Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's Not About Who We Are!

Romans 11:6 says, "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work." Let that soak in for a moment. I know it can be a tongue twister, but the meaning is so important! My amplified version reads this way, "But, if it is by grace (His unmerited favor and graciousness), it is no longer conditioned on works or anything men have done. Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace (it would be meaningless)." Don't forget over in Ephesians 2:8,9 it says, "For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH; and that NOT OF YOURSELVES: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." If this old selfish world could ever grasp hold of that concept, that truth, that reality......what a different place this would be!

Some put all they have into their career, their calling. Now, there's nothing wrong with that.......unless it is what defines you. Are you a dentist, and that's all people see? What about a doctor, lawyer, teacher, nurse, banker, trucker, plumber......or even a preacher? When people allow what the DO to define them, then that is all they are. They are the ones constantly working, never taking a day off. Because, if they do........then they are undefined, it is when they are working that they feel good about themselves.

Some put all they have into what they have.....materials. It's all about that nice house, car, boat, designer clothing and jewelry. The more you have, the bigger the name brand, the better of a person they are. We've all seen these folks, haven't we? They are constantly buying, and bragging on their 'things', because that is what defines them.

How sad!! What a simple message Jesus gives us! Salvation has absolutely NOTHING to do with who we are, or what we have!!! It's what we are.............we are ALL sinners!! Romans 3:23, "For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" He didn't suffer that awful death on the cross because we have a great career, or because we drive that mercedes and wear the finest of fashion! He also didn't suffer so because we are poor, jobless, and can't afford but rags and drive a clunker, either! Don't let the devil take you down that road of 'poor pitiful me'! It's NOTHING to do with what we's what we ARE.....S-I-N-N-E-R-S!!!!

How wonderful it is to know that no matter what career I have, what I can afford, all that doesn't matter at all, none of that even is put into the equation! It's all about Him, and what He did! He loved us so much that He was willing to lay down his life so that we may have life eternal! It is His grace, His unmerited favor to us, that we are allowed to become a child of the king!!! Take that burden off of your back and relax, bask in His love and mercy and grace! All we do, all we have on this earth, stays exactly! It is the eternal home that we need to think upon...........and He gave you that eternal home as a work on our part is involved! How wonderful!!!!!!!!

Dear Lord, I am so unworthy of your gift, but I am so thankful that at 7 yrs. old, you presented your gift of eternal life to me, and with my child-like faith, I accepted your gift. It is NOTHING about me, nothing in me that you saw! It is your love and mercy, Jesus' precious blood that covered such a wretch as me that I can now say I am a child of the king!!!! Whether I am a nurse, or a waitress, whether I wear Tommy Hilfiger, or K-mart's love me the same! Lord, let this old world have all of its glitter and glory, I'll stick with you! Their braggings are all temporary, for this old world's things will fade away........but your glory is forever! May those I encounter not see me, dear Father, not see my profession, my 'things'..........but see You, through me. Thank you that grace is NOT meaningless, it is not conditioned on our works or anything we do or have...........but it was all taken care of that day on the cross. It is by your unselfish deed, your blood that I am what I am today........nothing in me! Thank You dear Jesus for your mercy and grace!!

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