Monday, December 29, 2008

Putting Things Into Perspective

Everyone, everything was focused on Friday, December 19th! You could feel the anticipation, the giddiness, in the air! You see that was the 'big' day.........the day we got out for Christmas break at school! YEAH! Not only that.......but it was a 'half day'.......not only was it our last day for a while......but we got to go home at 11:00 am!! The students were excited, and the staff was, too! It was such a happy time! Gifts were being exchanged, everyone was wishing everyone a "Merry Christmas!" Classroom parties were going on! Fun times!

Then it the blink of an eye.........the parties stopped, heartache feeled the air, tears were there where laughter and smiles just were. One of our students and his mother found out that their beloved father and husband had just been killed..........murdered at work. The hurt and sorrow was unbearable. Just moments ago the atmosphere was light and happy, and in the blink of an eye it was somber and sad.

We are a small school and a small community, so news like this hits us all hard. Everyone knows everyone. The good thing is that we all pull together in support and love for each other. That 11:oo we were waiting so intently on........didn't mean a thing anymore. The wishing of a lighthearted "Merry Christmas" changed focus for us. We wished it now to each other with an entirely different meaning, it was followed by hugs and tears, and thankfulness. We were thanking each other for their friendships and telling each other what we mean to each other. Many women were calling their husbands, just to hear his voice.......I know I did! We were aching to get home and have our family all together, safe, and in our arms. Christmas was put back into perspective at that very moment.

While we don't understand why things like this happen...........they still happen. This world is sick in sin and it shows it through tragedies such as this. As I drove home in silence and grief for that family, God's peace kept washing over me in song. How wonderful to KNOW Jesus Christ as my personal Savior! He IS the reason for the season! I just don't know how anyone can go through one day without Him! Here is the old hymn that God kept washing through my mind, heart, and soul to give me comfort:

"Sometimes I'm discouraged, My load's hard to bear. I feel myself stumble, 'neath my load of care. And I ask Him this question, 'Oh my Lord how long?' Then I hear a voice whisper, whisper, whisper 'Soon you'll be coming home.'

Oh, I need carry me through.....along life's journey.......yes, you need Him, too...
And when you're in trouble........don't know what to do.....just call on Jesus, Jesus, Jesus....
He'll carry you through.....

When storm clouds are raging, and wild billows roll. When sad winds of sorrow sweep over my soul. Then I search for a refuge, a safe hiding place, and I know that He keeps me, keeps me, keeps me in His wonderful grace.

Oft' times I'm forsaken, can't find me a friend. So sad and so lonely, so troubled within. Then I go to my Jesus, on Him I depend. And the Lord gives me courage, courage, courage, all my battles to win."

Friend, if you don't know Him, I pray that you will end 2008, or begin 2009, asking Him to come into your heart. If you have ever, ever felt like one of those verses of the song above..........just trust in Jesus, He WILL carry you through! I need Jesus, every hour, every minute, every second of the day! We may never know what may come our way and change our world forever....what a peace, what a sweet consolation to know that NO matter what.......He will carry me through it!

1 comment:

Lora Weaks said...

Amen!!! We are so easily distracted by the things of this world....may we all keep our eyes on things eternal in the year ahead more than we ever have before!