Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Playing With The Box

How many times have we been so excited to give our children a present, only to watch them open it up, and begin playing with the box it came in??  We just shake our heads and say, 'Really???' I recently became a grandmother, and let me say it is the best role I have ever experienced!!!!  I love to watch her play. She has a whole basket of toys, and what does she mostly play with???  A wooden spoon and a plastic measuring cup!!!  But, that's what babies do.........eventually, we are to grow up and appreciate the gift instead of the box.

Ephesians 2:8 says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."  How many Christians are out there just playing with the box, instead of enjoying the gift of salvation???  Think about it, they get saved, they accept the most awesome gift ever known, and then do nothing with it.  We are all guilty of this from time to time.  How much time are you spending in prayer, in the Word, in God's House, witnessing to the lost, helping a brother??? 

What a waste!!  God gave us all He had!!  And in turn all we do is sit the gift aside and play with the box!  The box is cool, it has beautiful wrapping paper, probably an awesome bow....but my friend, don't stop there!!!  The best part is inside the box!!  That's like only eating the crust off of a pie, and never tasting the filling!!

Let's get down to where the rubber hits the do read your Bible, you do go to Bible studies, perhaps you have taught Bible studies, or a class, perhaps you do sing in the choir, can quote scripture, have led someone to the Lord.......oh, yes, that is enjoying the gift.  But there is more!!  Have you ever opened a gift and loved it, only to hear the giver say, "Keep looking, there is more!!"
Isn't that music to your ears??

There is more!  The more you look, the more you dig, the more you will find in your gift of salvation!  At first, it is the enjoyment of the box.....the fact that you are saved and no longer going to Hell, but then you start really using in the gift, and that is your walk in your Christian life, but keep digging!!  Are you being all you can be? Are you fully utilizing your gift?......How about that loved one you have walked away from just because they may not see things the way you do?  What about that friend you once were close to but seem to have walked away from?  What about that church member you never talk to?? Maybe you used to sing, or teach a class, but you find yourself just warming the pew now.  We think we can justify our actions....but can we really? Is God really pleased with our actions?  Or is He just standing back and shaking His head, saying, 'Really??'  It's easier to talk the talk than to walk the walk.  You may be able to quote scripture, you may be able to sound all Holy on Facebook........but really take a look at may just be robbing yourself.......are you just  holding the box???  Don't fool yourself, don't let the enemy fool you, after a while, people are going to notice that you are only playing with the box.

Whatever it is, there is always more to this great gift.........keep digging!!  Don't settle for just playing with the box!!  God loves you, He loves EVERYONE, He created us all in His likeness.  He wants His children to have it all! Step outside of your 'box' and LIVE your gift, when you truly enjoy your gift, others will take notice, and your Christian walk is a real testimony to how great our God is!!