Wednesday, September 25, 2013


While talking with a sweet friend the other night, a thought came to me.  We were discussing storms of life.  They can be pretty rough.  They can wear you down.  You can't see your way out, you feel alone, scared, angry, and often want to just give up.  God never forsakes, and His mercy never fails!

As I was discussing this particular storm with her, I also told her of some other not so wonderful events that were also happening at the same time.  Her reply was, 'Wow, you seem to be having a tornado going on in the middle of your storm!'  But, there is grace.  I could stop my story with that sentence there, couldn't I??  Even though I am weary and worn, I don't know what I am going to have to do or deal with to get out of this storm, I see no end in sight, and then more things are going on too, there is a peace, there is a stillness present within my soul.  It is nothing about me, let's clear that up right now!  It is all Him!!  I am a failure, a cry baby and whiner at times, a temper tantrum toddler....a mess.  But THROUGH HIM, I am still standing, while the storm pours down!

I could look at everything going on and give up, and by all one could blame me.  What does that prove?  I've been a Christian long enough, God has proven Himself enough times, that I know that when I can't trace His steps, I must trust His heart, as the song says.  By staying focused on Him and the daily blessings He bestows....I'm going to make it through......and not only that......I will be stronger in my faith....and He will make all things be for my good!!  None of that happens if I sit down and give up!!

When the storm is at it's darkest, I force this ole flesh to look at the positives and keep keeping on!  Those positives are what I call 'umbrellas'.  During a rain storm, an umbrella will certainly help you stay mostly dry, but not totally, right?  Your feet and legs get wet, usually your lower back gets wet, or a shoulder, depending on the size of the umbrella, or the way you are holding it, or the way the wind is blowing.  The only way to stay totally dry is not to be out in the rain.  But, the umbrella will help enough until you can safely get to where you can be safely inside again.  See where I'm going with this???

Instead of griping about the rain, griping about having to be out in the rain, griping about the wind blowing it in on you, griping that the umbrella isn't big enough, blah, blah, blah.......
Thank God you have the umbrella, how much worse would the storm be without it?  Count your blessings!!  I'm not looking at these other things that are also hitting me at the same time as the storm as negatives, I'm thanking God for tossing me an umbrella and helping it not to be worse!! 

I'm reminded of a sweet scripture over in Exodus, when Moses was with God getting the ten commandments, and Moses was in His presence, and too close being just a human and in chapter 33:22 He says, "And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by." Friend, He will cover you with His hand! He will do whatever it takes to protect His children!!

I'm no spiritual giant, I am nothing but an old sinner saved by grace, but if I can just help someone who is struggling in a storm, tell them to grab that umbrella and walk on, it is so worth it!!  The mountain top awaits!! Don't give up on the brink of a miracle!!!  He is our strength!!  Thank You, Lord for keeping me safe, til the storm passes by!!  I praise you during this storm, and I will praise you after it!!

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