Monday, April 28, 2008

A Constant

We've been studying faithfulness in our Sunday School Class. We've been asked the questions, 'Are we excited about God's faithfulness?' and 'Is it worth it to be faithful?' This past Sunday we talked about God's faithfulness being a constant. The dictionary definition for constant is not changing or varying. Isn't that our God? In talking about faithfulness, we often talk about our end of the deal. We talk about how we are not always faithful, how we falter. That is so true. We are human, we are going to fall. He knows this, and loves us anyway!

But let's look at His faithfulness. It is unwavering! It is a constant. Nature is a good example of His faithfulness. We cannot count on many things in this life as being a constant. Our health is not a constant, our love is not a constant, our feelings are always changing, aren't they? Our surroundings are not a constant. We often move, and even if we don't, things around us are always in a state of change. But, plant a corn seed in the garden....what will you get? You'll get a corn stalk! You can be guaranteed that your apple tree will bear apples! You won't look in the tree one day and find a banana growing! And not to disappoint any child, but, as long as cows are milked........they will never produce chocolate milk, will they? NO! Nature has it's constants! God's faithfulness to His children is a constant for us! No matter how dark, how dim the way may appear, we always KNOW that God is faithful! We may 'feel' that He is no where to be found....but that is only a feeling, it is NOT a constant! When we are eating an apple, we don't have to see the tree to know it came from an apple tree and not a peach or a pear tree, right? So when our emotions tell us that God is not with us, hold on to your 'head' knowledge...He 'will never leave you nor forsake you!' Let the scriptures remind you of the truth. He is our constant, hallelujah!!!! David wrote in Psalm 37:25 "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." What a blessing to know that God will be with us from the beginning and forever! What a constant!

I've had a lot of disappointments in my life.... we all have. People, things, situations that we thought would always be there have not been. One constant in your life, if you are a christian, is Jesus Christ. Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever." He does not change or vary! I can't depend on some things in my life, but I can ALWAYS depend on Christ, my constant forever!

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