Friday, January 23, 2009

"Girls Go to Get More Knowledge...."

Bear with me for a moment, but have you ever heard this little cheer being sung by your children? Probably not if you have boys, but I have girls, and so do most of my friends, so I have heard it sung many times! It is a long cheer that is sweetly sung by little girls. One part of that song says...."Boys go to Jupitor to get more stupidor, girls go to college to get more knowledge..." I know, its a silly little song........and it is meant to be silly. My point here is this, knowledge is something we all try to attain! Men and women spend their lifetimes seeking it.

My Bible study has taken me back through the Book of Job. I have enjoyed reading it again, and I've gotten a lot from it. Isn't that one of the many blessings from God's Word? No matter how many times you read it, or even memorize it, there is still something you can learn, something you've never really noticed before!

Job is one of the oldest books of the Bible. And as we all know, Job was blameless and upright. The end of chapter 1, verse 1, caught my attention, "...and one that feared God, and shunned evil." That really clicked with me, and has seemed to be my theme throughout this study. What does it mean to fear? We all think of the usual definition, don't we? Feeling of anxiety; an unpleasant feeling of anxiety or apprehension caused by the presence of anticipation of danger. Frightening thought, or other entity that causes feeling of fear. Okay, I agree, that is fear. The Bible clearly states in Proverbs 1:7, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge..." But, let's look at the final definition of fear: reverence, respect, or awe for somebody or something. Giving God your devotion, your reverence and respect.........that's how you begin to gain knowledge!

Ecclesiastes, chapter 12 :13 says , "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." Sounds like it's pretty important, doesn't it? While studying in Job, I came across Chapter 28. Job paints here a beautiful picture of wisdom. In verses 1-11, he talks about how hard men work to get ores and precious metals from the earth. In verse 12 he asks, "But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?" He tells in verses 13-19 that wisdom cannot be purchased by earthly wealth. How many do we know that spend so much money on earthly knowledge?

Job continues in verses 20-27 asking where wisdom comes from, and again how God sees everything, made everything, and understands everything. In verse 28 Job lets us in on the only controlling factor we have in the quest for knowledge........the fear of the Lord. "And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding."

Now I'm not saying not to go to college or not to learn and educate yourself. What I am saying is, first, you must learn that God IS God, he can do all things and does not need us, so fear Him, stand in awe of Him, devote your life to Him! You must do this everyday. This flesh gets to thinking it's pretty smart sometimes, so daily die out to your flesh! Daily getting in His Word, and daily prayer will keep things in perspective, and only then do we begin to have knowledge!

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