Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Importance of a Mother's Faith

Today is my oldest daughter's birthday. Kaylea is 14! Wow! Where does the time go? My children's birthdays are more special to me than my own. That's the way it should be, that's the way God has programmed moms. In my morning Bible study, I had the privilege to read in II Kings chapter 4, 2 stories of wonderful moms and their faith. The first is the widow who had no hope, her husband was dead and the creditor was coming to take her sons into slavery. She sought help from the man of God, Elisha, and her cries were answered! Her sons were saved from slavery and her debt was paid, with some left over! She wasn't too proud to cry out to the man of God for help! God doesn't expect us to handle our troubles alone! Run to Him.......He's waiting with open arms for us!

Then there is the story of that Shunammite woman. This was no ordinary woman. She was wealthy and had a significant social standing. She could have anything money or social prestige had to offer! But,she had a heart for the man of God, and because of this, she was blessed with a son. The son followed dad out to the fields and became sick. As most dads do, he sent the child straight to the mother! She cradled him there in her arms until he died. She didn't get hysterical, she didn't scream or wail! What faith this woman had! If we could just grasp her faith! She knew that is was impossible to have this child to begin with, she had no children and her husband was old. Because of her faithfulness to Elisha, she conceived this child. She could've been bitter, sad, and angry to say the least. Look at her faith! She took him up and 'laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door upon him, and went out." She didn't pick up the phone and tell all her friends about the tragedy, she didn't collapse from the weight of her emotions. She knew God had given her this child and that God would take care of him. In verse 23 she told her husband,'...it shall be well.' And then in verse 26, when she had gotten to Elisha, she was able to answer '....It is well.' Notice the change in the verbs. As she was going to Elisha she said it SHALL be well.....and when she got to Elisha she said it IS well. If our faith is solid, no matter the problem, whatever the circumstance, on the way to the Saviour you can say it shall be well, and at His feet you can say it is well!

Is it well with you? Do you have that mother's faith? I would love to say that I did, but there have been times that my faith has been weak. We've got to stay humble in our christian walk, listen to God, and be humble enough to do what he tells us. What if that widow thought it too crazy to try to fill all those vessels with the little oil she had? What if that Shunnamite woman had just given up when her son died in her lap? Hang on children of God.......NOTHING is too great or too small for God to handle! It's not God that makes our problems seem impossible.......it is our lack of faith! Whatever the outcome to your situation is.....it will be done in God's will, have faith in Him and you will be able to say 'IT IS WELL!'

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