Tuesday, November 11, 2008

'Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!'

Okay, I'm showing my age here! But in the '80's there were these great toys that I loved to play with, Weebles! Little egg shaped people and animals that would 'wobble' from side to side but you could never knock them down! What a simple idea, but it worked! They provided many kids with hours of fun!

Applying that to my spiritual life, I am a weeble. As long as I am on this side of heaven, there will always be a warfare going on inside me...the Adamic nature against my soul. My soul is forever saved, but this old flesh certainly is not! I will stumble, I will fall, but His grace is sufficient for ALL my needs, all my shortcomings! I don't wake up each morning feeling like a failure, and I don't look to see what trouble I can get into, don't get me wrong. But, I do wake up knowing that each day is a new day to serve Him, to do my very best for Him. The best I do, still falls short, but that's where His grace meets me, and through Him alone, my day can be successful!

The Bible clearly states that a rightous man is going to fall daily....but it doesn't stop there, it also says that he will rise again! You see, I'm a Weeble! My anchor, my base, my foundation is in Christ! The base of a Weeble is weighted and heavy, it is the biggest part of the toy, the further up the toy, the smaller and lighter it is, so therefore, anything that knocks it around, that heavy big base, will pop it right back up!

If we let God be our foundation, He is bigger, He is heavier, than anything that comes our way! So let the storms arise, the dark clouds come, the heavy wind blow, they won't bother me, weebles wobble but they don't fall down!!!!

1 comment:

Lora Weaks said...

What a great analogy! I loved those too, I had a gas station for mine with little cars and I also had a pirate ship....toooo cool! lol! It is so true that in Christ we may fall but we will get back up! I also love it that in Psalm it says he is the lifter of my head....he won't allow me to stay discouraged...he'll lift me up if I just depend on Him! Thank you Jesus! Once again your insight has blessed my heart! xoxoxox