Weathered Christian

Are you a weathered christian? It takes some time, and some life experiences to get there. I've seen people who have been saved 30 yrs. who are not weathered christians. I have seen christians who have only been saved a year or two, already becoming weathered. What is a weathered christian? They are christians who have gone through storms in their lives, and have learned not to trust in themselves, but to rely on God to see them through. What a victory you will have when you learn to rely on Him through your storm, and not try to fix it yourself! A weathered christian can lift up Holy hands and offer praise even in the worst of storms. How? Because they've seen enough to know that God is still worthy of praise no matter the situation, and that He will see them through!

So many times, I try and try to do everything I know to do to help my situation, and by hitting brick wall after brick wall, and finally collapsing in failure did I turn it over to Him. Or, I've taken my burden to the altar, but only to leave dragging that same burden back with me. How about, being able to praise God when everything's going right....easy, huh? A weathered christian can praise God when everything is going wrong!

Have you ever met someone who is going through a terrible storm in their life and you walk away being cheered up by them when you were the one trying to cheer them up? Weathered christians aren't perfect. Neither do they have less storms! They have finally realized that God IS GOD, no matter what, no matter where........and to give Him praise, no matter the situation!

I thank God for being at the place in my christian walk that I can say, no matter the circumstance, I will praise His Holy Name! He has done so much for me, and I am so undeserving, I could never praise Him enough for what he's already done for me! I'm still going to have valleys, I'm still going to be faced with troubles and trials... but I've weathered enough of them to know that my Saviour will be with me through it all. No matter what situation befalls me, I want to lift my hands in praise to him!

Like the Casting Crowns song says, I will praise You in this storm! "I'll praise You in this storm, and I will lift my hands. For You are who You are, no matter where I am. Every tear I've cried, You hold in Your hands. You never left my side, and though my heart be torn, I will praise You in this storm." What a victory you will gain when you become a weathered christian!

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